Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
Fuck you gay! You don't belong here! Discrimination.
Fuck you black man! You don't belong here! Racism.
Fuck you women! You don't belong here! Sexism.
Fuck you Republican! I don't like you! Bigotry.
Good job. You are a rare breed of Republican, you are able to grasp simple concepts.

I'd like to offer you a medal. Or a chest to pin it on.


Well-Known Member
Lmao wow, it's a circus this year.

I thought this one was pretty hillary-ious

You are seriously comparing a candidate who mistakenly misremembered that Bernie Sanders was not in attendance at something that took place 23 years prior with someone who incites violence and wants to build a 50 foot wall along the southern border?

Nice try, that trick only works on Trump voters. You know, the knuckle dragger crowd. "Theeey toook errr joooob"


Well-Known Member
You`re a horrible judge of character. Someone could be racist against Asians and the N-word would not be a factor.

Armor holds better than character flaws. You pull up maybe`s, could be, and what if`s, then declare off that. Your kind still exists.
Oh look, there you are.

I looked for your link to some or advise to consider, Still can`t find anything. If the klan yells Hillary, then she`s racist,...Right ? I don`t work that way guy.

Most of the racists I`ve encountered in my life were what I thought to be, far from it.
English OddBall, English. Use it properly, and you might go places one day.


Well-Known Member
I'm all for the wall. Build it tall and wide. It's called coming to America legally. Maybe you're an illegal though, or know many illegals, so I can see why your against a wall. Hillary incites hatred. Just look at you hating on Trump fans. You really hate them don't you? How's that hatred feel? I bet it really makes your day enjoyable ;) Obama divided the country, so let's get the facts straight here. Identity politics.
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Well-Known Member
I'm all for the wall. Build it tall and wide. It's called coming to America legally. Maybe you're an illegal though, or know many illegals, so I can see why your against a wall. Hillary incites hatred. Just look at you hating on Trump fans. You really hate them don't you? How's that hatred feel? I bet it really makes your day enjoyable ;) Obama divided the country, so let's get the facts straight here. Identity politics.
We already have more illegals leaving then entering under obama. A wall seems like a big waste of tax money. Or what repubs are good at.. lining their contractor friends pockets


Well-Known Member
You're so angry! Lol! Such a passive aggressive behavior, it's interesting to me :clap: there should be a True Life MTV episode on you, so fascinating! Throw out having a conversation like an adult and let's sling some mud! bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I'm all for the wall. Build it tall and wide. It's called coming to America legally. Maybe you're an illegal though, or know many illegals, so I can see why your against a wall. Hillary incites hatred. Just look at you hating on Trump fans. You really hate them don't you? How's that hatred feel? I bet it really makes your day enjoyable ;) Obama divided the country, so let's get the facts straight here. Identity politics.
you are dumber than fuck. I deviated from the trump protocol

alpha bitch.jpg
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