Dr Who is right! ... Rx Green Technologies Report

JJ....Don't you know telling the Truth & reading the Science for yourself these days, is a Conspiracy in of itself....LOL!
All I'm speaking of is Corruption & Pseudo-Science anyways, which is ubiquitous in our Modern Day Society and the past.
Everyone should realize this here on this forum since we're talking about Cannabis, which CURES Cancers (even Stage IV's) & CURES Seizures in CHILDREN & Adults....yet, the Corrupt Pseudo-Scientific DEA, CDC, FDA, HHS, Western Medicine, DOJ, Cancer Non-profits etc. have it listed as a Schedule 1 Drug = "No Medicinal Benefit".....Whoops! Right? What a blunder or incompetence upon their part eh? No...this is intentional Suffering & DEATH of the innocent & the sad reality is, things are the way they are in this world, because a very VERY Small Minority wish it to be so.
Cannabis has been documented as a Medical Benefit within Chinese Medicine for over 1,800 YEARS and within Indian Ayurvedic Medicine for over 2,500 YEARS!
Don't make excuses for these nefarious, remorseless, lying psychopaths JJ, it only makes you look as guilty & dishonorable as they.
Do a bit of research before you speak nonsense...hey....why don't you start with the Governments False Narrative of 9/11....i.e. 1+1 =3 fable e.g.
2 Airplanes destroyed 3 Skyscrapers at FREE-FALL-SPEED!!!! Addition & Subtraction don't even follow this line of BS, let alone the Scientific Method or Thermal Dynamics...LOL! That was the Correlating Factor of that Tragic Day...period.....anyone that tells you different is blowing-smoke.

Think for yourself JJ & stop following the mindless indoctrinated chattel, is all I can suggest. Things are not as they seem or as we have been taught to believe. I'm not a flat-earther for the record, I own my own telescope to know better...LOL! Nothing I've stated is incorrect nor can anyone prove otherwise...minor details, right JJ? :) Glad you learned something new, happy to help.
Peace All

Go away.
JJ....Don't you know telling the Truth & reading the Science for yourself these days, is a Conspiracy in of itself....LOL!
All I'm speaking of is Corruption & Pseudo-Science anyways, which is ubiquitous in our Modern Day Society and the past.
Everyone should realize this here on this forum since we're talking about Cannabis, which CURES Cancers (even Stage IV's) & CURES Seizures in CHILDREN & Adults....yet, the Corrupt Pseudo-Scientific DEA, CDC, FDA, HHS, Western Medicine, DOJ, Cancer Non-profits etc. have it listed as a Schedule 1 Drug = "No Medicinal Benefit".....Whoops! Right? What a blunder or incompetence upon their part eh? No...this is intentional Suffering & DEATH of the innocent & the sad reality is, things are the way they are in this world, because a very VERY Small Minority wish it to be so.
Cannabis has been documented as a Medical Benefit within Chinese Medicine for over 1,800 YEARS and within Indian Ayurvedic Medicine for over 2,500 YEARS!
Don't make excuses for these nefarious, remorseless, lying psychopaths JJ, it only makes you look as guilty & dishonorable as they.
Do a bit of research before you speak nonsense...hey....why don't you start with the Governments False Narrative of 9/11....i.e. 1+1 =3 fable e.g.
2 Airplanes destroyed 3 Skyscrapers at FREE-FALL-SPEED!!!! Addition & Subtraction don't even follow this line of BS, let alone the Scientific Method or Thermal Dynamics...LOL! That was the Correlating Factor of that Tragic Day...period.....anyone that tells you different is blowing-smoke.

