doublejj's BIG 2015 adventure.....

I just meant so yours wouldn't get lost in here.....

Oh no i know but just showing a lil respect where its due. I dont wanna clog up your thread with all of my stuff when its just as easy to make one and post everything in there. But i got one up and running..and like you said best of luck to you as well grow big and stay safe bro looking forward to see what comes from your garden this year
Dub i do have a question tho if your inclined to answer. What do you use for trimming and how do you package your extra ive been thinking of buying a twister t4 and also a minipak 45x for vac packing its completly customizable and u can shoot nitrogen into the bags and not smash your product. Ie itll only remove say 85% of the air and the rest is nitro injected before complete seal.
Dub i do have a question tho if your inclined to answer. What do you use for trimming and how do you package your extra ive been thinking of buying a twister t4 and also a minipak 45x for vac packing its completly customizable and u can shoot nitrogen into the bags and not smash your product. Ie itll only remove say 85% of the air and the rest is nitro injected before complete seal.
we are open to suggestions....:)
KB - Do you have a source of cal and mag in the mix? Epsom salts are good for mag and sulfur.
This is where my knowledge falls short im a 1st time organic grower my cal comes from my chicken manure i know for sure its "high cal" i think 7% it states on the bag. My mag im not 100% positive i still have much reading to do on organics and what comes from what amandment. Im using a mix that humboldtlocal from another forum uses and was featured in high times i think. He used this mix to produce some beautiful 10+lb monsters and has used the same mix for years so i assume everything is in there tho like i said im a novie to 100% organic farming
We really have to come up with something, at the going rate $200lb, our trim budget would be $50,000- $100,000....:shock:
Haha thats insane.. i can personally trim a lb by hand and fully trimmed in maybe 8 hours if i didnt stop? Haha i know i can do one of my indoor plants start to finish in 2 hours and thats usually 3-4oz on the smaller ones...ive heard good things about the twister t2 and t4 in regaurds to not beating up the buds like the salad bowl but they are costly t2 is 12 grand and t4 is 7grand. I can rent a t2 for 400$ a day and they say itll run a full lb in under 30 min

Plus like gardenboss said they dont bitch and arent greedy they also dont have eyes and are trust worthy
LOL reading these last few post... made me remember. One of our kid's, friend's, parents' , ask me once " Aye do you like to trimming? "

I was like "uhhh I get stressed out with one or two plants" They have trim parties but damn it they never follow through.
Now that we have a van with no windows, maybe I could take people out to the farm for a visit.....however they would be sick from the ride
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People are going to be bringing their GPS and compass to get back hahaha. Just kidding. I have a backyard grow right downtown where I live, about a stones throw from the police station. With a 3 story apartment building staring down my back. Everyone knows I'm here. I would love to have a big space out in the county to spread out my grow.
People are going to be bringing their GPS and compass to get back hahaha. Just kidding. I have a backyard grow right downtown where I live, about a stones throw from the police station. With a 3 story apartment building staring down my back. Everyone knows I'm here. I would love to have a big space out in the county to spread out my grow.
Trespassing out here can be real dangerous we will know there is somebody out there before they get close and with 2 very well trained dogs I pity the fool that tries lol :) but people are more than welcome to try. I've been waiting to see how well the dogs work together :)

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