Dr Who is right! ... Rx Green Technologies Report

They didn’t even define what flushing means from what I can see and why not real leaf pictures instead of cartoons. And why not the whole plants.

I didn’t see any specifics on if organic or Hydo what nutes are used or anything.

is there a full version or is that all?
Xtcho....You're welcome for the education & the Science.
Peace Brother

I can learn more Real science with this than anything you've posted.

Saw this Doctor Who episode where the other time lords locked him in a prison and the only way out was covered by something like a 10 foot deep wall of diamond...so he starts punching it. Eventually he breaks out, who knows how many hundred of thousands of years it took him. Dr. Who would give up on trying to convince the flush people.
Omg here
You guys
Ive been doing this a while now and there ABSOLUTELY is a difference in taste and burn when you flush.
I’ve also taken a quarter pound of dried flower that wasnt flushed and tasted bitter and soaked it. Guess what? After 5 hours the ppm of the water (approx 4gal) went to over 1000. I then drained the water and soaked again. 500 ppm.
Perhaps this is from over-fertilization.
Either way though, it’s difficult to avoid that 60+ years of cannabis horticulture is wrong based on ONE study on a single strain in a single medium with one (their proprietary) nutrient line.
Y’all need to stop acting so smug, lol. It’s actually kind of hilarious. Yeah Jorge Cervantes is wrong. Ed Rosenthal is wrong. But you, yeah you, you’re right.

Its actually shocking this whole discussion on flushing.
It’s a thing you dum dums. Soak your un-flushed nuggets in water and tell me what your ppm meter says.