Well-Known Member
You are completely missing the whole point. He's claiming to be selling something that just isn't. If you went to a car dealership and thought you bought a Lexus but then realized it was only a Toyota, would you be saying "it's ok, it's still a nice car and reliable...."I dont get the problem with him charging what ever he wants. An ounce of good weed goes for far more then 100$. If your getting more then an ounce per seed your saving money either way. The best part is noone is going to put a gun to your head and force you to buy anything, Seeds are purchased by people that dont want to waste there money giving it to some dealer. You spend 200$ on 2 seeds and make at least a pound of high quality smoke and you still do better then you wouldve on the street. quitchabitchin
Most likely not. This has nothing to do with yield or quality of smoke, it has everything to do with finding out the truth.