Think for yourself JJ & stop following the mindless indoctrinated chattel, is all I can suggest. Things are not as they seem or as we have been taught to believe. I'm not a flat-earther for the record, I own my own telescope to know better...LOL! Nothing I've stated is incorrect nor can anyone prove otherwise...minor details, right JJ? :) Glad you learned something new, happy to help.
Peace All
Cool. Go inject some bleach then
Consipracy people make me cringe. Yes the world's fucked up. Yes shit happens we aren't aware or told the full truth of. That's obvious. But following these crazy right wing extremist ideals makes you look.... well ... dumb. 9-11 was like 20 years ago bro... Do you believe in mermaid people too and bigfoot? Hey maybe bigfoot holds the key to the covid bleach vaccine and the mermaids are keeping it hush. It makes sense ... 9+11 = 20. 20 years ago 9-11 happened 911 universal emergency number Porsche makes a 911 turbo so they're obv In on it too. Mermaids are fish and fish don't have any feelings according to Kurt Cobain (who was killed because they made the album bleach which was actually a recipe for covid vaccine such a long time ago)
There's one to run with
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The dude speaks the truth! The science they are hiding from you all can cure anything from shortness to small titties.

But seriously, as a father of a child with a disability I find those kind of posts disgusting and those people completely disgusting. 100% fuckers through and though.
View attachment 5014821
The dude speaks the truth! The science they are hiding from you all can cure anything from shortness to small titties.

But seriously, as a father of a child with a disability I find those kind of posts disgusting and those people completely disgusting. 100% fuckers through and though.
It's pure cringe. I can't even read through it all makes me feel dumber just looking at it.
It's good to question, just don't fall down some YouTube conspiracy rabbit hole....
We need a purge bad ....600Purge.jpg
Consipracy people make me cringe. Yes the world's fucked up. Yes shit happens we aren't aware or told the full truth of. That's obvious. But following these crazy right wing extremist ideals makes you look.... well ... dumb. 9-11 was like 20 years ago bro... Do you believe in mermaid people too and bigfoot? Hey maybe bigfoot holds the key to the covid bleach vaccine and the mermaids are keeping it hush. It makes sense ... 9+11 = 20. 20 years ago 9-11 happened 911 universal emergency number Porsche makes a 911 turbo so they're obv In on it too. Mermaids are fish and fish don't have any feelings according to Kurt Cobain (who was killed because they made the album bleach which was actually a recipe for covid vaccine such a long time ago)
There's one to run with
I hope bigfoot is real, and someday i hope to get a ticket on a backroad in my Porsche.
Sounds like my young Q believing friend. Said the same dumb ass thing, "I'm thinking for myself," all the while just regurgitating some shit on the net instead of putting his faith in doctors.
LOL! You all THINK you know what time it is, eh? LOL! Just so you know....those of you who are doubting what I'm stating are 100% incorrect & I'll also let you know that I was once you & thought the way you did over 20 years ago...BEFORE I did my own research upon the Empirical Evidence & Thought for myself. We all have to begin our education somewhere upon the Truth & those of you that are having issues with these revelations, well your education has just begun.

It is quite amazing though....WOW!!! To find as many closed minded indoctrinated souls within a forum such as this, but to each his or her own....I figured you all would have know better & would actually read the scientific literature I posted for yourself, instead of parroting the false narratives of Corporations/Corrupt Govt's/Alphabet Soups that you've been spoon-fed...guess not (I tried & will always be trying to reach those that have the WANT to Learn & deduce with reasoning, which truly separates Man from Animal. )
I'm new to this forum and I'll let you all know that I don't lie nor do I have a reason to do so, thus I'm not ashamed of my actions & you lot are not my elderly Mother or Grandmother that I have to protect from the Truth's/Realities of the World we ALL live in today. So, you ALL are welcome for the Knowledge & Science I've just educated you upon....think nothing of it. :)

