I agree you should try it, it cant really hurt to muchbe open minded..thats all im sayin..ur all just followers if u dont try anything new u aint ganna learn shit
First off, weeds24 asked what is your (including everyones) opinion on having a 24 hour dark period prior to harvest.. Don't get mad when someone disagrees with what you have to say...they took the time to respond and voice there opinion, respect it..I would like to know what your thoughts about going 24/0 darkness for last days before harvest(plant use whatevers left to synthesize nutrients etc?).
....does not make it false either. It takes a discussion of people and a handful of tests shown in honest posts to figure out which of these "things repeated on the internet" actually benefit the potency of weed.Some say this, some say that. Just because someone says something that is then repeated on the internet does not make it true.
Good Response!! LOL!!!OMG u come off like a dick stop acting like ur the prince of pot or jorge cervantes..i told dude "some say" cuz he asked if he should go with 3days of darkness then 24 hours of light then pick his plant..and the guy i heard that from (the reason y i said some say) is up in the game..i didnt hear it online.. so back up foo and remember ur a NOBODY..i do my own thing i dont listen to much people say to me..people on here talk bs all day long cuz they wanna sound like they know everything..me i do my own thing..i've picked a plant after its 12hours of light ive picked one after 12hours of darkness, picked one after 48hrs of darkness and also 72hours of darkness. if u dont wanna try it cuz u think its all hype then dont and dont come on threads bashing the thought of it if u dont do it
I don't blindly follow anyone, but I do pay attention to what I read, and results. However he came by the information, listening to Uncle Ben's advice has more than doubled my yield per plant, and I expect even better results in the future. Has your advice done the same for people? Just because he has a different opinion than you is no reason to attack him.o yea spot on my ass..all u guys that jock ub are straight squares..ub is a hypocrite he says some say this some say that then goes and posts some shit he found and read on the internet
lolUnlce ben... here is a great quote that you can appreciate..... "The plural of anecdote is not data....". We are emerging from the dark ages of cannabis growth, a period that started in 1939.... but then agian some people don;t want to hear anything contrary to what they were thinking...
If anything, THC will be reduced regarding production AND, this is the most important consideration, THC may be degraded into crap cannabanoids like CBN. I look at potency as a bell shaped curve with the good cannabanoids aka THC being produced from say....week 2 until the optimum window for harvest, which lasts about 2 weeks indoors. As time goes by, these goodies are degraded into "inferior" or "lesser" cannabanoids over time. Mel Frank has several graphs which show % via a timeline of this transition due to exposure to light, air, heat, and time, how those environmental factors chemically degrade certain cannabanoids, main one being affected are THC, as opposed to exposure under ideal conditions - cool/cold temps, absence of air, no light, etc. which tends to maintain the integrity of the goodies.haha ur a jerk off..the point isnt to get more bud retard the last 3days aint gonna produce shit..im talkin about waiting till its fully ripe then putting it in the dark to produce more thc..so u ever tried it? i noticed u tried avoiding the question
Perhaps because everyone is doing it? If you try all the gimmicks, rocket fuels, and stupid stunts you see on these forums, you'll go crazy....but lots of growers try the 48/72hr darkness fingy so maybe theres a reason why?
My God...You wanna make them think it's the end of all Creation?Now that is some funny shit... but rather than lady gaga... what about Zamfirs greatest pan flute hits.....