Double sprout from one seed


Active Member
Hey all,

Thought I'd share this interesting thing happening in my tent .

I'm running 8 autos between photo runs . This Crescendo auto appears to have made a second little baby sprout. I hope it survives.

I'm very interested in see what happens.


Red Eyed

Well-Known Member
I would either toss it or up-pot it out...If they are autos, I would think you would want one plant's roots in there not 2 and making the yield of the main plant be much smaller.


Active Member
Well. I should he able to tell 100% for sure by the end of the week. I dont know what else it could be, i understand that it could very well be something else, just don't know how anything else would have gotten into my soil.


Well-Known Member
Well. I should he able to tell 100% for sure by the end of the week. I dont know what else it could be, i understand that it could very well be something else, just don't know how anything else would have gotten into my soil.
Commercially bought soil will be full of allsorts. I have been battling a Fungus Gnat infestation that came FOC in a bag of soil.


Well-Known Member
Well. I should he able to tell 100% for sure by the end of the week. I dont know what else it could be, i understand that it could very well be something else, just don't know how anything else would have gotten into my soil.
Some other seed probably by wind. Anyway, trash it! If you are just curious look for it here on RIU, you are not the first one, so you can save some headaches in the future. Good luck!