Why some still Don't grow Organically?

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I have a cut I've been running for years and I've grown it in organic soil and in various inert mediums with dry salts and the only difference I noticed outside of yields was a slight difference in taste. Honestly, if I didn't know the cut as well as I do I never would have noticed. It's extremely minor.
Yea have fun with that. Organic phosphorus fertilizers are hard to come by. Usually fields deplete in P, waste ends in the sewers and you have to go to great lenghts to recover it. In switzerland theres a plant that burns exclusively sewage sludge that can be used as fertilizer.
That was a facetious comment, not meant to be taken literally. If and when we run out of commercial phosphorus, we've got much bigger problems than what fertilizer to use.
Really when it comes down to it organic or not the earth could give a shit. When people talk about hurting the earth they should be saying hurting the earth in a way that doesn't sustain human life. As we see in nuclear fall out zones the earths plants do just fine with taking back over even though its not livable by human standards. The earth will do just fine weather we kill our selfs or not and will recover from pretty much anything humans can do and if it don't we wont be here to see it and the universe will forge on.
just look at the mid west, all that anhydrous ammonia has hilled any life in the soil to fish in the run off waters, now thats fucking the planet up, your going to need a shit load of organic ,material to get that back to living again
im just happy knowing im smoking as natural a product as i can, i know im never going to achieve the monster crops that oyhers here produce, but im happier in myself, knowing that i used mother nature as best i could. i think if i could spend all my time concentrating on organics, i could produce some monsters, once i truely got to know my soil useing thousands of pounds worth of precice measureing equipment and my every wakeing hour was spent in the polly tunnel with the plants. but im happy with what i grow and each to there own
I was originally drawn to organic growing for the same crunchy granola reasons as a lot of other folks ("nobody ever fertilizes the forest, maaaaan", etc) but after doing it for a bit, I've found that the easiest way to grow weed also happens to be organically. Maybe not the fastest or highest-yielding, but neither of those are high priority for me as a home-grower.

You can take some pre-made organic potting mix, worm castings or compost, and Garden-Tone, all of which can be bought at the hardware store up the street, put them in a big pot, give it plain water for the entire grow, and end up with some good weed. Indoors or out, no moving parts required, no pumps or reservoirs, no mixing or measuring of anything at any time except when the medium is first mixed together. Then at the end, either dump it out in your yard or the woods or wherever (it's literally just dirt) and start fresh, or amend it with more of the same inputs and reuse it.

Of course, there are ways to complicate organic growing, too. You can grow larger plants and need to top-dress every few weeks, build your own custom soil mix with individual amendments, use compost teas, inoculants, cover crops, KNF-type stuff, even Bio Bizz nutes where you can be organic and still get to mix 5-6 different bottles every time you water. But it can also be done with a few readily-available products, and plain water.

I think it would be interesting to see a cross-section of folks who only grow weed and nothing else, vs those who also grow a vegetable or flower garden or have a bunch of houseplants, and compare growing styles between those two groups...I have a feeling the "only grow weed" group would lean more towards hydroponic and/or more complex methods, and the "grow all kinds of plants" group would lean towards organic and/or simpler methods. Not sure I can explain why exactly, just a feeling I have...
As it applies to our craft, "organic" to me just simply means it was "gathered" in its natural form, and not "synthetically" extracted the way bottled nutes are.

As previously stated, "buzzwords" but not without use or meaning IMO.
You can take some pre-made organic potting mix, worm castings or compost, and Garden-Tone, all of which can be bought at the hardware store up the street, put them in a big pot, give it plain water for the entire grow, and end up with some good weed.
This does work fine.
The people that have the most trouble with organics are the ones that try to engineer something better from scratch, only to wind up with deficiencies etc. Down to earth has some great organic single bag options as well.
The plant doesn't know the difference between organic or synthetic chemicals, they are the same thing dude. The main concern with chemical fertilizer is contaminants such as heavy metals etc. Most popular dry fertilizers like Maxi, Jacks, Athena, etc have minimal to no heavy metals compared to Organics, actually organics can be higher in the scary ickies we don't want to consume such as heavy metals.

Cost, convenience and scale play a huge part in using salt based ferts instead of Organic soil.

All of your points are personal opinions that are quite honestly uneducated bias.
Mr. Canucks is a fucking clown. You think his results are desirable?
View attachment 5283617
You free to grow burnt crisp and sad looking plant following the YouTube trolls!

Kevin Jodrey seems to self proclaim himself as the Messiah and expert cannabis cultivator. One thing I've learned through my years is never listen to a self proclaimed expert!