I see DaFreak wants to learn about the SUPPRESSION of Colloidal Silver. The "Blue Man" simply & incorrectly made Colloidal Silver (good job DaFreak for bringing up this BigPharma-Tech/Govt Mis-information Propaganda...now we'll all know the Truth....you the MAN Freak!!! :) ), which caused his own issues, thus this has never happened to others that made Colloidal Silver correctly...go figure, eh? e.g. Never use Toxic City Water or add SALTS to the Colloidal Silver manufacturing process & ONLY use DISTILLLED WATER to avoid this sort of complication :) ....Science once again educates & explains what others fear out of ignorance, thus greater understanding is now acquired in the concept of empowering one's own self to take their Health into their own hands instead of giving that power to others. (this is what BigPharma?Western Med/Govt's fear most)
Colloidal Silver's Science Suppression/obfuscation by our Corrupt Govt. Alphabet Soup Shill Regulators=BigPharma/Western Med./etc. is again just the tip of the proverbial iceberg, all for the sake of Billions & Trillions of Doll-hairs that will be at risk IF the population educates themselves.

No Bacteria (toxoid), Vira, Fungi has ever been able to mount a defense against Colloidal Silver, which is why it is used in Burn Centers to stave off infection, while increasing the rate of healing & reducing scarring....thus, the Efficacy of Colloidal Silver is already/clearly proven even by modern medicine or they wouldn't use it. Colloidal Silver is in essence an age old treatment used by alchemists of the past. The saying "Born with a Silver Spoon in the mouth" is coined from the fact that royals actually used "Silverware & Silver Plates" to eat upon, which allowed the person to ingest minute amounts (nano) of Silver, which helped the bodies innate immune system to fight off disease/sickness. Where as, Modern Medicines Antibiotics approaches have created a litany of toxoids that are resistant to modern day anti-biotic treatments that actually plagues the lives of innocent folks today. If you're not aware of this fact, please read a bit of the scientific literature or talk to a loved one that has saccumbed to one of these nasty bugs created by these ultimately failed snake-oil-widgets.

Colloidal Silver also kills Ebola per the Applied Biotechnology Branch, 711th Human Performance Wing, Air Force Research Laboratory. Here's a link to the findings of this study, enjoy the Knowledge/Truth.

Colloidal Silver is also used with the Dr. Robert Beck Protocol that has CURED 1,000's of Cancer patients and AGAIN...this Cancer Cure Therapy is being suppressed by the aforementioned, even though patents upon patents have been filed to lock down or extort such remedies. Here's more from the horses mouth for those interested in learning the Truth about yet another Cancer/AIDS Cure Protocol that has been suppressed.
(Mind you....Dr. Robert Beck is NOT selling anything and in fact has "Open-Sourced" this technology so that everybody can make these units for themselves, to Heal Themselves/Empower Themselves, just as Jim Humble did with Chlorine Dioxide. These are not Charlatans/Grifters/Snake-Oilers/BigPharmatians, but Humanitarians that actually Care for Humanity over the Corporate/Govt Bottom-Line.....minor Details once again, eh Folks? LOL! You are Welcome :)
(Short Version)
(Bob Beck at US Psychotronics Association (USPA) 1998)

Always remember....when people can't discredit the Empirical Evidence presented by others that contradicts the dogma's/edicts of our world today, they'll ATTEMPT to discredit the messenger that is informing the people of Empirical Replicable Evidence that can't be discredited.

Again, we've ALL been LIED to about a myriad of Science based subjects...Pseudo-Science of the accepted & endorsed mainstream is not a thing of just the past, but is relevant today, even in despite of all the technology & available disclosure we have today (Case in point: EXPERIMENTAL Covid GENE THERAPY mRNA/DNA SHOTS coined a Vaccines..which, don't even meet the Medical Clinical Definition of what a Vaccine is...LOL!). Here's a very short list of past & present pseudo-sciences that are/were endorsed by Authority/MSM/Govt/Academia that will hopefully paint the picture a bit clearer for those less informed i.e. Spoon-fed nonsense.

