Don't Call It 'POT' in This Circle, It's Cannabis, and a Profession

We were featured in New York Times!

"OAKLAND, Calif. — Like hip-hop, health food and snowboarding, marijuana is going corporate.

As more and more states allow medical use of the drug, and California considers outright legalization, marijuana’s supporters are pushing hard to burnish the image of pot by franchising dispensaries and building brands; establishing consulting, lobbying and law firms; setting up trade shows and a seminar circuit; and constructing a range of other marijuana-related businesses.

Boosters say it is all part of a concerted effort to trade the drug’s trippy, hippie counterculture past for what they believe will inevitably be a more buttoned-up future.

“I don’t possess a Nehru jacket, I’ve never grown a goatee, I’ve never grown my hair past the nape of my neck,” Allen St. Pierre, the executive director of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws said. “And I don’t like patchouli.”

Steve DeAngelo, the president of CannBe — a marketing, lobbying and consulting firm here — will not even use the word “marijuana.” Calling it pejorative, he prefers the scientific term “cannabis.”

“We want to make it safe, seemly and responsible,” Mr. DeAngelo said of marijuana.

That extends to his main dispensary and headquarters, the Harborside Health Center in Oakland, with its bright fluorescent lights, a clean, spare design, and a raft of other services including chiropractic care and yoga classes. On a recent Friday, the center was packed, with a line of about 50 people waiting as the workers behind the counter walked other customers through the various buds, brownies and baked goods that were for sale.

“If we can’t demonstrate professionalism and legitimacy, we’re never going to gain the trust of our citizens,” Mr. DeAngelo said. “And without that trust, we’re never going to get where we need to go.”

The ultimate destination, for many supporters, is legalization. Californians will decide in November if that is where they want to go, when they vote on a ballot measure that would legalize, tax and regulate marijuana.

Regardless of the outcome, CannBe says it expects to expand its business model nationwide to become what admirers say will be “the McDonald’s of marijuana.”

The for-profit company is made up of four proprietors of nonprofit dispensaries and their lawyer. Mr. DeAngelo calls them an “A-team of cannabis professionals.”

In late March, it helped lobby the City Council in San Jose, the nation’s 10th-largest city, to pass ordinances regulating dispensaries, a crucial step toward a legitimate industry. And last week at a cannabis conference in Rhode Island, Mr. DeAngelo was diversifying his product line, introducing a kind of “pot lite” with less psychoactive agents than regular marijuana and thus popular with what he calls “cannabis-naïve patients.”

John Lovell, a California lobbyist who represents two major police groups that oppose legalization, scoffed at the notion that marijuana proponents were cleaning up their act or gaining traction with the public, citing a recent decision by the Los Angeles City Council to sharply curtail the number of medical marijuana dispensaries there.

“They are a neighborhood blight,” he said. “Here you have dispensaries that have cash and dope. So, duh? Is it any surprise that they’ve been magnets for crime?”

But advocates call that characterization unfair and outdated.

“This is an emerging business opportunity, as it would be in any other area,” said Ethan Nadelmann, the founder and executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance, which favors legalization.

In California, dispensaries already employ all manner of business gimmicks to survive in an increasingly competitive market. West Coast Cannabis, a trade magazine, has dozens of advertisements for daily specials, free samples, home delivery, gift certificates, scientific testimonials, yoga classes, hypnotherapy, Reiki sessions, coupons, recipes and, of course — being California — free parking.

There are also new schools and seminars that can be used as credit for required continuing education classes for doctors and lawyers.

That includes the Cannabis Law Institute, which was certified last month by the California state bar. It was co-founded by Omar Figueroa, a graduate of Yale University and Stanford law school, who is hosting a seminar in Sonoma County in June that promises to teach attendees about “this fascinating area of the law.”

Mr. Figueroa, who said he was voted “most likely to fail a Senate confirmation hearing” at Stanford, said he was earning a good living in marijuana law, but was in it for the experience. “My passion has always been cannabis,” he said. “It’s the world’s most interesting law job.”

