Don't Say I Never Gave You Anything= Beardo Hooks You Up

Lime u gotta be the biggest troll on RIU i swear to god EVERY TIME i get in a little argument/misunderstanding with somebody u always pop in and talk TROLL do u go to every thread or something, god often u on this shit? do u have a life what other websites u on? im guessing alot..just get a life and stay outta MY business....o yea and lets see those pics again that u love to show off in other peoples threads..go on post emmm LMAO
Lime u gotta be the biggest troll on RIU i swear to god EVERY TIME i get in a little argument/misunderstanding with somebody u always pop in and talk TROLL do u go to every thread or something, god often u on this shit? do u have a life what other websites u on? im guessing alot..just get a life and stay outta MY business....o yea and lets see those pics again that u love to show off in other peoples threads..go on post emmm LMAO

Hahaha Happy 420 buddy...what the matter? lmao I'm not following you? you make me laugh....What can I say I try to help(others) but with the amount of bs coming outta you its kinda hard when you are so damn distracting????..... sorry i can't help it ;)
Lime u gotta be the biggest troll on RIU i swear to god EVERY TIME i get in a little argument/misunderstanding with somebody u always pop in and talk TROLL do u go to every thread or something, god often u on this shit? do u have a life what other websites u on? im guessing alot..just get a life and stay outta MY business....o yea and lets see those pics again that u love to show off in other peoples threads..go on post emmm LMAO
Hahaha Happy 420 buddy...what the matter? lmao I'm not following you? you make me laugh....What can I say I try to help(others) but with the amount of bs coming outta you its kinda hard when you are so damn distracting????..... sorry i can't help it ;)
I'm just about done hooking every one up any ways so hopefully he will chill. I hope this stuff takes your crops to a new level and I can't wait to get some feedback. Let me know when you get your stuff and what you think-Thanks
man im chill as fuk..u guys are the one's tripping over nothing lol i was telling u how I GET MY FREE SAMPLES and that shit works..unless im just special
Hey i was just wondering if anyone else recieved a tracking number for their free nutes? I filled out all the info and clicked submit and then it took me to another page of their advertisments. Im just wondering if theres anything else i need to do. I cant seem to find any tracking number or anything that tells me its on its way.
Hey i was just wondering if anyone else recieved a tracking number for their free nutes? I filled out all the info and clicked submit and then it took me to another page of their advertisments. Im just wondering if theres anything else i need to do. I cant seem to find any tracking number or anything that tells me its on its way.
No, no tracking, they make you give email and send you some sales pitch stuff and tips and you will get your nutes in a couple weeks.
Please send me free stuff. Although, it seems nobody is actually getting anything but exposure to advertisements.