MAINSTREAM EMF/RF Science is Pseudo-Science i.e. Industry PAID Agenda Junk Science, no different than VACCINE Pseudo-Science & Tobacco Science & Asbestos Science & Glyphosate/Round-Up Science & Cannabis Science & (rBGH)Bovine Growth Hormone Science & 2,4-d Science & Mercury Dental Amalgam Science & GMO Science & Global Cooling Science (70's) & Global Warming Science (90's) & Anthropogenic Climate Change Science (Today) & Lead Gas Science & Artificial Sweeteners Science & Pregnant Women-Developing Fetus X-Ray Radiation Science & Downwinders Science & Nagasaki/Hiroshima Radiation Science & Fukushima Radiation Navy Sailors Science & Gulf War Syndrome Science & Depleted Uranium Science & 9/11 NIST/FEMA Science & 9/11 Atmospheric Asbestos Dust Science & DDT Science & Agent Orange Science & Geo-engineering Science & Cholesterol Science & Talcum Powder Asbestos Science & Chemo-Radiation Cancer Science & Autism Spectrum Science & Archaeology Origin Science & Water Fluoridation Science & Black Salve (Cansema) Cancer Science & Vitamin C Cure-All Science & Amygdalin/Laetrile/Vitamin B-17 Cancer Science & Hoxsey Formula/Essiac Tea Cancer Science & Fenbendazole Cancer Science & (MMS) Miracle Mineral Supplement Cure-All Science & GcMAF Cure-All Science & Bio-SOLIDS Science & Ivermectin Science & Hydroxychloroquine Science & I can go on & on & On , folks! These are ALL Non-Replicable, BROKEN MODEL'ed, Agenda BIASED Science that VIOLATE the SCIENTIFIC METHOD = CORRUPT FRAUDULENT SCIENCE (invalid/wrong)

Glad you all learned something new and those that come after you, will do likewise. :) If anyone has any reasonable intelligent & genuine questions about these subjects I will do my best to answer those for you. If I do not know the correct answer I'll still do my best to direct you to the professional/expert/academic that might be able to help you out.

Peace All

Still here? I didn't know if you had tried to prove that the world was flat.

"Hughes was well-known for his belief that the Earth was flat. He hoped to prove his theory by going to space."

Doesn't qanon have their own forum?
LOL! You all THINK you know what time it is, eh? LOL! Just so you know....those of you who are doubting what I'm stating are 100% incorrect & I'll also let you know that I was once you & thought the way you did over 20 years ago...BEFORE I did my own research upon the Empirical Evidence & Thought for myself. We all have to begin our education somewhere upon the Truth & those of you that are having issues with these revelations, well your education has just begun.

It is quite amazing though....WOW!!! To find as many closed minded indoctrinated souls within a forum such as this, but to each his or her own....I figured you all would have know better & would actually read the scientific literature I posted for yourself, instead of parroting the false narratives of Corporations/Corrupt Govt's/Alphabet Soups that you've been spoon-fed...guess not (I tried & will always be trying to reach those that have the WANT to Learn & deduce with reasoning, which truly separates Man from Animal. )
I'm new to this forum and I'll let you all know that I don't lie nor do I have a reason to do so, thus I'm not ashamed of my actions & you lot are not my elderly Mother or Grandmother that I have to protect from the Truth's/Realities of the World we ALL live in today. So, you ALL are welcome for the Knowledge & Science I've just educated you upon....think nothing of it. :)

I see DaFreak wants to learn about the SUPPRESSION of Colloidal Silver. The "Blue Man" simply & incorrectly made Colloidal Silver (good job DaFreak for bringing up this BigPharma-Tech/Govt Mis-information Propaganda...now we'll all know the Truth....you the MAN Freak!!! :) ), which caused his own issues, thus this has never happened to others that made Colloidal Silver correctly...go figure, eh? e.g. Never use Toxic City Water or add SALTS to the Colloidal Silver manufacturing process & ONLY use DISTILLLED WATER to avoid this sort of complication :) ....Science once again educates & explains what others fear out of ignorance, thus greater understanding is now acquired in the concept of empowering one's own self to take their Health into their own hands instead of giving that power to others. (this is what BigPharma?Western Med/Govt's fear most)
Colloidal Silver's Science Suppression/obfuscation by our Corrupt Govt. Alphabet Soup Shill Regulators=BigPharma/Western Med./etc. is again just the tip of the proverbial iceberg, all for the sake of Billions & Trillions of Doll-hairs that will be at risk IF the population educates themselves.

