Well-Known Member
2- sour diesel (in with other singles)
9-10 days old
2- 300w vipars - 2- 75w blue
2 fans- humidifier - 4x4x6 tent
got a kinda a unique one here and any help will be appreciated.
So somehow while transplanting germ seeds into pots, two snuck into a single 4”x4” pot. Once I noticed ,I left them (No transplant)not wanting to shock the shit out of such young seedlings. So now about 10 days out, the past 2 days they have been way droopy. Only have watered twice bc the soil has remained damp (5.8-6.1 ph, no nutrients , 19/5 light. Is it time to transplant? Are they overwatered? Feed? I just don’t want to kill 2 plants transplanting too soon. They are on their 3rd set nodes . Help appreciated, thanks...
9-10 days old
2- 300w vipars - 2- 75w blue
2 fans- humidifier - 4x4x6 tent
got a kinda a unique one here and any help will be appreciated.
So somehow while transplanting germ seeds into pots, two snuck into a single 4”x4” pot. Once I noticed ,I left them (No transplant)not wanting to shock the shit out of such young seedlings. So now about 10 days out, the past 2 days they have been way droopy. Only have watered twice bc the soil has remained damp (5.8-6.1 ph, no nutrients , 19/5 light. Is it time to transplant? Are they overwatered? Feed? I just don’t want to kill 2 plants transplanting too soon. They are on their 3rd set nodes . Help appreciated, thanks...
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