Dose this plant look normal ????????? vanilla kush


well thats good to no. the temp is like 76 f during the day. do you think i should start adding nutes yet???


Well-Known Member
plant looks healthy but light deprived, like above said either go grab a decent HPS/MH if you can afford it. amazon has some nice 400w cheap chinese lights for like 150$ that come with 2 bulbs, electronic ballast that fires both MH and HPS, cool tube with reflector wings.

^^ something like this would be a good investment ^^

or if $$ is a issue head to wal mart and pick up a bunch of 26w CFL's, you can add a couple CFL a week so its not such a burden on the financials but its going to cost you a good chunck of change to eventually get enough CFL's to have ideal lighting, the HID is definatly the best bet if you have the funds, can also find some grow lights on craigslist and classifieds. E bay, used but cheap

80 bucks and has aircooled hood.... just be carefull buying used products, at least brand new have manufacturers warranty


Active Member
it has grown it needs food to fill out make it bushy. unless you like sticks and stems lol. your yeild will be greater though
with hps im gonna get one next year hopfully myself


Active Member
First thing i noticed is, its not topped at all (topping will produce multiple flowering shoots.) Maybe that's what your talking about when you said looks weird.. yes its weak looking and the tips of the leaves are burning, (possiable heat issues) but 76f wont cause this result. Are you giving any fertilizers? What kind of water are you using? What light are you using? Also i see a heater in the room.. don't run the heater pointed at the plant (i would try not to use the heater at all, and use the light as a heat source if possible) unless you just using it for the fan to get air moving. But your plant has grown well for a month and a week old.


the burn on the tips are because ive been using a proper rubbish household light so as no shoots point up the touch the bulb before i realize so they burn. this has kinda happened everytime. the 'heater' thing u can see is actully a cooling fan no heating element in it what so ever its just osculates the air round the room it also cleans the air. Yeah ive just realized about the topping thing :( is it to later to top ??


Active Member
Not sure if you can top starting now. i would assume its do-able but you need to give it a week-2weeks before the flower stage so the tops have a chance to grow. I would ask other growers about that.


Well-Known Member
get rid of the foil. need a new light. a cheap t5 with the right bulbs will do 1000% better than whatever you have now.
wont get much out of a plant looking like that.

at that height, it should be looking like this. grown under high output t5



fkn hell !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wanna swap dude :p ive just got a new light. think its a hps i know its 600watt. ill try and up load a pic

2012-04-15 18.57.16.jpg2012-04-15 18.58.12.jpg2012-04-15 18.59.34.jpg2012-04-15 19.00.13.jpg


Well-Known Member
bulb is HPS, looks like it might be enhanced. has quite a blue tint to it.

still lose the foil =P
your plant should start looking much better with the light swap.
keep it 8-12 inches away, maybe a bit closer. use ur hand and feel for it.


Active Member
Pretty sure thats a MH. From the color temp it puts out, if it was hps it would be wayyyy more red. And yea whatthe above postsaid about light deprived or gentetics are weak cause u have a weak plant, no noodes just a stick. Amd someone above said it should be showing ore flowers soon is wrong that plant has to grow out nodes first. And dont top that wont do anything right now but stress the lil thing

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member


sorry i forgot to say the pic of the light shade/reflector thing has NOT got the 600watt bulb in it !!! It has got a very very shitty small 40watt light 'taped' inside it. so dont think the light is blue like that its not. its very bright orange/red and it kills your eyes is that normal for a 600watt hps ? like just the light reflecting off the wall lol and ive tested the heat and that small space is going over 100f !!!!! im gonna have to come up with something fast. im going to build a new space in the morning.


Active Member
now im worried if a 600watt hps is to much for 1 plant :(
Do you have any ventilation in your grow room? Air input and output, as well as a small fan would def lower your temps... As I see from the pic above your hood is too close to the top of the plant... I hope now, with the hps 600W you have moved it a bit further away... but not too much cause you don't want it to stretch more than it already has!! I am new grower too... not trying to be a wise ass! just something that might help... Other more experienced growers should confirm if I'm right in saying this...