No Bacteria (toxoid), Vira, Fungi has ever been able to mount a defense against Colloidal Silver, which is why it is used in Burn Centers to stave off infection, while increasing the rate of healing & reducing scarring....thus, the Efficacy of Colloidal Silver is already/clearly proven even by modern medicine or they wouldn't use it. Colloidal Silver is in essence an age old treatment used by alchemists of the past. The saying "Born with a Silver Spoon in the mouth" is coined from the fact that royals actually used "Silverware & Silver Plates" to eat upon, which allowed the person to ingest minute amounts (nano) of Silver, which helped the bodies innate immune system to fight off disease/sickness. Where as, Modern Medicines Antibiotics approaches have created a litany of toxoids that are resistant to modern day anti-biotic treatments that actually plagues the lives of innocent folks today. If you're not aware of this fact, please read a bit of the scientific literature or talk to a loved one that has saccumbed to one of these nasty bugs created by these ultimately failed snake-oil-widgets.

Colloidal Silver also kills Ebola per the Applied Biotechnology Branch, 711th Human Performance Wing, Air Force Research Laboratory. Here's a link to the findings of this study, enjoy the Knowledge/Truth.

Colloidal Silver is also used with the Dr. Robert Beck Protocol that has CURED 1,000's of Cancer patients and AGAIN...this Cancer Cure Therapy is being suppressed by the aforementioned, even though patents upon patents have been filed to lock down or extort such remedies. Here's more from the horses mouth for those interested in learning the Truth about yet another Cancer/AIDS Cure Protocol that has been suppressed.
(Mind you....Dr. Robert Beck is NOT selling anything and in fact has "Open-Sourced" this technology so that everybody can make these units for themselves, to Heal Themselves/Empower Themselves, just as Jim Humble did with Chlorine Dioxide. These are not Charlatans/Grifters/Snake-Oilers/BigPharmatians, but Humanitarians that actually Care for Humanity over the Corporate/Govt Bottom-Line.....minor Details once again, eh Folks? LOL! You are Welcome :)
(Short Version)
(Bob Beck at US Psychotronics Association (USPA) 1998)

Always remember....when people can't discredit the Empirical Evidence presented by others that contradicts the dogma's/edicts of our world today, they'll ATTEMPT to discredit the messenger that is informing the people of Empirical Replicable Evidence that can't be discredited.

Again, we've ALL been LIED to about a myriad of Science based subjects...Pseudo-Science of the accepted & endorsed mainstream is not a thing of just the past, but is relevant today, even in despite of all the technology & available disclosure we have today (Case in point: EXPERIMENTAL Covid GENE THERAPY mRNA/DNA SHOTS coined a Vaccines..which, don't even meet the Medical Clinical Definition of what a Vaccine is...LOL!). Here's a very short list of past & present pseudo-sciences that are/were endorsed by Authority/MSM/Govt/Academia that will hopefully paint the picture a bit clearer for those less informed i.e. Spoon-fed nonsense.

