Donald Trump

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What do you mean where was the outrage? There was a lot of outrage. I think however that you forget, there was almost 100 percent support to go to war, voted on by both republicans and democrats in the house and senate, likewise the majority of the citizens of this country wanted to go to war, that was the sentiment when we did go to war. People want to rewrite history but clearly forget those facts about the war.
The only fact about them wars is that the the WORLD was lied to in order to get into those wars. Bush and Cheney have blood on their hands. Trump supporters are idiots, bigots, suckers!

What do you mean where was the outrage? There was a lot of outrage. I think however that you forget, there was almost 100 percent support to go to war, voted on by both republicans and democrats in the house and senate, likewise the majority of the citizens of this country wanted to go to war, that was the sentiment when we did go to war. People want to rewrite history but clearly forget those facts about the war.
Yet you completely ignore the fact that we went to war based on lies. Talk about rewriting history. :roll:
the ones who yell the loudest against homosexuals are usually gay themselves but won't admit it. remember that pastor at the Springs mega church? screaming from the pulpit about gays going to hell and all the while smoking meth with gay massage dudes.

You just said it.
Trump Is So Clueless That He Thought He Could Move The GOP Convention Out Of Cleveland

Donald Trump is so clueless about how political conventions work that he thought he could just move the GOP convention out of Cleveland. Trump was unaware that the convention had to be held in the city that the RNC chose.

The biggest challenge that Republicans face with Trump is that the candidate has no idea how political conventions work. Donald Trump continues to try to plan four nights of television. What he doesn’t understand is that the convention is more than a TV show. Political conventions are used to energize and excite a party’s base about the general election. They are used to promote a picture of party unity behind the nominee. Parties want to come out of a convention on the same page and ready for the sprint to the White House.

However, when a nominee is clueless about the purpose of the convention, it is impossible to stage the sort of event that Republicans need. Of course, Trump didn’t know that he can’t pick up and move the Republican convention out of Cleveland. Donald Trump doesn’t follow politics.

Trump is completely clueless, which is why his convention in Cleveland will most likely another embarrassment to America under the Republican Party banner.
Republicans can’t stand the guy: More than half of GOP voters wish Trump wasn’t their candidate

Damning new poll indicates 71 percent find him "obnoxious," while 44 percent say he lacks the experience to lead

For all the talk of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton’s likability problem, presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump is facing incredible resistance from members of his own political party. A new Fox News poll out Wednesday shows that while Democrats prefer Clinton over rival Bernie Sanders by 21 points, a majority of Republicans wish they had a candidate other than the one they’ve got.

Ahhhaahaaaaaahahaaa that word again. Uninteresting. That's you. You've never said anything worth more than a laugh. At you. But seriously, where do you copy your ideas from? The editorial page of Hustler mag? Or is it from Trump's child rapist mag?
Good buddy, nah, it was your friend that said uninteresting....but obviously with the stupid and idiotic remarks that you make, you got your ideas in middleschool, and your little Lord of the Fly routines you all have going on, well they are even more laughable. Do you folks ever have any serious thoughts of your own, or do you all just sleep together and exchange little ideas, that surely are even smaller than the rest of your body parts?
Yet you completely ignore the fact that we went to war based on lies. Talk about rewriting history. :roll:
Do you all actually sit up all night reading all this stuff that is a day old? LOL...I guess that is what happens when birds of a seem like you have got more going on than that...:sleep:
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