Donald Trump

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what you need to understand is you win the party nomination by pandering to your base....but you win the national election by pandering the swing voters on the fence. The core people are going to vote their way no matter's all about those in the margins
Trump has turned himself off to too may margin groups....
That's not true. His tax plan has a lot of independents excited, and is picking up moderate democrats as well
I agree with all of that except for "unknown" He is very well known, almost every registered voter knows who he is

Yes, but my point is that he makes Ross Perot look like a milquetoast.

American, run for the POTUS political maneuvering has never seen anyone like his influence and effect is largely unknown and unknowable.
The Donald has sent all of the so-called political experts running back to their drawing boards in order to attempt to figure out what is going to happen with an unknown and never seen before type of participant in the race.
Very entertaining.
The republicans have been very kind to mr trump on the debates so far by not dragging out his checkered past business practices......I doubt the Democratic campaign fact checkers will be so generous...
Trump has never written a bankruptcy law in his life. As a business man, he made most decisions based on profit.
As the president, he can use that negotiation mindset to benefit America.
I mean Jesus Christmas bro, he's already writing the rules for the upcoming debate.
I want somebody in the white house who knows how to get shit done.
His polling on the economy is in the upper 60s in some states.
Trump has never written a bankruptcy law in his life. As a business man, he made most decisions based on profit.
As the president, he can use that negotiation mindset to benefit America.
I mean Jesus Christmas bro, he's already writing the rules for the upcoming debate.
I want somebody in the white house who knows how to get shit done.
I'm sure he'll use every trick he's ever learned to manipulate the debates...
Be careful what you wish for.
I would have agreed with you a couple of months ago.
But politics can be astonishingly unpredictable...there are no experts who even remotely predicted Trump's current dominance in the GOP polls.

you are making yet another failed prediction. you are 100% with your predictions failing so far. i guess you wanted to keep the streak alive.
Really! You cant see the correlation? Mexicans and all Latinos are offended by his remarks and Mexicans do have Families in this country who do vote I personally know Mexicans who have lived in this country for over 50 years and do vote. Latinos are all Mexicans in Trumps eyes, he doesn't care for us and we certainly don't give a fuck about his orange orangutan looking asshole.


The ones that live here "50 years!" Dont support mexico or bringing mexico here. That's a lie to try and get americans to hate us too and so the glibtards can try to make evetyone think us reds and browns ALL support their loony, gay, welfare state crud when really, it's insulting to our intelligence and dignity, just like it is the gringos?
The dems claiming "people of color" one is wrong and two is innacurate. It's just trying to sleazify everyone and make whites falsely think they are the only ethical adults left who care.
Stop using people of dignity in your "people of color!" claims, which are bullsheet
what you need to understand is that you win the party nomination by pandering to your base....but you win the national election by pandering the swing voters on the fence. The core people are going to vote their way no matter's all about those in the margins
Trump has turned himself off to too may margin groups....
You may be wrong. Playing to swing voters can mean you lose your base. McCain played to the swing voters and his base didn't turn out.
Yes, but my point is that he makes Ross Perot look like a milquetoast.

American, run for the POTUS political maneuvering has never seen anyone like his influence and effect is largely unknown and unknowable.
The Donald has sent all of the so-called political experts running back to their drawing boards in order to attempt to figure out what is going to happen with an unknown and never seen before type of participant in the race.
Very entertaining.
Anybody makes Ross Perot look like milquetoast. He was born looking that way.
The republicans have been very kind to mr trump on the debates so far by not dragging out his checkered past business practices......I doubt the Democratic campaign fact checkers will be so generous...
You can say the same thing about Clinton, too. Republicans certainly aren't about to refrain from dragging out her past.
You can say the same thing about Clinton, too. Republicans certainly aren't about to refrain from dragging out her past.
What past?
Any candidate that tries to make up shit about her in a debate will be crucified.
It's one thing to lie about someone or hurl untrue accusations about them behind their back using Proxys, it's another to do so live in front of the nation and be accountable for what you say.
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