Donald Trump

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So name one politician that's not a crook? And bankruptcy is not a criminal act by the way.

Bankruptcy FRAUD is a crime. Bankruptcy fraud is a white-collar crime that takes four general forms. First, debtors conceal assets to avoid having to forfeit them. Second, individuals intentionally file false or incomplete forms. Third, individuals sometimes file multiple times using either false information or real information in several states.

As far as I am concerned all future or current U.S. politicians are crooks. Some of my family members were left to die on the "Trail of Tears" while being forced, at gun point, to evacuate my homeland by the U.S. Government.
Well with the kind of money I have stashed away and with the advances in medicine along with the clintons being older than me, I can see pissing on their grave someday. TRUMP!
I don't know about that fisherman. After you have to call her President Clinton you might ( using your favorite word ) pop.
Are you going to watch her inauguration ?
Unlike Hillary though he is not under criminal investigation by the FBI. Nuff said.... #TRUMPTRAIN2016

Neither is Hillary. The FBI is investigating the servers and staff to see if there are any criminal charges that could be brought. None have been found so far.

Didn't work for you Benghazi, unlikely to work in Emailgate.

Instead of offer up tricks, cheats and bullshit, how about offer up a fiscal and social platform that people can get behind?
Yeah I think that old heart of yours just might pop, when she is President. Who does your wife support ?

Hell, I haven't been more relaxed in over seven years now. My wife is on the TRUMP TRAIN, she was a little bit behind me because there were so many to chose from. I knew Trump was in it to win it last september and she jumped on after the first of the year.

Who do you and your wife support? for the record. TRUMP!
The democratic party has some thinking to do. TRUMP!

“Democrat Senate candidates need to ask themselves: Can they really support Hillary Clinton? She’s a living history of scandal, lies and spin. Defended an accused child rapist, then laughed about his lenient sentence. Whitewater. Travelgate. Chinagate. Filegate. She politically attacked sexual harassment victims, pretended she landed under sniper fire. Benghazi. The Clinton Foundation. FBI investigation. Ruthless. Fake accents, fake concerns, and fake laughs. Hillary Clinton. She’s the living embodiment of everything that people hate about politics. Democratic Senate candidates—she is your burden to bear.”

Neither is Hillary. The FBI is investigating the servers and staff to see if there are any criminal charges that could be brought
No she is under investigation.
Parse it any way you want...
And as far as your Benghazi comment goes. Just proves what a anti american loser you are....
Hell, I haven't been more relaxed in over seven years now. My wife is on the TRUMP TRAIN, she was a little bit behind me because there were so many to chose from. I knew Trump was in it to win it last september and she jumped on after the first of the year.

Who do you and your wife support? for the record. TRUMP!
Women all across America are jumping on the #TRUMPTRAIN2016
That's all bs when you go bankrupt you are stiffing your vendors payroll, you make it sound like going bankrupt harms no one, the dumpsters business continued to do business; his vendors weren't as lucky some closed up shop and other's were lucky to get pennies on the dollar. How many times did Warren Buffet go bankrupt?


It`s not all BS. Going bankrupt is an option to restructure under a management company to form a positive cash flow and pay off debt/fees/fines.. and regain your business over time, or the option to close, settle/sell-off., which will stiff your vendors and depending on their size, is linked to their payroll. The business owners personal bank accounts are not in play, only the business valued and bank accounts. Either we go to long cashier lines or vendors will offer credit lines.

And being bankrupt multiple times and still in business can`t be compared to failed career politicians. As President, he will have a treasury, and a Congress to share blames with.
Ignorance isn't a virtue. Reagan had a split congress during much of his time in office. During GOP Senatorial control he initiate and managed to get passed unfunded tax cuts and increased spending, creating the largest expansion of peacetime debt ever seen. Bush 2 oversaw the same with Republican control over both houses. You are repeating an old and false myth that Democrats are fiscal spendthrifts. Just the opposite is true.

Trump promises the same thing. Cut taxes and increase spending. You are an ignoramus. You and your fellow ignorant Trump supporters are a dying and failing breed in the US.

Obama`s 2017 fiscal budget,...4.15 Trillion $ With 1.1 trillion spent on discretionary spending.

Someone`s gonna have to take out a foreign loan.

By Sam Wenkert • On May 21, 2016 • In Election Election 0

It’s been said before, and it will be said many times again. The ‘Trump Train’ has no brakes.
As I am writing this, the Republican Party is in its final stages of unifying. Even Paul Ryan is in the midst of possibly endorsing Trump after their longstanding quells. The other, failed Republican candidates made moves to either endorse, or completely avoid talk about Trump. But no opposition. The presumptive nominee, Donald J. Trump took the opportunity to unify his party with just three words: defeat Hillary Clinton.
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