But it is not just California. Business is also booming in Colorado, which has seen an explosion in the number of dispensaries in the last year. That rapid expansion has alarmed some authorities and sent legislators scrambling to pass new regulations, but has been a boon for law firms like Kumin Sommers L.L.P. in San Francisco, which has merged with Warren C. Edson, a lawyer in Denver representing about 300 Colorado dispensaries. Mr. Edson said many of his clients were curious about decidedly staid fields like workers’ compensation, tax withholding and occupational safety.

“There’s this real Al Capone fear that they’re going to get our guys, not on marijuana, but on something else,” Mr. Edson said, referring to how Capone was eventually charged with tax evasion rather than criminal activity.

The federal government continues to oppose any decriminalization of the drug. And while the Obama administration has signaled some leeway when it comes to medical marijuana, raids on dispensaries and growers by law enforcement agencies are still common — even in California, where the industry effectively began in 1996, with the passage of the landmark Proposition 215, which legalized medical marijuana.

Today, rules vary widely in the 14 states that allow medical marijuana, and a final vote on legalization is pending in the District of Columbia. Some states require sellers to prove nonprofit status — often as a collective or cooperative — and all states require that patients have a recommendation from a physician. But even those in favor of medical marijuana believe that the system is ripe for abuse or even unintentional lawbreaking.

“Almost all the dispensaries in California are illegal,” said William Panzer, an Oakland lawyer who helped draft Proposition 215. “They’re sole proprietorships, not collectives.”

Mr. Nadelmann’s organization, the Drug Policy Alliance, says it does not take a position on whether those who sell the drug should be nonprofit or not. But he added, “The key people involved are not becoming personally wealthy.” "



Well-Known Member
This is a horrible post. Stop thinking your better than everyone else, I call it pot and it's still my profession! Taking "POT" corporate, you should be ashamed of yourselves. I understand the need to be legeit but you don't have to sell out your consumers i.e. people who possess a Nehru jacket, have grown a goatee, and have hair past the nape of their neck. I'm going to say right now you've lost my buisness just because of this article.


New Member
Well I did read an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal ( now that is EXPOSURE ) about MMJ....and a californis prosecutor who is in FAVOR of MMj lamented he wanted to STRANGLE some of the ppl who name the strains.... GREEN CRACK He exclaimed!!! :lol:


Well-Known Member
The marijuana community is our community. We are people with common sense(for the most part), like the first amendment, and don't give a shit what snooty politicians think about it and for the people who care about things like the name of a strain :finger:. People need to get over themselves and stop being so easily offended and taking things so seriously.


Well-Known Member
How did I go off topic? We get told everyday whats exceptable and this corporation is trying to play into moral correctness. I disagree with them and stated my opinion. Your the one who took a personal jab at my attitude which had nothing to do with anything. Do I have a attitude? yes. I'm very angry when I read something as mindless as this.


Well-Known Member
Did you read the whole article?

Boosters say it is all part of a concerted effort to trade the drug’s trippy, hippie counterculture past for what they believe will inevitably be a more buttoned-up future.
They're trying to tell us whats exceptable in this culture and control the marijuana market.

Regardless of the outcome, CannBe says it expects to expand its business model nationwide to become what admirers say will be “the McDonald’s of marijuana.”
Which is horrible and I hope it never happens. Look what Mcdonalds did to the world and peoples eating habits and health. Providing unhealthy food for so cheap most people can't afford much else and now we have an obesity epidemic.


New Member
yes, and you should go back and read your reactions.... completely negative.

He's lost your business because he posted an article? wow....

You are exactly the perception which is hurting the "cause".

You may not agree with my assessment of where weed will go if FULLY legalized... but that is not my WISH, but I am very good at seeing patterns. I merely point out the REALITY. WISH all you want to... but that negative attitude will NOT get you there.

Weed will go mainstream if it is legalized.... it will have to.