MAINSTREAM EMF/RF Science is Pseudo-Science i.e. Industry PAID Agenda Junk Science, no different than VACCINE Pseudo-Science & Tobacco Science & Asbestos Science & Glyphosate/Round-Up Science & Cannabis Science & (rBGH)Bovine Growth Hormone Science & 2,4-d Science & Mercury Dental Amalgam Science & GMO Science & Global Cooling Science (70's) & Global Warming Science (90's) & Anthropogenic Climate Change Science (Today) & Lead Gas Science & Artificial Sweeteners Science & Pregnant Women-Developing Fetus X-Ray Radiation Science & Downwinders Science & Nagasaki/Hiroshima Radiation Science & Fukushima Radiation Navy Sailors Science & Gulf War Syndrome Science & Depleted Uranium Science & 9/11 NIST/FEMA Science & 9/11 Atmospheric Asbestos Dust Science & DDT Science & Agent Orange Science & Geo-engineering Science & Cholesterol Science & Talcum Powder Asbestos Science & Chemo-Radiation Cancer Science & Autism Spectrum Science & Archaeology Origin Science & Water Fluoridation Science & Black Salve (Cansema) Cancer Science & Vitamin C Cure-All Science & Amygdalin/Laetrile/Vitamin B-17 Cancer Science & Hoxsey Formula/Essiac Tea Cancer Science & Fenbendazole Cancer Science & (MMS) Miracle Mineral Supplement Cure-All Science & GcMAF Cure-All Science & Bio-SOLIDS Science & Ivermectin Science & Hydroxychloroquine Science & I can go on & on & On , folks! These are ALL Non-Replicable, BROKEN MODEL'ed, Agenda BIASED Science that VIOLATE the SCIENTIFIC METHOD = CORRUPT FRAUDULENT SCIENCE (invalid/wrong)

Glad you all learned something new and those that come after you, will do likewise. :) If anyone has any reasonable intelligent & genuine questions about these subjects I will do my best to answer those for you. If I do not know the correct answer I'll still do my best to direct you to the professional/expert/academic that might be able to help you out.

Peace All

Oh, for the love of God.


…just stop.
LOL! You all THINK you know what time it is, eh? LOL! Just so you know....those of you who are doubting what I'm stating are 100% incorrect & I'll also let you know that I was once you & thought the way you did over 20 years ago...BEFORE I did my own research upon the Empirical Evidence & Thought for myself. We all have to begin our education somewhere upon the Truth & those of you that are having issues with these revelations, well your education has just begun.

It is quite amazing though....WOW!!! To find as many closed minded indoctrinated souls within a forum such as this, but to each his or her own....I figured you all would have known better & would actually read the scientific literature I posted for yourself, instead of parroting the false narratives of Corporations/Corrupt Govt's/Alphabet Soups that you've been spoon-fed...guess not (I tried & will always be trying to reach those that have the WANT to Learn & deduce with reasoning, which truly separates Man from Animal. )
I'm new to this forum and I'll let you all know that I don't lie nor do I have a reason to do so, thus I'm not ashamed of my actions & you lot are not my elderly Mother or Grandmother that I have to protect from the Truth's/Realities of the World we ALL live in today. So, you ALL are welcome for the Knowledge & Science I've just educated you upon....think nothing of it. :)

I see DaFreak wants to learn about the SUPPRESSION of Colloidal Silver. The "Blue Man" simply & incorrectly made Colloidal Silver (good job DaFreak for bringing up this BigPharma-Tech/Govt Mis-information Propaganda...now we'll all know the Truth....you the MAN Freak!!! :) ), which caused his own issues, thus this has never happened to others that made Colloidal Silver correctly...go figure, eh? e.g. Never use Toxic City Water or add SALTS to the Colloidal Silver manufacturing process & ONLY use DISTILLLED WATER to avoid this sort of complication :) ....Science once again educates & explains what others fear out of ignorance, thus greater understanding is now acquired in the concept of empowering one's own self to take their Health into their own hands instead of giving that power to others. (this is what BigPharma?Western Med/Govt's fear most)
Colloidal Silver's Science Suppression/obfuscation by our Corrupt Govt. Alphabet Soup Shill Regulators=BigPharma/Western Med./etc. is again just the tip of the proverbial iceberg, all for the sake of Billions & Trillions of Doll-hairs that will be at risk IF the population educates themselves.

