Jeff, I didnt realize youre fucking Superman and have the ability to see microscopic pathogens and bacteria...Tell me this smart ass how does HIV or Ecoli look to the naked eye?
If you walked into a tattoo shop and watch the artist pull his needle and tube from an Autoclave bag you assume thats its actually clean? How do you know that the autoclave reaches temperature? You cant Jeff, the olny way is to have it tested monthly and get it inspected.
The inspections dont prevent every food-borne illness, nothing can. They do help identify and contain them though.
Youre so full of shit it amazes me, you and everyone else on the planet cannot see microscopic matter Jeff, something can look clean and be covered in pathogens. Maybe you should educate yourself about these things before you post, you suffer from diarrhea of the mouth my friend.
oh give me a fucking break dude. pathogens my ass. i could count the number of people who died from tatoos on my penis.
how come there arent millions of prisoners dying from prison ink? are their "needles" i mean modified pens, all spit shined like the good little inspector wants? who did the ancient tat artists get to come into their fucking tent to inspect to make sure their sharpened sticks were clean? oh nevermind, i remember the great tatoo deaths of the mayan tribesman in 1200....what the fuck is wrong with you?
if someone is in danger of getting sick from your bad habits as a so called artist, and you need a special hand holder to tell you how to sterilize your needles, maybe you should find another hobby.
but hey, if you are happy giving your check away to a bunch of do nothing, self justifying, govt douchebags, go ahead.
and to top that off, i am gonna wager that you take cash and dont claim some of it, which makes you a high and mighty fucking leech who doesnt want to pay for the "life saving" govt inspector.
so take your "deadly art" bullshit somewhere else. more people have died falling down the steps last year, than ever have in history from getting tats.