Heavy metal contamination in organic products is a real thing, not nearly as much an issue with most fruit and veg. But cannabis is a heavy accumulator of lots of those heavy minerals.

As mentioned before, plants don't distinguish between the different sources of nutrients.
we have amphetamine sulphate over here, its way better then meth and there no way near the violence involved or surrounding it. speed and smoke is what the bikers are after over here. there are the 1%ers who idalise the american biker way, but i dont think its caught on in a big way
Yeah base isnt meth meth is way worse and way more extreme and addictive dont get me wrong speed isnt harmless id just clasify at a lesser evil than meth we just lucky here meth aint caught on much and most of the speed in the uk and europe like with the mdma is produced in holland or eastern Europe from what i heard
Although it’s true plants don’t distinguish between salts or organics the soil does!

More and more I’ve realised we are not trying to keep the plant healthy, but we are trying to make the media it’s growing in healthy!

Microbes imo are the hidden wonders of soil.

All I know is that the organic weed I’ve been growing smells/tastes amazing so why change? I can dry a bud in the oven for an hour and the smoke will be smooth as butter lol

Salts can probably do the same but I just go on my gut that the organic feed is helping the microbial herd more than a salt based feed would
yep, just look at fluvic and humic acid and extra seaweed solution and the way it increaces growth bur adding vital bacteria to the soil about the roots and the plants ability to uptake nutrients at floewering time. organic PK boost
'Organic' is a marketing term.

Organic means attached to carbon.

Everyone claiming organic nutes are the same as ions is wrong. Hydro growers have been using fulvic acid forever. When you mix potassium with fulvic acid, you have potassium fulvate. Organic potassium. No potassium ions. This is how plants eat in nature. Not only is it the way nature feeds plants, it's the way plants want to be fed, and it works better.


Which is more plant avaliable: K+ ions, or potassium ethanoate?

Answer: Potassium ethanoate.


Which provides free carboxylic acid to the plant: K+ ions or potassium citrate?

Answer: Potassium citrate.


What is photosynthesis?

Answer: An energy intensive process where plants strip O2 from CO2, so they can turn the C into carboxylic acids like citric acid and ethanoic acid.


What do Cannabis aromas flavors and cannabinoids originate?

Answer: Carboxylic acids like ethanoic acid fulvic acid amino citric acid and amino acids.


Can plants uptake carbon from the soil to provide extra precursors for cannabinoids, terpenoids and plant sugars and acids?

Yes, in the free form or as organic acid chelated minerals.


Can Cannabis fed strictly ions match the quality of Cannabis fed organic acid chelates and supplemental soluble soil carbon such as molasses (acetic acid lactic acid sucrose fructose glucose)?

No. Cannabis fed Nitrate instead of amino acids wastes it's energy converting Nitrate to nitrite to ammonia to ammonium to urea to aminos acids. Cannabis fed ions adds no additional Carbon to the system, it gets 100% of its carbon through photosynthesis. Ion-fed Cannabis spends most of its carbon resources on basic operational processes with no resources left for luxury carbon metabolism such as intense sweet flavors, intense sour flavors, high oil levels, intense pungent aromas and minor Cannabinoids.

Traditional ion-only fertilizer manufacturers are slowly shifting to organic acid chelated products. Even organic acids from a bottle are made in fermentation houses utilizing the microbial process. Yes, microbes are the source of organic acids. Eventually all Cannabis will be organic, whether it be home made or pre bottled.

People want Cannabis that tastes like Cannabis, not like hydroponics. Cannabis grown in soil can become carbon deficient, just as Cannabis grown with ions can be sulfur deficient. Growing Cannabis in soil doesn't automatically produce a better product, you have to feed carbon into the system either way. Many hydro growers rely on increased CO2 to accomplish this.

Feeding citrates, fulvates, ethanoates aminos etc is much less energy intensive than feeding extra CO2. Most hydroponic fertilizers were intentionally designed to slow down labor intensive plant metabolic processes such as splitting C from O2, and converting Nitrate to plant proteins, as this causes nature to believe the plant is dying. This is why pesticides exist. Pests and moods attack dead things. Healthy plants do not sell pesticides.

They also do not produce low quality livestock, and don't keep doctors busy prescribing more chemicals as a result of poor nutrition from eating sick crops and animals that feed on sick drops. Chemical companies are the ones telling pot growers that organic is a marketing term while selling trace mineral deficient carbon starved fertilizer programs to farmers. They are also responsible for climate change guilt propaganda while willfully and knowingly poisoning and polluting the planet on a massive scale. Chemicals companies are responsible for most of the world's problems and ignorance.
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