Donald Trump

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don't take my word for it....Trump has a very low approval rating with women....
and with Hispanics too right? I can tell when somebody gets all of their info from the liberal media.
You're not bringing up anything that I haven't heard a hundred times before. The war on women was 2012, its probably not going to work this time.
it's ok to love your pets, it's NOT ok to loooooooooooove your pets

Question to the Trump and Obama fans. Do you want Trump to have unilateral power to kill a domestic terrorist without due process?

You mean like Timothy Mc Veigh fucking a right scumbags like that needs to have a tomahawk shoved up his ass, at least he's no longer walking this Earth.

ANY person who terrorizes American lives gives up his right to due process imho.

and with Hispanics too right? I can tell when somebody gets all of their info from the liberal media.
You're not bringing up anything that I haven't heard a hundred times before. The war on women was 2012, its probably not going to work this time.

I watch Hispanic news daily and if there is 1undisputable fact Trump has a 70% disapproval rating, 7 out of 10 Hispanics hate him those are not just Mexicans thats all Hispanics.

The pukes ARE misogynist, they most certainly are. They don't give women respect like the Dems do, they hold hearings about women issues with nothing but men in attendance (PP) not 1 woman there.

Guess that's why more women support the Democratic Party than the Pukes, right?

If you were a illegal parasite wanting a free life off everybody's back, carrying tuberculosis, parasites and enterovirus you would hate trump too......
legals aren't against trump. They resent the laraza trash and had to do something, as well as work, to be here.
All.the glibtards are spending others money, creating others work and are a mentally ill group of worthless we wouldn't have so much trouble with except for welfare....which is dying soon....thank god
If you were a illegal parasite wanting a free life off everybody's back, carrying tuberculosis, parasites and enterovirus you would hate trump too......
legals aren't against trump. They resent the laraza trash and had to do something, as well as work, to be here.
All.the glibtards are spending others money, creating others work and are a mentally ill group of worthless we wouldn't have so much trouble with except for welfare....which is dying soon....thank god

what is the deal with racists abusing ellipses?
Racist is the only phony word you know.
you use it to cover over other simple realities. Nothing you ever say has any real merit or is worth anything on all the forums you troll.
Thst's why I think you must be a 500 lb gay guy in Arkansas that volunteers for the klan to try and make people you aren't, look like people you are.
just an observation...
I watch Hispanic news daily and if there is 1undisputable fact Trump has a 70% disapproval rating, 7 out of 10 Hispanics hate him those are not just Mexicans thats all Hispanics.

The pukes ARE misogynist, they most certainly are. They don't give women respect like the Dems do, they hold hearings about women issues with nothing but men in attendance (PP) not 1 woman there.

Guess that's why more women support the Democratic Party than the Pukes, right?

You mean like Hilary crucifying the numerous women who committed the crime of being assaulted by Bill? There's your "War on Women"
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