Well-Known Member
yes, and you should go back and read your reactions.... completely negative.
As it was meant to be!

He's lost your business because he posted an article? wow....
He lost my buisness because of the content of the article, which he supports the tone of.

You are exactly the perception which is hurting the "cause".

You may not agree with my assessment of where weed will go if FULLY legalized... but that is not my WISH, but I am very good at seeing patterns. I merely point out the REALITY. WISH all you want to... but that negative attitude will NOT get you there.
What cause? These guys aren't out for the cause they're out for your money!

Weed will go mainstream if it is legalized.... it will have to.
It has nothing to do with being mainstream. Corporations, once big enough, will produce poor quality weed and push all the small companies out of the market hurting the marijuana industry as a whole.

Please don't take this as an attack on you, it is no way meant to be.


New Member
Like he is responsible for the content. :roll:

as for the rest of your post... ridiculous.

You don't actually think small growers can produce enough weed for the entire country do you?

The only thing that will happen when big ag gets involved is... LOWER PRICES.... HORRIBLE!!!!


Well-Known Member
Like he is responsible for the content. :roll:
Harborside San Jose
We were featured in New York Times!
Yes they are resposible for what they say. And they agree with the article.

as for the rest of your post... ridiculous.

You don't actually think small growers can produce enough weed for the entire country do you?
Yes I do! There are plenty of small growers (small compared to a corporations) who could meet the demand.

The only thing that will happen when big ag gets involved is... LOWER PRICES.... HORRIBLE!!!!
Are you f'ing kidding me? Do you really think thats all thats going to happen? Look what corporations do. Wal-Mart, Mcdonalds, ect... they get big enough to control a market and set a standard to which others can't compete. Once they reach that point their quality bottoms out and they already have control.Yes it is HORRIBLE.

As for Big Agriculture. One word "Monsanto"


New Member
You are nuts if you think the country can be supplied by small growers..... how much TONNAGE is coming across the borders now? TONNAGE


Well-Known Member
You are nuts if you think the country can be supplied by small growers..... how much TONNAGE is coming across the borders now? TONNAGE
It's being smuggled in because it is illegal, I never said I was against legalization I'm against Big Corporations controlling this wonderful gift from mother earth. Also, it's not corporations growing and smuggling in pot, it's Mexican farmers so I guess small time growers could produce enough (when I say small I mean not corporate I don't mean closet growers). Who smokes that crap anyway except people who don't have access to good pot because it's illegal? If legaslized many more people would grow it. I've also notice how you haven't provided any argument for the corporatization of marijuana except lower prices which would happen anyway if leagalized. Most all small time farmers have been put out of buisness by big corporations taking away peoples livelyhoods and completely changing communities all over America. Legalization would be a chance to reform communities and bring funding back to small towns all over the country that have been devistated by corporate greed. Corporations focus on nothing but the bottom line. No matter the initial intentions anyone has, once a corporation becomes so big, everything changes and their primary goal becomes cash flow. You do know what Monsanto did to the Soy Bean industry don't you? That is what happens when corporations get too big. Are you a part of one of these organizations or something? I just can't see anyone being for corporitizing pot except for greedy assholes.


Well-Known Member
If it were legal, don't you think at least 50-75% of people who really wanted it would figure out how to grow their own, since it's totally legal, and would be cheaper? The other people who have enough money to not worry about growing would easily be supplied by the mass amount of weed hitting the market. Prices would go down, and people would be able to pick and choose the quality they want, as opposed to some corporate-approved quality level that is mass-produced.

And who cares about strain names? Have you seen the names of microbrew beers lately? C'mon. Only the churchgoers get offended and think it's actually green crack. lol It's called advertising.

Does the name Irvin Rosenfeld ring a bell? One of 4 people that actually gets their weed from the US government after winning a court battle many years ago. His joints are rolled on an old cigarette machine and the weed is put into cold storage for years. That sounds so yummy...... government processed weed, mmmm.