Don't use safer insecticide


Active Member
I had an little problem with fungus gnats so I dicided to use Safer insecticide soap. Well I cam back to look at them the next morning. It was horible most of the leaves were curled up burnt, leaves with wholes in them, the grodan block were dry as shit. They were all jacked up, and I really didn't know what to do so I checked the pH and the EC...all good. So turned on the pump and sprayed the leaves with water.

I came back and they were way beyond gone, so I have to start over. At least it was bag seed. I just wish I knew what exactly happen so it want happen next time.:evil::cry:


Well-Known Member
i use it all the time , no problems. did you mix it right ? did your plants end up drinking it ? ive been using it for years . i dont get pests i spray to prevent them


Active Member
I really don't know what happen, but I'll have to start over and I am taking more preventive procedures. The space has already been bugbomb, walls sprayed with bleach, bug barrier sprayed around closet, I'll be haning yellow sticky pads, and once the plant reach a certain untenderness will start spraying them with neem oil. If anybody knowes what a good time to start doing that let me know please. Also I'm going to get some high grade h202.


Active Member
yea,but is was about three hours before dark. I mean thats what I thought it could be, yet I didn't drown them in it and was 74-75F. If that was the problem or not for now on i will spraying before or after the lights come on.


Well-Known Member
No the issue is spraying while lights are on... the liquid acts as a magnifying glass under the light which was prob y they time is to spray like 30 mins before lights on..and the the bugs are most vulnrable

green as grass

Active Member
lights on totally fried your plants leaves. also check your bottl to see if it was concentrate. or if it was pre mixed spray. never spray anything while lights on EVER!! NOT EVEN BUG BOMBS.


Well-Known Member
Try some GoGnats cedar oil. It works well. Also get some sticky fly strips and lay it over the grow medium, cut them in half. If you have them bad get some potatoes and cut them into slices a quarter inch thick or so and put them over the grow medium. When you look at the bottom the next day you will see larvae moving around. Replace them every day. They never give up here but they can be kept at single digits. Make sure you use the GoGnats continually at ever reservoir change. Add if necessary. You can get a spray bottle and spray the top of the grow medium too. I've heard of other problems with Safer too.