Drooping leave in hydro setup


New Member
Hey guys this is my first indoor grow and i know drooping in soil is due to over or under watering the plant. However with the hydro i don't think this is meant to happen. I have an air pump constantly providing air to the roots. I also changed the water to give it only distilled water to fix it however that hasn't proven effective. Attached are the pictures of the room and the plant, these seeds were just found in some bush bud and i decided to grow them. I thought i'd also add that im using this light from seed to harvest, is that a bad idea?




Well-Known Member
You need cal/mag in your water. The "overwatered" look in hydro set ups is lack of oxygen in the roots. Since you believe you have good air pumps I would suspect root rot.


Well-Known Member
You have Calcium def, the droping leaves could be too much water without oxigen in your roots. Make sure you have plenty oxigen pumped over there


New Member
water temp is about 22 degree Cel/ and ph is 7 neutral . I've added Calcium and will update you guys in a couple of days with the progress


Well-Known Member
Thanks ^ I'll head out and grab some, i attached a picture of the roots for that plant.
Those roots are pretty nasty. They should be white and stringy, not clumped together and brown. Your gonna need to drop your pH to 5.7-6.2 and keep res temps around 20-23*C (68-74*F). You can add 6-8ml of H2o2 per gallon of water to keep your res clean. Dont put anything organic in your res either. Stick with synthetic nutrients until you fully understand hydroponics and its requirements. The roots being in the condition they are in, likely arent taking up any nutrients which is making the plant look the way it does.


Well-Known Member
With the ph at 7 they definitely aren't taking anything nutrient wise. Nutrients aren't your problem though. Run straight ro water an hydrogen peroxide for a week and let them get clean. Do not slack on water changes as your water temps are higher then I would like mine. I've noticed anything above 70f is asking for problems and the problems come fast at those temps. I run mine at 65-68f minimal problems but still complete water changes every 7-10 days. Root rot will show as all kinds of deficiencies eventually until the plant pukes and dies. Do you have spider mites some of the lower leaves look like they may be taking pest damage.


New Member
Ok so I completely underestimated hydro. I've read through a few forums and figured out what I need for my next grow. I decided to put it in soil because I'll have to wait a week for the stuff to arrive. No mites or bugs the damage would be from my own mishandling *.* I'm a tad rough on my plants .


Well-Known Member
some people use "pool shock" and seem to be able to run higher temps with no rot, some people use bennies

I have found "water butt fresh" and other natural water butt treatments seem to stop rot issues in coco and keep my 200L water butt fresh even when its like 30c in the room the butt is in, ok its got a big airpump and like 6 stones in it too but still

I use trichoderma too


Well-Known Member
If it were me I would stick with the hydro. If
You got an air pump a bucket and decent water you can grow, just a little more work then a more elaborate setup. I use to run a barebones dwc setup and did rather well without all the cool chillers, ro systems, top of the line nutrients and so on. Keep it simple and don't neglect anything. You'll be rewarded. Right now you are facing issues that everyone who has ever grown hydroponics in dwc has faced.


New Member
guys she's fallen over and mostly dried out, she looks unrecoverable to someone like me, i don't have Hydrogen peroxide on me and to wait another couple days the plant would be long gone. I will definitely be trying again once everything gets to me and most likely document the whole grow, you guys are amazing help! thanks for now XD


Well-Known Member
guys she's fallen over and mostly dried out, she looks unrecoverable to someone like me, i don't have Hydrogen peroxide on me and to wait another couple days the plant would be long gone. I will definitely be trying again once everything gets to me and most likely document the whole grow, you guys are amazing help! thanks for now XD

Sorry it didnt work out for ya. With a better understanding of hydro, you should have much better luck next time. Dont let this experience thwart you from giving hydro another shot.