Donald Trump

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I don't see what Mexico thinks has to do with an American election

Really! You cant see the correlation? Mexicans and all Latinos are offended by his remarks and Mexicans do have Families in this country who do vote I personally know Mexicans who have lived in this country for over 50 years and do vote. Latinos are all Mexicans in Trumps eyes, he doesn't care for us and we certainly don't give a fuck about his orange orangutan looking asshole.

Really! You cant see the correlation? Mexicans and all Latinos are offended by his remarks and Mexicans do have Families in this country who do vote I personally know Mexicans who have lived in this country for over 50 years and do vote. Latinos are all Mexicans in Trumps eyes, he doesn't care for us and we certainly don't give a fuck about his orange orangutan looking asshole.

That's not true. Just because he doesn't care for Jorge Ramos and his dual citizenship. That doesn't mean he hates Hispanic Americans. He is polling very well in Nevada with hispanics. They dont like illegals stealing their jobs. Which is a union state. just thought I'd point that out. Trump doesn't poll well with people in this country illegally. Which happens to be a large portion of hispanics."Latinos love Trump"
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Trump is dominating in two key states. Nevada and South Carolina.
When it comes to the economy and illegal immigration. Nobody else comes close

That's not true. Just because he doesn't care for Jorge Ramos and his dual citizenship. That doesn't mean he hates Hispanic Americans. He is polling very well in Nevada with hispanics. They dont like illegals stealing their jobs. Which is a union state. just thought I'd point that out. Trump doesn't poll well with people in this country illegally. Which happens to be a large portion of hispanics."Latinos love Trump"

ok Latinos Love Trump.

Really! You cant see the correlation? Mexicans and all Latinos are offended by his remarks and Mexicans do have Families in this country who do vote I personally know Mexicans who have lived in this country for over 50 years and do vote. Latinos are all Mexicans in Trumps eyes, he doesn't care for us and we certainly don't give a fuck about his orange orangutan looking asshole.


Like I said before,....

...Ask the immigrants what they are running away from,.. and you will get this,...Murderers, thieves, kidnappers and drug dealers,...What did Donald say again ?? Oh, that`s right,....same thing.
I hope the pubs nominate trump because there is now way the majority of Americans will put him in the White House....I have more faith in America than that

Be careful what you wish for.
I would have agreed with you a couple of months ago.
But politics can be astonishingly unpredictable...there are no experts who even remotely predicted Trump's current dominance in the GOP polls.

However, most polls still show Trump losing nationally to the deeply flawed and hamstrung Hillary, so far!
It is way early yet...we will see.
Trump is to divisive & polarizing to win a consensus vote....

You may very well be correct.
Too many variables in play to predict with any certainty.
We still have over a year to go.

But Trump is largely an unknown, unprecedented, unquantifiable type of anti-politician...
You may very well be correct.
Too many variables in play to predict with any certainty.
We still have over a year to go.

But Trump is largely an unknown, unprecedented, unquantifiable type of anti-politician...
I agree with all of that except for "unknown" He is very well known, almost every registered voter knows who he is
what you need to understand is that you win the party nomination by pandering to your base....but you win the national election by pandering the swing voters on the fence. The core people are going to vote their way no matter's all about those in the margins
Trump has turned himself off to too may margin groups....
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