Donald Trump

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"Please stop comparing prohibition to immigration" - that is your counter argument? Really? Try harder. Much harder. You are out of your league.

You trying to equate felonies is silly. If someone broke into your house and stole a bunch of stuff would you ignore it? Its a felony right?
You trying to equate felonies is silly. If someone broke into your house and stole a bunch of stuff would you ignore it? Its a felony right?

The border between the United States and Mexico is a made up imaginary border created by our government. Do you agree? If not, we are not on the same page.
The marijuana law is a law based on imaginary reasoning and fearing mongering in an effort to control a certain population of peoples. Do you agree? If not, we are not on the page.

Let's start with baby steps.
pin drop ~ still no answers about Q.E. or repo lines the class is waiting, bitch ~

lets go mrs. wall-street

Ok. It is clear you are here to troll and not actually add anything of value. My guess is you are a puppet of someone. But frankly I don't care.

And to respond to whatever it is you are trying to say, No, quantitative easing has absolutely nothing to do with our discussion on subprime mortgage loans and credit default swaps. And your tiny penis is STILL tiny.

Now, like I said, go be a good little bitch and reference your question you posed earlier and I will read and respond. Otherwise keep doing you kid. You are boring.
The border between the United States and Mexico is a made up imaginary border created by our government. Do you agree? If not, we are not on the same page.
The marijuana law is a law based on imaginary reasoning and fearing mongering in an effort to control a certain population of peoples. Do you agree? If not, we are not on the page.

Let's start with baby steps.

Marijuana laws are based on corruption, look that up, Hearst, DuPont and their ilk. Immigration laws in place to attempt to prevent 200 million people supporting 7 billion other people.
Marijuana laws are based on corruption, look that up, Hearst, DuPont and their ilk. Immigration laws in place to attempt to prevent 200 million people supporting 7 billion other people.

I agree, marijuana is based on "corruption". We aren't debating that.

However I disagree with your second point. But only partially. I agree that we need to control our borders so that others can not take advantage. But I disagree that a 50 foot wall is going to solve our problems. We need to look at education and corporate reform rather than walls and border patrol.

The point being, which you made for me earlier, is that nitro thinks that one law is bad (the marijuana law), so he breaks it. But he thinks the other law is good, so he supports it. And is fighting for it tooth-and-nail.

Whereas I don't particularly agree with either fully. And so I can't pass judgement on either.

If nitro feels strongly about NOT breaking laws, then he should stop smoking, growing or selling marijuana.

Is this such a hard concept to grasp?
come on swag bitch lets talk securitization, fed repo lines with global hedge funds and primary bankers, quantitative easing .....

Sure. What would you like to talk about? What specifically is on your mind? Besides trolling, weed and hot air.
come on swag bitch lets talk securitization, fed repo lines with global hedge funds and primary bankers, quantitative easing ....., new school vs chicago school economics ? zero bound interest rates ?

Express? Is that you? You little bitch.

You haven't asked a question yet. "zero bound interest rates?" isn't a fucking question.

Try harder. Much much harder.
again, for the third time why are the hedge funds and global primary banks using the feds repo lines at quarters end ?

google will not help you shwagggg bitch~ tick-tock class is waiting .....

Couple questions before I can try and respond. What is a "global primary bank"? Are you referring to the 10 or so world banks? What the fuck does a hedge fund have anything to do with world banks?
what is the correlation with quantitative easing and global zero bound / negative interest rates and why is this happening ? and what is the fed solution for exiting its position ?

how will yellen exit this position ? details, detail do not leave them out shwaggggggggggggggg bitch'

again, google will not help you ...... gulp.

The likely correlation is the slow introduction to "imaginary" money to ease the effect or rather negative effect new economic stimuli various central banks have tried to implement in more depressed markets.

Again, I'm not sure where you are going with your line of questioning. What does this have to do with the mortgage subprime market?
you fucking clown you have no fucking clue .....

i'm done you little bitch, go rub your mom's feet and make her a drink for letting you live in her basement.

Try harder. If you want to see if you can outwit me, you have to prove it.

Asking a dumb question with random financial ideas and then not supporting your question is absolutely valueless.

You've proved nothing. Try harder. Much harder.
again, for the third time why are the hedge funds and global primary banks using the feds repo lines at quarters end ?

google will not help you shwagggg bitch~ tick-tock class is waiting .....

If you are asking why BRIC banks and investment funds like Credit Suisse are looking to do warrant buybacks, it is likely because they feel the dollar is going to weaken over the next 6 months. As it does every presidential election cycle.
If you are asking why BRIC banks and investment funds like Credit Suisse are looking to do warrant buybacks, it is likely because they feel the dollar is going to weaken over the next 6 months. As it does every presidential election cycle.

My bad. I think it's bonds, not warrants.
down goes shwagggggggggg bitch ............ lol'....

i knew the day i stepped in this thread this unemployed ass-monkey was a fraud, troll with thousands of post because he's living off .gov in his momma's basement .... just like tweety bird with 29,000 forum post, so sad .....


my work is done. shwagggg bitch™ has been exposed as a troll / fraud.

viva' Trump! Till next time, chow

And in typical bitch fashion, you can't support your questions, you can't reference me in comments.

You are butthurt. Your full meltdown is very funny. Stick to growing kid, it's literally the only thing you're good at.
I agree, marijuana is based on "corruption". We aren't debating that.

However I disagree with your second point. But only partially. I agree that we need to control our borders so that others can not take advantage. But I disagree that a 50 foot wall is going to solve our problems. We need to look at education and corporate reform rather than walls and border patrol.

The point being, which you made for me earlier, is that nitro thinks that one law is bad (the marijuana law), so he breaks it. But he thinks the other law is good, so he supports it. And is fighting for it tooth-and-nail.

Whereas I don't particularly agree with either fully. And so I can't pass judgement on either.

If nitro feels strongly about NOT breaking laws, then he should stop smoking, growing or selling marijuana.

Is this such a hard concept to grasp?

A wall isn't going to do anything, I never said it would. I don't necessarily have a problem with illegal immigration, as long as those immigrants have zero access to any entitlements granted to US citizens. And I break the law, I know there may be repercussions for my actions, the same should apply to those that come here illegally.

Also, if you want to make a point and try to sway peoples views on an issue stop with the tiny dick/retard comments.
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