Donald Trump

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London. I guess your spelling problem I pointed out has hit a sore spot. It's Ok london, I am trying to be as nice to you as I can or I will get in trouble. What I was getting at is, you don't need to spend your quarters you collect on me. Give to an employee that would appreciate your kindness. nitro
Why would you not continue being nice to me ? We now are helping each other. I'm going to send you some Depend for you and your wife. How bad is your leakage ?
Would you like me to send some Poligrip Denture Adhesive Cream as well.
Are you still having that anal hemorrhoid problem ? I can included something for that as well in your care package.

retard, penis jokes ........ little boy talk .....

your a total ass monkey troll ...... lying hack sitting in mommy's basement. did you rub her feet yet for taking care of your unemployed ass yet ? no wonder you love the dems so much, all the hand-outs .....

worked on wall street LOL', could not even answer my very direct question regarding quantitative easing thirty year, twenties & ten's / bonds and interest rates. how about your knowledge on hedge funds and primary banks using the feds reverse repo lines regarding tier one & tier two collateral swap at the end of each quarter ..... hmmmmmmm, hmmmmmmmm.....

so big mouth, riddle me this ? why they rocking the repo lines ????

or you gonna side-step this question also study some b.s. on google for 8 hours then chime in 24hrs later with another vague answer ......

pathetic ~
Haha. Logic make you mad?

Your logic makes me laugh.

You are defending the following logic:

"Immigrants that come here illegal are ruining the country, and besides it is against federal law, but it is totally ok for me to smoke marijuana even though it is against federal law"

Your contention is, "it's not the same thing"

I counter and stipulate that both laws are federal and both are comprised of something imaginary. The border is an imaginary line in the dirt that the government wrote into law after taking it from the native people. The prohibition of marijuana is an imaginary fear mongering law created by the government to control some imaginary fear that black people were going to rape the white woman.

Your penis is tiny, as is your brain.

Go to bed puppet, you are in over your head.
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& i bet you grow like crap also .....

come out and play see4 you ass monkey .... come on bud', ..... come out and play chump / bitch ~

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Nice plants man. You should stick to growing, it's about the only thing you appear to be good at.


retard, penis jokes ........ little boy talk .....

your a total ass monkey troll ...... lying hack sitting in mommy's basement. did you rub her feet yet for taking care of your unemployed ass yet ? no wonder you love the dems so much, all the hand-outs .....

worked on wall street LOL', could not even answer my very direct question regarding quantitative easing thirty year, twenties & ten's / bonds and interest rates. how about your knowledge on hedge funds and primary banks using the feds reverse repo lines regarding tier one & tier two collateral swap at the end of each quarter ..... hmmmmmmm, hmmmmmmmm.....

so big mouth, riddle me this ? why they rocking the repo lines ????

or you gonna side-step this question also study some b.s. on google for 8 hours then chime in 24hrs later with another vague answer ......

pathetic ~

By your rhetoric, I'm guessing you're all of 20 years old.

But anyhow, let me give you a brief rundown. I was a Financial Analyst at Morgan Stanley and then 9/11 happened. I moved back to Boston. I been part of several startups and have earned a good living doing so. I own more homes than you've had chicks. I own more guns than you own plants.

You are upset because you stumbled across someone who knows what they are talking about, and tried to pass off your bullshit you read on some random Google search as your own. Flaming Pie jumped on it like a good little retard and indulged your punk ass. Then you got butt hurt. And boy did you get butthurt fast. To be honest, you went full meltdown faster than anyone I've seen on RIU. So congrats for that.

I never took a handout, I left that industry nearly a decade before that all happened. Thankfully. I would not have lived with myself if I took money from hard working Americans.

Your tiny penis is incredibly tiny, but not nearly as tiny as your brain. Stick to growing pot, if that's even yours. You seem to be pretty good at it.

I've just finished up back crossing a WiFi with a Sour Jefe original. A buddy as done a few test grows, they are coming out really strong. Maybe if you're nice, I will toss you a few dozen seeds to experiment with.

You are not big time. Call me when you get there kid.
every single reader now knows your full of shit ~

side stepping more very, very direct questions. carry on with your trolling .... thanks for making my point, bitch ~

View attachment 3699938

Be a man and use @see4 if you want to engage in a conversation. Don't be a little bitch.

You've made no point yet. What is your point? Get to it.

Yea, you grow nice plants. I am acknowledging that. But frankly if you are basing your self worth on how well you grow marijuana plants, you've got a lot to learn kid.

Get back to you point.
Your logic makes me laugh.

You are defending the following logic:

"Immigrants that come here illegal are ruining the country, and besides it is against federal law, but it is totally ok for me to smoke marijuana even though it is against federal law"

Your contention is, "it's not the same thing"

I counter and stipulate that both laws are federal and both are comprised of something imaginary. The border is an imaginary line in the dirt that the government wrote into law after taking it from the native people. The prohibition of marijuana is an imaginary fear mongering law created by the government to control some imaginary fear that black people were going to rape the white woman.

Your penis is tiny, as is your brain.

Go to bed puppet, you are in over your head.

Damn, you need to go smoke one man. Please stop comparing prohibition to immigration, its nonsense. And if you don't like the laws you know you have the opportunity to leave whenever you please, correct?
Damn, you need to go smoke one man. Please stop comparing prohibition to immigration, its nonsense. And if you don't like the laws you know you have the opportunity to leave whenever you please, correct?

"Please stop comparing prohibition to immigration" - that is your counter argument? Really? Try harder. Much harder. You are out of your league.
get back on point. ?

you side-stepped my question on repo lines & quantitative easing, and i corrected your ass on when securitization started ( you fraud )

now you wanna hide in p.m. land ???????? LOL".......

i'd rather expose your ass as said fraud in real-time in front of the class. verbal bitch slap's one after the other ..... like ali, bang~bang, down goes the shwaggggg chump ~
get back on point. ?

you side-stepped my question on repo lines & quantitative easing, and i corrected your ass on when securitization started ( you fraud )

now you wanna hide in p.m. land ???????? LOL".......

i'd rather expose your ass as said fraud in real-time in front of the class. verbal bitch slap's one after the other ..... like ali

There you go again, being a little bitch. Try replying to my comment or referencing my name. Or are you simply too stupid to know how to do that?

I never read your question about repo lines and quantitative easing, probably because you never referenced me or replied to my comment, like a little bitch.

Now go and be a good bitch and reference your question you posed to me so I can read it and respond.

Try harder kid. Try much harder.
look back schwagggggg chump

u will see @see4

still no answers ....... now answer the very direct question, every second that goes by you look like a clown because your searching for help in your other browser windows, LOL'
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