Drive-by meth injection

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Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Well for ONE .... I am glad that we have transplanted this whole idea per theme ...
into a separate thread successfully.
I am also glad that we have decided to replace meth with something
less lethal. And sharp needles turned into .... water guns !

OP ... I trust no mail from YOU !



Well-Known Member
Lol I am surpirised the thread went well, I thought it was all gonna be insults since it is halfway a terrible idea. it took a little work lol but yeah puffer I just sent you uhmm.. A big fat easter egg full of uhm.. Lsd. EAT IT!


New Member
My only question is how the fuck you gonna stab someone with a needle and inject him with meth without him reacting to the needle


Well-Known Member
all you'd do is give em nasty abcess. no vein, no gain. you gonna ask em to hold off their arm while you poke around to find a vein? I want footage...


Well-Known Member
So, this idea was explained in another thread lol but here it is

So you drive into a drive thru and while the cashier is giving you the food/change just grab his arm and proceed to inject him with meth and drive away. Maybe he'd be panicking to hard to remember the car that did it? lol

Only if I know I'm going to die though, god damn wonder what the penalty for that would be? lol

riu does not promote this type of activity.

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