Donald Trump’s Suicide

He was getting that blow job when he shut down the federal workforce without pay, furloughs. I was an essential person required to come to work and work mandatory 16 hours shifts without getting paid. All those non-essential employees sat at home, then came back to work and got back pay for not working while I had to file an unfair labor claim to get paid for the overtime work I was forced to work and then couldn't get paid for.

I retired in 2008. I finally got paid for the overtime after a lawsuit involving others that worked with me. I got those settlement checks for unpaid overtime in 2016 and again in 2019. Years after I retired after years of court wins where the DOJ appealed the ruling for years. I think I ended up with $30,000 in back pay and damages. The damages occurred because the DOJ refused to promptly pay after losing the case repeatedly.


Let’s hear about how Dems are going to take our guns too whine about that a little too.
You must be a woman. No man would hate on another man gettin his knob polished.. definitely kotex. :bigjoint:
There was a power dynamic that made the act with Lewinsky fall into the abuse category. He shouldn't have done it and especially, he shouldn't have lied before Congress about it.

Still, though. I miss the day when a stained blue dress became a national scandal and led to the impeachment of a President.

sigh, we were so young and idealistic back then.
Ahhh the good old days. What I wouldn’t give for a Bush or two.

I bought this shirt at a gay bar. And I just lost it. How does one lose clothing? Answer, your wife probably threw it away.

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I just got back from shopping and I had to return a x-mad present to a clothing store called Deluth. They had a beaver piñata hanging above the register. I asked the girl if I could beat on her beaver. She did not think it was funny. But for real, what are they expecting making a beaver piñata?
Yo Magat, share some expert advice.

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I'm almost more disgusted with Cruz than Trump at this point. The backpedaling over the last 24 hours is just fucking pathetic, not to mention how unbelievably transparent it is. I really hope this wrecks his political career, but based on the almost 50% of the voters, I'm pretty sure this guy has nothing to worry about.

What's going on is fucking bananas.