No, but I'm guessing it is about fat people?Did you watch South Park last night?
(relevant question)
Well put, it is a very sensitive issue to talk about. My entire family is obese, and I watched my younger brother get made fun of growing up in grade school. We ate the same meals, grew up playing sports, he was just heftier for some reason.If you can, I recommend you watch it. Even if you are not a fan of the series, it puts a lot into perspective about fat people, the way they treat themselves, and the way they expect others to treat them.
As far as your video, I read the article about her yesterday. I don't agree with what that viewer said. If your kid aspires to be fat because they see a fat news anchor then you failed as a parent. Whenever I saw or even see a fat person now it motivates me to be more active and live a healthier lifestyle. Personally I believe the rail thin models who snort coke off the toilet they empty their stomachs into are worse role models for children than this lady.
To answer the OP - I think we're to "hard" on all people. Obese people are just a % of the people that encounter bullying. You can have a ugly scar, bad hair, weird eyes, be the wrong race, have a lisp, to thin, to fat, to ugly, or to pretty. People are to hard on people! Not just people with appearance issues either, we judge people who are unemployed, gay, on welfare, been arrested, etc. without first finding out why. Without knowing why, we cannot make prejudgment or assumptions of someone.Is she true though? Are people too superficial today and too hard of obese people?
Sghetti wrestlin yeehawDid you watch South Park last night?
(relevant question)
Im disgusting like ur Grandad. Where do we put it eh?I'm not going to get in the middle of this one, all I can say is there are people that try like hell to stay / get trim and can't, there are people who don't give a shit, and will eat 2 orders of Mc Donalds fries and 2 Big Macs with a Diet Coke because they can, and then there are diabetic people who can't help it.
Then there are those disgusting people like my grandfather that can eat as much, as often as he wants, and is lucky enough to have a metabolism that won't let him gain weight.
It's the difference between dissing individuals (which is a part of life) and dissing categories, tarring all the individuals in that category with the same brush. If you do not see how that is wrong, somewhere a baby unicorn is having its eyelids taped open and being forced to watch Bob Saget's entire videography. cnThat's the problem with the whole fucking world. You bash gays you're a homophobe, they cancelled bujus shows and took away beenie and bounty's visas. You diss Islam or the prophet they bomb everything, you diss jews you're anti semetic, you diss blacks, whites or whoever you're racist, you diss fat people you get a fat bitch justifying her fatness, everyone takes offense to the slightest shit. What ever the fuck happened to sticks and stones.
If your granddad is properly disgusting, he'll have lots of ideas on where to put it.When are these people gonna learn? NOTHING tastes as good as being skinny !! Joke!
I think a lot of people get a hard time for being overweight and they prob just have a slow metabolism whilst others live unhealthy. Its up to the individual at the end of the day. We don't like it when people go on at us for smoking too much do we?
My sister was the same height as me but weighed abt 40% more than me. We were just different. My Dad was also overweight and my Mum very slim. Just the way the cookie crumbles!!
Im disgusting like ur Grandad. Where do we put it eh?