No Bacteria (toxoid), Vira, Fungi has ever been able to mount a defense against Colloidal Silver, which is why it is used in Burn Centers to stave off infection, while increasing the rate of healing & reducing scarring....thus, the Efficacy of Colloidal Silver is already/clearly proven even by modern medicine or they wouldn't use it. Colloidal Silver is in essence an age old treatment used by alchemists of the past. The saying "Born with a Silver Spoon in the mouth" is coined from the fact that royals actually used "Silverware & Silver Plates" to eat upon, which allowed the person to ingest minute amounts (nano) of Silver, which helped the bodies innate immune system to fight off disease/sickness. Where as, Modern Medicines Antibiotics approaches have created a litany of toxoids that are resistant to modern day anti-biotic treatments that actually plagues the lives of innocent folks today. If you're not aware of this fact, please read a bit of the scientific literature or talk to a loved one that has saccumbed to one of these nasty bugs created by these ultimately failed snake-oil-widgets.

Colloidal Silver also kills Ebola per the Applied Biotechnology Branch, 711th Human Performance Wing, Air Force Research Laboratory. Here's a link to the findings of this study, enjoy the Knowledge/Truth.

Colloidal Silver is also used with the Dr. Robert Beck Protocol that has CURED 1,000's of Cancer patients and AGAIN...this Cancer Cure Therapy is being suppressed by the aforementioned, even though patents upon patents have been filed to lock down or extort such remedies. Here's more from the horses mouth for those interested in learning the Truth about yet another Cancer/AIDS Cure Protocol that has been suppressed.
(Mind you....Dr. Robert Beck is NOT selling anything and in fact has "Open-Sourced" this technology so that everybody can make these units for themselves, to Heal Themselves/Empower Themselves, just as Jim Humble did with Chlorine Dioxide. These are not Charlatans/Grifters/Snake-Oilers/BigPharmatians, but Humanitarians that actually Care for Humanity over the Corporate/Govt Bottom-Line.....minor Details once again, eh Folks? LOL! You are Welcome :)
(Short Version)
(Bob Beck at US Psychotronics Association (USPA) 1998)

Always remember....when people can't discredit the Empirical Evidence presented by others that contradicts the dogma's/edicts of our world today, they'll ATTEMPT to discredit the messenger that is informing the people of Empirical Replicable Evidence that can't be discredited.

Again, we've ALL been LIED to about a myriad of Science based subjects...Pseudo-Science of the accepted & endorsed mainstream is not a thing of just the past, but is relevant today, even in despite of all the technology & available disclosure we have today (Case in point: EXPERIMENTAL Covid GENE THERAPY mRNA/DNA SHOTS coined a Vaccines..which, don't even meet the Medical Clinical Definition of what a Vaccine is...LOL!). Here's a very short list of past & present pseudo-sciences that are/were endorsed by Authority/MSM/Govt/Academia that will hopefully paint the picture a bit clearer for those less informed i.e. Spoon-fed nonsense.

MAINSTREAM EMF/RF Science is Pseudo-Science i.e. Industry PAID Agenda Junk Science, no different than VACCINE Pseudo-Science & Tobacco Science & Asbestos Science & Glyphosate/Round-Up Science & Cannabis Science & (rBGH)Bovine Growth Hormone Science & 2,4-d Science & Mercury Dental Amalgam Science & GMO Science & Global Cooling Science (70's) & Global Warming Science (90's) & Anthropogenic Climate Change Science (Today) & Lead Gas Science & Artificial Sweeteners Science & Pregnant Women-Developing Fetus X-Ray Radiation Science & Downwinders Science & Nagasaki/Hiroshima Radiation Science & Fukushima Radiation Navy Sailors Science & Gulf War Syndrome Science & Depleted Uranium Science & 9/11 NIST/FEMA Science & 9/11 Atmospheric Asbestos Dust Science & DDT Science & Agent Orange Science & Geo-engineering Science & Cholesterol Science & Talcum Powder Asbestos Science & Chemo-Radiation Cancer Science & Autism Spectrum Science & Archaeology Origin Science & Water Fluoridation Science & Black Salve (Cansema) Cancer Science & Vitamin C Cure-All Science & Amygdalin/Laetrile/Vitamin B-17 Cancer Science & Hoxsey Formula/Essiac Tea Cancer Science & Fenbendazole Cancer Science & (MMS) Miracle Mineral Supplement Cure-All Science & GcMAF Cure-All Science & Bio-SOLIDS Science & Ivermectin Science & Hydroxychloroquine Science & I can go on & on & On , folks! These are ALL Non-Replicable, BROKEN MODEL'ed, Agenda BIASED Science that VIOLATE the SCIENTIFIC METHOD = CORRUPT FRAUDULENT SCIENCE (invalid/wrong)

