Donald Trump

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You`re a horrible judge of character. Someone could be racist against Asians and the N-word would not be a factor.

Armor holds better than character flaws. You pull up maybe`s, could be, and what if`s, then declare off that. Your kind still exists.
Oh look, there you are.

I looked for your link to some or advise to consider, Still can`t find anything. If the klan yells Hillary, then she`s racist,...Right ? I don`t work that way guy.

Most of the racists I`ve encountered in my life were what I thought to be, far from it.
And you probably believe every word of this. Everybody in the world sees trump's racism but you. Keep doing you, champ.
You're so angry! Lol! Such a passive aggressive behavior, it's interesting to me :clap: there should be a True Life MTV episode on you, so fascinating! Throw out having a conversation like an adult and let's sling some mud! bongsmilie
Adult conversation? Lol you are a moron juvenile. gtfoh nitwit. Start working on your wall, use lego's for now.

alpha pus bag.jpg
Oh, I hadn't known I was being childish, let me go back through the comments again.. Nope, no childish behavior from me, do you think I am you or something? It appears you're confusing your posts with mine :o

Here, I'll make it more confusing for you. Here's a meme :|

Now your turn to tell me she's evolved..and meme me back ;)
it's hidden under your grammar book.
Here's a secret, you forgot to capitalize the 'I' in 'it's'. See, when you start a sentence, it needs to start with a capital letter.

Definition: The form of an alphabetical letter (such as A, B, C) used to begin a sentence or proper noun; an uppercaseletter, in contrast to lower case. Verb: capitalize. In classical Greek and Latin writing, only capital letters (also called majuscules) were used.

Hope this helps!
It's all over but the crying. I think Trump has the nomination just about wrapped up. I suspect he may try to get Chris Christie as his AG so this year's stash crop had better be good! Fugly shit coming if Hillary goes down and Trump sneaks in. :spew:
We already have more illegals leaving then entering under obama. A wall seems like a big waste of tax money. Or what repubs are good at.. lining their contractor friends pockets
Very true! A million have left and 830k have entered. It's mostly due to the issue of them not having as easy of a time crossing back to see their families. Also, the quality of life here is not much different, a study finds. Obama has deported more than any other president as well. But, with that aside, the statistics are too early to make an official statement that the Mexican surge back to Mexico will continue. It's easy to see the problem, especially in the restaurant business. There are still millions of citizens out of work right now, both Mexican American citizens and American citizens, and they should have those job positions. Also, it's not fair to the illegals that they get shitty pay because it's under the books. I feel for the illegals, my grandfather came over on a boat. The world is very distorted, there are many things that need to change. If not a wall, then what? I'm open to anything that will stop people entering illegally and getting a license and benefits. That's not fair, that is money that could be going to our homeless, our vets. Things need to change, how to make the changes, well, whatever works.

What is fair to an illegal ? I don`t want an example, I want how they get to be treated fair with residents.

There are millions out of work because work left overseas,...the US allows sales back with relaxed tariffs. No incentive to ever return, every reason to leave.

Career politicians feel this is a good thing or it would not be so. Donald tells them to STFU.
Everyone's like "Trump is so against illegals and sending jobs overseas! He wants Americans to work!" Then forget about his Polish Brigade that later sued him over working conditions and withheld pay. Then they forgot about where all his crap is manufactured and that his Hotels and Casinos love to hire green cards/work visa people.

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Everyone's like "Trump is so against illegals and sending jobs overseas! He wants Americans to work!" Then forget about his Polish Brigade that later sued him over working conditions and withheld pay. Then they forgot about where all his crap is manufactured and that his Hotels and Casinos love to hire green cards/work visa people.


Trump loves Hispanics. Trump loves everybody, even the protesters. TRUMP!
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