Droopy seedlings. Light stress or overwatering?

Nice toy, I am stuck with 2 400W ballasts at the moment, at least they were free.
Some guy sent them all the way across the country to me (they came in the actual mother fucking street lights, eek) Hope they weren't stolen off some pole.
Not really intending to bloom indoors until my next cycle. Also keeping an eye on what the actual new laws will contain. If the laws look OK, I will sell my project beetle and convert a 12x12 bedroom into a Stinkbud style op, it already has A/C. Might just go a with a bucket style NTF version of it for extra vertical space.
That's what I'm doing in a spare bedroom. Only one 4x4x7 tent for now but once I get the hang of this I'll set it up perpetually with 2 flower tents and one veg.