Glad you all learned something new and those that come after you, will do likewise. :) If anyone has any reasonable intelligent & genuine questions about these subjects I will do my best to answer those for you. If I do not know the correct answer I'll still do my best to direct you to the professional/expert/academic that might be able to help you out.

Peace All
oh yes, another person spewing absolute bullshit. Are u one of the people that think 5g caused covid or like what? probably just another orange follower.
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Part II. D. Dr. William Thompson CDC WHISTLEBLOWER Official Statement...."I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding which findings to report after the data were collected, and I believe that the final study protocol was not followed."....

Dr. William Thompson, CDC WHISTLEBLOWER...still one of their TOP Scientist (he's protected, thank God). In August of 2014, Dr. Thompson came forward and stated: He conducted a FRAUDULENT Study, his Colleagues conducted a FRAUDULENT Study and Top CDC Admins conducted a FRAUDULENT Study, that was ordered by Congress via the DOJ. The study in question was the last Federally funded study that looked at the Causation Correlation concept between the MMR Vaccine & Autism. Sadly, all of these Scientist & Admins OMITTED Scientific Data (Data-sets), that demonstrated Causation Correlation between the MMR Vaccine & Autism. They ALL Violated the Scientific Method.

In a science experiment, One is not allowed to OMIT data that does NOT fit the Scientists Hypothesis, this is FRAUD. A scientists is supposed to adjust their Hypothesis based upon the data collected, not the other way around. Due to the Conflicts of Interest/Corruption that exists within the CDC, FDA, NIH, HHS, etc. not even Science is safe or effective in the United States or with our Allies as a matter of Fact.

African American Males have a 340% INCREASED RISK of an Autism Diagnosis, IF that CHILD receives the MMR Vaccine PRIOR to 36 months of age. FACT!!

This was the data-set (Scientific Findings) the CDC Covered up & literally threw in the Trash. When Dr. Thompson was ordered, along with his Colleagues to dispose of this information. Dr. Thompson knew it was a violation of Federal Laws, like FOIA and he kept all of his data. He gave Congress (Posey (FL)) over 10,000 pages of this evidence as PROOF of the FRAUDULENT SCIENCE. Sadly, since *our Congress & Senate are CORRUPT as well.....Nothing has come about because of this? Not even so much as a WARNING to AFRICAN AMERICAN PARENTS ???? Sadly, the DOJ has FAILED to ACT as well, which confirms their CORRUPTION! The Scientific Journal "Pediatrics"* that published the paper, has yet to RETRACT the paper, despite the testimony of FRAUD, by a Author, so the *Pediatrics Journal is CORRUPT, a worth-less RAG!*

What I have stated is a FACT and not up for debate .....as if anyone could debate these FACTS anyways, but simply IGNORING the 10,000 pages of EVIDENCE and Testimony of Dr. William Thompson is the norm today. There's no way to disprove/debunk this...one can read Dr. Thompson's Testimony & Listen to Congressman Posey's statements before Congress.

Mr. Freak...I hope that I've painted the picture for you and everyone else once again...that Corruption & Pseudo-Science are a very real thing, which continues to plagues humanity to date. I have many more irrefutable examples that demonstrate the guilt, corruption & pseudo-science of our Govt Alphabet Soups/BigPharma & Western Medicine, but it's a long enough novel as it is & I've more than made my point.

Let me know if you have any further questions.
Peace All
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What does it feel like typing all that shit knowing nobody is going to read past the first few lines?
If you have a kid of autism do what you want, if not, then I hope you get hit by a bus and there is one less asshole on the planet.