Dropping to 0 tonight

I love my Lake Michigan. But delays my spring. Stingily extends my season and makes me pay for it. Yours are shallow and heat you early.adly freeze earlier and cut you off. Yes, I live here.
When do you get first sign of flowering Aug 1-7th they usually start, got strain that starts first week of july, some auto innit. 2 came up this year.
So different environments, and geologically not that far.
So true. Soil and water changes in less than 50 miles. 100K? Dumb American. Learn it. It is relative. At least keeps you thinking.

And use the East boat launch if ever at the damn. Still second run and I can easily send you out with limit. Was just checking for fellow "GRAND RIVER RATS". ty.
Was newspaper meant to be taken seriously?
Yes l did take seriously, put on at 2 am adjusted at 4 at 5 was 0c and removed soaked newspapers b4 sunrise, uncovered ones were droopy all morning cover ones sprang back at sunrise, so ld say it was a good call, bedsheets would work too. Dont like plastic. Just in case l cant get to b4 sunrise.