Donald Trump

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They commit a crime by illegally entering the country or staying beyond the end of their visa. How is that not criminal?

and you are sitting in arizona, which prohibits cannabis growing and consumption unless you have a very strict medical reason for doing so, which you don't.

what does that make you?


and Unclebuck...YOU should be deported

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Trump loves the poorly educated for a reason.
For that reason alone Trump will do very well with the hispanic vote and the Black vote. And I thought the dems like poorly educated voters.


i wonder what his black son-in-law would think of nitro calling him poorly educated by sole virtue of his skin color.

does anyone here think that nitro would tell his black son-in-law that he can't be racist because he has a black son-in-law?
This is an example of how smart you are. I am retired and you think I need a diploma. Fuck dude you are shitting on your own floor like poopy pants. You need to go wash some dirty laundry and think about trying to do some damage control on your reputation of smartness. It looks like you are spinning in the shitter , or is it the drier, or is it a washer. Fuck who the hell knows? TRUMP!

anyone who is even marginally less drunk than you are knows the difference between a washer and a dryer.

go slam back another fifth.

i wonder what his black son-in-law would think of nitro calling him poorly educated by sole virtue of his skin color.

does anyone here think that nitro would tell his black son-in-law that he can't be racist because he has a black son-in-law?

Who the hell are you calling the poorly educated? You are going to have a really good answer , I just know it. TRUMP!
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I was referring to the Mexican law that states only Mexican nationals can own beach front property. No foreign owned beach resorts. They beat us on trade. And they have strict immigration laws and treat Salvadorans and Hondurans with no human rights. They exploit workers in the American owned factories.
That's the opposite of nationalistic if they have a bunch of foreign factories and foreign businessmen owning giant tracts of land lol.
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I was referring to the Mexican law that states only Mexican nationals can own beach front property. No foreign owned beach resorts. They beat us on trade. And they have strict immigration laws and treat Salvadorans and Hondurans with no human rights. They exploit workers in the American owned factories.

i bet you're a big fan of david duke.
you are.

and why did you just call anyone who was black or hispanic poorly educated?

do you not realize how racist that is, even for a dyed in the wool racist like yourself?

To give you some candy, and make you slobber , Nothing like some candy for your daily sweet tooth . TRUMP!
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I understand him clearly.

The people crossing the border from mexico illegally are not doctors and millionaires, they are criminals and the poor. Is that really that hard to understand?
My mother in law used a work visa. She didn't come over illegally.
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Go for it dude. It would empress your fan club. And you can finish filling your belly with candy. Because we all know how much kids like candy. TRUMP!

dont you love it when he threatens you with " i have your personal info"

just becasue hes been hacked into and had someone know all his info hes gonna try to turn it around
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I was referring to the Mexican law that states only Mexican nationals can own beach front property. No foreign owned beach resorts. They beat us on trade. And they have strict immigration laws and treat Salvadorans and Hondurans with no human rights. They exploit workers in the American owned factories.

Your ignorance is really showing through lol. Mexico allows real estate trusts, which many foreign nationals do in order to buy land in the "restricted zones." The beach front resort industry is actually exploitative to native Mexicans, and on the topic of worker exploitation in factories that's OUR problem. It's called corporate responsibility.
dont you love it when he threatens you with " i have your personal info"

just becasue hes been hacked into and had someone know all his info hes gonna try to turn it around

Its kinda funny watching poopy pants get his panties in a bunch. That has got to be messy to straighten out. TRUMP!
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