Double Droop help


Well-Known Member
2- sour diesel (in with other singles)
9-10 days old
2- 300w vipars - 2- 75w blue
2 fans- humidifier - 4x4x6 tent

got a kinda a unique one here and any help will be appreciated.
So somehow while transplanting germ seeds into pots, two snuck into a single 4”x4” pot. Once I noticed ,I left them (No transplant)not wanting to shock the shit out of such young seedlings. So now about 10 days out, the past 2 days they have been way droopy. Only have watered twice bc the soil has remained damp (5.8-6.1 ph, no nutrients , 19/5 light. Is it time to transplant? Are they overwatered? Feed? I just don’t want to kill 2 plants transplanting too soon. They are on their 3rd set nodes . Help appreciated, thanks...



Well-Known Member
Cut back on watering and let them dry. You'll at least want the top layer dry to the touch before even thinking of watering again.


Well-Known Member
You'll probably want to separate those very soon.
Probably just cut one down at the stalk since the roots are going to be intertwined


Well-Known Member
You'll probably want to separate those very soon.
Probably just cut one down at the stalk since the roots are going to be intertwined
That’s what I was thinking ,but I hurts sooo bad to just chop chop. Have you ever had success with 2 plant pot?


Well-Known Member
That’s what I was thinking ,but I hurts sooo bad to just chop chop. Have you ever had success with 2 plant pot?
I've never attempted anything like that. I'm not sure I can say I've seen a successful 2 plant 1 pot deal.
The dominant one will for sure take over all nutrients & light to where the smaller one will eventually die.
I know what you mean by cutting one but its still just a small thing.
I felt bad cutting my first plant for harvesting, until about halfway through once i realized how much she had produced for me


Well-Known Member
Yeah your right, I’m transplanting soon so maybe by some miracle their roots are not so badly intertwined and I can separate .. otherwise I’ll cut one. Thanks for your help


Well-Known Member
Yeah your right, I’m transplanting soon so maybe by some miracle their roots are not so badly intertwined and I can separate .. otherwise I’ll cut one. Thanks for your help
A7CD4DC2-4860-48E8-A7E6-B6D9C7B0546A.jpegUpdate since last: so I was able to split these lovely ladies up without too much a cat fight . Only part that was tangled was the bottom( looked like a spider web) . So now with a little luck they will thrive. only moistened soil. Look good? Any suggestions on the after separation / transplant care??


Well-Known Member
View attachment 4647781Update since last: so I was able to split these lovely ladies up without too much a cat fight . Only part that was tangled was the bottom( looked like a spider web) . So now with a little luck they will thrive. only moistened soil. Look good? Any suggestions on the after separation / transplant care??
They are still droopy from yesterday’s water


Well-Known Member
Might have to wait a few days to see any improvements.
I'm sure they're not happy campers right now.

Helpful tip: if you have another pot, fill it up with the same medium (dry)
Use that pot as a reference as to when you should water.
Pick both pots up and when they feel about the same weight.. it's time to water again.


Well-Known Member
One looks a little extra pissed off. On the water tip. So it’s been about 13-15 days since they popped, no nutrients as of yet . Just PH balance . I also have 5 other SD same genetics that’s are looking good . Think it’s time for 1/4 strength ? I use golden tree and sweet n sticky (flowering). I’ll wait a few days and post an update on the 2, and see what you think. Thx


Well-Known Member
The happy frog should have a somewhat decent N-P-K ratio?
Enough for the first couple weeks or so I think?
I run coco so im not sure about the whole when to start nutes in soil.
If you do start soon, wait a few days to let them settle in and start looking better. 1/4th sounds good starting out.
The first 2-3 weeks are the hardest part of the grow. Once that baby establishes itself with some nice roots... smooth sailing from there.

On another note.
You're saying the ph you give is 5.8-6.1
I know it has the ability to buffer itself
I'd recommend trying to up it around 6.3-7.0 just for good measures.

Just keep updating here and hopefully some others chime in that have more knowledge with the medium you're growing in.


Well-Known Member
Im giving it low ph water because the soil is at 7.2. Not sure if that’s the happy frog ? The other soil I mixed that with was (pic) it has perlite in it. Good looking out.B823F081-A332-49B0-9798-9DC2E29D3574.jpeg