Donald Trump

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The democrats want to ban semi auto rifles. All of them.
No they don't. They want to ban the sale of a type of "assault rifle". And I don't support that. I'm just saying the proposal vetted by Democrats after Orlando has no requirement for people to turn their guns in. It just bans the sale of new "assault rifles" whatever that is.

I'll let @see4 point out to you the technical details of what they want to ban.

But you are again changing the subject. What I responded to was this:

I personally don't own a gun right now. I have owned a gun in the past.

A gun is a tool, a sport, and a self defense weapon. It should aways be available to law abiding citizens. Taking them away from law abiding citizens (semi auto ban) only shifts the balance of power to criminals and corruption.

If you think the police is corrupt now, watch how fucked things will get when they have all the guns and all others with guns are considered criminals.

That is total garbage. There is no proposal by Hillary or any Democrat in congress to take all guns away.
To have their hands in everyone's business and money. To trample the rights of the people. To treat naysayers as enemy combatants. To spread influence over the world, one regime change at a time.

Corruption at its finest.

did desert dude teach you how to do purple prose?
Donald Trump is doing so badly he’s tweeting out polls that show him only two points behind.
"He is obsessed with polls because he’s insecure and requires near-constant validation of his worth. But Trump isn’t particularly scrupulous about where his validation comes from, and sometimes is forced to take the best of what’s around. On Friday, the best of what’s around was a very suspect poll from One America News, the Sarah Palin-affiliated television channel for people who think Fox News is too liberal, and Gravis Marketing, which got a decent, if not quite respectable, B- gradefrom FiveThirtyEight.

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Donald J. Trump


THANK YOU! #AmericaFirst

1:07 PM - 17 Jun 2016

This is where things stand for Trump now: tweeting outlier polls that show him losing to Hillary Clinton. Sad."

View attachment 3722351
Doesn't sadden me one bit.
The democrats want to ban semi auto rifles. All of them.

@Fogdog Though she is exaggerating a bit with, "All of them" and that she is implying all Democrats want the ban, she is someone accurate to say the proposed bill did want to ban pretty much all AKs and all ARs and semi-auto shotguns and semi-auto pistols.

The bill was a bit ridiculous and had no chance of passing the House.. or the Senate.

But again, she is using this failed bill as a means to attack. I own more guns than she has teeth, but I'm open to much stricter gun regulations if it will ease the current gun craze climate and ease on gun violence.

The difference between her and you and I Fogdog, is that we are compassionate people who care about the general wellbeing of our fellow US citizens and man, where she just cares about winning and herself. It's really quite sad.
No they don't. They want to ban the sale of a type of "assault rifle". And I don't support that. I'm just saying the proposal vetted by Democrats after Orlando has no requirement for people to turn their guns in. It just bans the sale of new "assault rifles" whatever that is.

I'll let @see4 point out to you the technical details of what they want to ban.

But you are again changing the subject. What I responded to was this:

That is total garbage. There is no proposal by Hillary or any Democrat in congress to take all guns away.
Yes there has been. They have tried to ban semi autos multiple times.

I had a thread earlier this year where I posted the bill. Here it is again.

It effectively bans any semiauto firearm. So hope you are okay with bolt action and revolvers being legal.
Hillary lobbied for that war, and Joe Lieberman wanted the occupation. I think Trump was one of the earliest critics.

He was asked on Sept 11, 2002, six months before the war, a direct question if he would support a war in Iraq, he said, "Yea, I guess so"

Then in 2004 he started coming out against the war, as did many politicians who were lied to by the Bush administration.

You're a fu-mo.
So hope you are okay with bolt action and revolvers being legal.

Tell ya what. My bolt action 308 would end you before you even reached a close enough distance to put me in your scope with an AR. And revolvers have long been known to be more reliable than semi auto handguns. Waaay more reliable.

And if you practice enough, you can reload a revolver almost as fast as you can a semi-auto pistol.

Besides, if you can't end your threat in less than 6 shots, you have no business owning a gun.

You are implying all Democrats want to ban semi automatic guns. That is not true.

I do agree however what they want to ban is a bit ridiculous, and as ridiculous as calling these guns "assault weapons".

An assault weapon is a fully automatic rifle that shoots military caliber rounds like 5.56 or .308 -- None of the weapons listed in the bill are fully automatic, and MANY could be chambered in something less than 5.56/.223, like .45, .40 or 9mm. -- To that end, they are not assault weapons by definition of BATF.
Assault Weapons Ban of 2015

This bill amends the federal criminal code to make it a crime to knowingly import, sell, manufacture, transfer, or possess a semiautomatic assault weapon (SAW) or large capacity ammunition feeding device (LCAFD).

The prohibition does not apply to a firearm that is: (1) manually operated by bolt, pump, lever, or slide action; (2) permanently inoperable; (3) an antique; or (4) a rifle or shotgun specifically identified by make and model.

129 democrats signed for this bill.

Also a similar bill for outlawing import of semiautos.
Obama is letting cross dressers in the military and taxpayers will pay for gender reassignment. Wonder if this has anything to do with Michelle looking like she was born a boy?
Right that's the biggest thing that gets me is that we pay for tranny's to convert. They pay for it themselves have fun but we should not have to pay it because they think they are a different gender because the pussification of the human race says God was wrong.

I don't care about ladyboys it's their own life but nobody is giving me a dick implant so I can rock a foot long but I could pay for it. Lol
In the 114th Congress, the current party alignments as of June 9, 2016, are as follows: House of Representatives: 248 Republicans (including one Delegate) and193 Democrats (including 4 Delegates and the Resident Commissioner).

129 out of 193 is alot. 2/3.
In the 114th Congress, the current party alignments as of June 9, 2016, are as follows: House of Representatives: 248 Republicans (including one Delegate) and193 Democrats (including 4 Delegates and the Resident Commissioner).

129 out of 193 is alot. 2/3.

just responding to the will of the american people, 57% of whom want to ban assault rifles.

sorry you are against the will of the american people.
Yes there has been. They have tried to ban semi autos multiple times.

I had a thread earlier this year where I posted the bill. Here it is again.

It effectively bans any semiauto firearm. So hope you are okay with bolt action and revolvers being legal.

Pie, you just can't get it right, can you. The bill was right there, all you had to do was scan though it like I did and in less than a minute you would have found this:


(a) In General.—Section 922 of title 18, United States Code, is amended—
(1) by inserting after subsection (u) the following:

“(v)(1) It shall be unlawful for a person to import, sell, manufacture, transfer, or possess, in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce, a semiautomatic assault weapon.

“(2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to the possession, sale, or transfer of any semiautomatic assault weapon otherwise lawfully possessed under Federal law on the date of enactment of the Assault Weapons Ban of 2015.

Shown in bold font is the bit in the proposed legislation that excludes from the ban "semiautomatic assault weapons" lawfully purchased before this legislation takes effect, assuming it ever does.

Do you understand? It only bans new SA rifles going forward. Not SA rifles lawfully purchased beforehand. Can you understand this?
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