Dreams and Aspirations.

I want to save life...
The OG cut?
Make it home before shitting myself and having outrageous cramps after eating Taco Bell.

Where I grew up was about 22 mile drive to town. My dad had all kinds of places to pull over and take care of business.

One time He was taking some friends and I to "Land Between The Lakes" and he had to take a dump. He pulls over at this old barn, we are in bfe. Dads back there taking a crap and this guys pulls up and ask if we are ok. I couldn't help I told him no. He asked if there was and adult. I said yes and told him dad was on the other side of the barn. He walks back there and my dad yells "What the hells wrong with you I'm back here crapping?" The guy left, we laughed, then dad whopped my ass for it. Good times.
Where I grew up was about 22 mile drive to town. My dad had all kinds of places to pull over and take care of business.

One time He was taking some friends and I to "Land Between The Lakes" and he had to take a dump. He pulls over at this old barn, we are in bfe. Dads back there taking a crap and this guys pulls up and ask if we are ok. I couldn't help I told him no. He asked if there was and adult. I said yes and told him dad was on the other side of the barn. He walks back there and my dad yells "What the hells wrong with you I'm back here crapping?" The guy left, we laughed, then dad whopped my ass for it. Good times.
I want to make sure no one ever suffers again from the pain and heartbreak of being treated differently because of a plant....

This plant is a miracle and it needs to be rescheduled! More people die from alcohol in a day then people die from weed! Oh wait that's right no one has ever died from weed but yet we're the low lifes. Go ahead lock us up, your country will go to shit....
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