Donald Trump

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nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Obama inherited a huge deficit and quite appropriately has been bringing the deficit down over the years. Democrats are much better at managing government than spendthrift, and ignorant Republicans.
I guess you think Chicago and Detroit are Democratic master pieces? Obama Organized Chicago, or what ever the fuck the guy did. who the hell knows. 19 going to 21 Trillion dollars in dept. What was it when Bush got out? The Dems look like a fucking train wreak. TRUMP!

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
I hear the bitch is going to put Billy in charge of the economy. I guess you missed that part? TRUMP!
Wouldn't you put Bill in charge of the economy after all he is the only modern time President to leave office with a budget surplus unless of course you can provide us with the name of the Republican President who ever had a budget surplus...I'll save you the trouble of bursting that 1 brain cell you have and let you know that a budget surplus by a Republican President never, ever happened!

Trump supporters are HUGE suckers! Hahaha!



Well-Known Member
Please take some of your stashed tax dodging money and buy some spelling lessons. Part of your incredibly annoying ignorance is that I can picture you spitting corn at the keyboard when you're trying to sound out the words. Are you proud as an American adult that with all of your "golden age of America" education this is how you communicate? This is what you want for this country? And your candidate reflects your values.


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't you put Bill in charge of the economy after all he is the only modern time President to leave office with a budget surplus unless of course you can provide us with the name of the Republican President who ever had a budget surplus...I'll save you the trouble of bursting that 1 brain cell you have and let you know that a budget surplus by a Republican President never, ever happened!

Trump supporters are HUGE suckers! Hahaha!

It never happened under a Democratic president either... They said it was a budget surplus yet the debt went up...

Secondly, the economy went up using 180 degree tactics from what Hillary wants. Bill cut taxes and regulation, hillary wants to increase it.

Is bill going to change the economy with the power of his personality??


Well-Known Member
Please take some of your stashed tax dodging money and buy some spelling lessons. Part of your incredibly annoying ignorance is that I can picture you spitting corn at the keyboard when you're trying to sound out the words. Are you proud as an American adult that with all of your "golden age of America" education this is how you communicate? This is what you want for this country? And your candidate reflects your values.
In business trump is awesome to women and his employees... Yes, we want a candidate that respects women and the people that work for him. Shocking, I KNOW!!


Well-Known Member
She is not under criminal investigation as you stated. She is simply under investigation to find whether there are criminal charges that can be brought. None have been found so far.

I am so sorry that you don't like facts. I'm sure you were top of the class in your home school.

Yea, I'm anti american. I served my country, I pay more in taxes than you make and I participate in the political process by voting. Oh and I own several small businesses and your tiny penis is very tiny. So there's that.


Well-Known Member
For those who want to know about campaign finances... Federal Election Commission: Presidential Campaign Finances
Pay attention to the section on summaries and expenditures toward right side of your screen.

The debt incurred "on the campaign trail" for trump is "HUGE" compared to the others. It makes me wonder who is going to be in charge of paying down that massive campaign debt. Oh wait... like all other U.S. debt... the taxpayers are going to.

Don't forget trump demanded to be paid five million USD to attend a televised debate, before the beginning of the primaries.
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Well-Known Member
Once again... The only polls that are accurate and unbiased are the ones showing the actual vote tallies on election days. Random polls like the ones you might see televised before an election day are inaccurate and biased.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Wouldn't you put Bill in charge of the economy after all he is the only modern time President to leave office with a budget surplus unless of course you can provide us with the name of the Republican President who ever had a budget surplus...I'll save you the trouble of bursting that 1 brain cell you have and let you know that a budget surplus by a Republican President never, ever happened!

Trump supporters are HUGE suckers! Hahaha!

I wouldn't put a rapist in charge of jack shit! TRUMP!

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
It`s not all BS. Going bankrupt is an option to restructure under a management company to form a positive cash flow and pay off debt/fees/fines.. and regain your business over time, or the option to close, settle/sell-off., which will stiff your vendors and depending on their size, is linked to their payroll. The business owners personal bank accounts are not in play, only the business valued and bank accounts. Either we go to long cashier lines or vendors will offer credit lines.

And being bankrupt multiple times and still in business can`t be compared to failed career politicians. As President, he will have a treasury, and a Congress to share blames with.
Bankruptcy is an option for many folks however when a businessman goes bankrupt someone will be left holding his dick in his hands and it's unlikely it will be the person filing bankruptcy.

I just can't understand how some folks think bankruptcy is such a smart business decision I feel innocent workers will be fucked through no fault of their hard work.



Well-Known Member
Bankruptcy is an option for many folks however when a businessman goes bankrupt someone will be left holding his dick in his hands and it's unlikely it will be the person filing bankruptcy.

I just can't understand how some folks think bankruptcy is such a smart business decision I feel innocent workers will be fucked through no fault of their hard work.

Because if he didnt declare bankruptcy all his employees would be out of a job. You want to look at the suffering without looking at the benefit.


Well-Known Member
Obama inherited a huge deficit and quite appropriately has been bringing the deficit down over the years. Democrats are much better at managing government than spendthrift, and ignorant Republicans.

So, to help bring the deficit down, Obama will spend more money than all other Presidents before him combined. Is that the great management skills of a Democrat ?


Well-Known Member
Bankruptcy is an option for many folks however when a businessman goes bankrupt someone will be left holding his dick in his hands and it's unlikely it will be the person filing bankruptcy.

I just can't understand how some folks think bankruptcy is such a smart business decision I feel innocent workers will be fucked through no fault of their hard work.

Ok, I see,...Let me clear it for you,....Yes bankruptcy is harmful and is never a goal to reach. There is nothing positive about it. It`s an option that allows the boss to crumble but through mandated management the plant can remain open. The other option is for the plant to close and vendors to fight for what`s owed.

Trump has 11 failures, but nobody counts successes. If you have 11 failures and 350 successes, you are not doing that bad unless the failures were in critical areas.
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