Donald Trump

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Trump could end up being the best thing that ever happened to Mexicans, but they just don't know it yet. imo

If I was to vote today I would go with Trump but lets just enjoy the entertainment for now. We have some good entertainment coming up with the Dem debate and then Boot in the ass day for hillary on Oct 22and. This is a big month for the Dems so get your popcorn ready and enjoy.

Pulling up a chair now! Scene II act I

The ACA is a carbon copy of Romney`s Mass Health Plan.

Yes it is Romneycare 2.0, the ACA came out of a right wing think tank it was a point of contention during the 2012 Presidential campaign, Romney contended what was good for Mass. Wasn't good for the nation guess he was wrong huh?

Everytime you hear Obamacare, think Romneycare. The pukes can't stand the fact that Obama got us healthcare and used their idea.

Yes it is Romneycare 2.0, the ACA came out of a right wing think tank it was a point of contention during the 2012 Presidential campaign, Romney contended what was good for Mass. Wasn't good for the nation guess he was wrong huh?

Everytime you hear Obamacare, think Romneycare. The pukes can't stand the fact that Obama got us healthcare and used their idea.


It get`s better than that dude,....

...Obama had actually thought it through and solved the US health care issue, simply by adding a few things to Romneycare, he realized that a Gov. health care would work this way. It was a win, win, win for everyone except the big insurance co`s. that would got out of business. Then Obama did the unthinkable,....He sold out ACA 1 for the insurance companies version (ACA2.0) that only benefits the insurance companies.

The lobbyists got him to sell out American Health, Democrats at work for you and me.................
Yes it is Romneycare 2.0, the ACA came out of a right wing think tank it was a point of contention during the 2012 Presidential campaign, Romney contended what was good for Mass. Wasn't good for the nation guess he was wrong huh?

Everytime you hear Obamacare, think Romneycare. The pukes can't stand the fact that Obama got us healthcare and used their idea.


Bizarre logic
That`s the point I`m trying to make,....there is much more to a racist. Saying Asians and Mexicans are the hardest working is not a racist comment to me, it`s a description of a result that is subject to change and nothing to do with their race.
This would be a cool experiment, even though I know people are going to get offended fuck it. Take a Mexican, Asian, and Caucasian from there place of origin. All of them being the same age. Naturally they will be eating differently because of what part of the world they are from. Put them in a room and have them go at it to the death with bare hands. I think race would play a card in the outcome.
Typically when you commit a crime, even a small one the next crime is easier to commit. When someone migrates to the U.S illegally that is committing a crime. The funny thing about crimes is that they are still wrong no matter what the reason is for you committing them. Now we have someone that is proposing to build a wall, it's a start.

half of all illegals come here legally. and ladders exist.

so much for a stupid fucking wall to satisfy your racism.
This would be a cool experiment, even though I know people are going to get offended fuck it. Take a Mexican, Asian, and Caucasian from there place of origin. All of them being the same age. Naturally they will be eating differently because of what part of the world they are from. Put them in a room and have them go at it to the death with bare hands. I think race would play a card in the outcome.

i think you're a simple racist.

why did you ignore the study i posted showing that illegal immigrants contribute far more than they use in services?
This would be a cool experiment, even though I know people are going to get offended fuck it. Take a Mexican, Asian, and Caucasian from there place of origin. All of them being the same age. Naturally they will be eating differently because of what part of the world they are from. Put them in a room and have them go at it to the death with bare hands. I think race would play a card in the outcome.
that is some dumb shit. race plays a card alright.
This would be a cool experiment, even though I know people are going to get offended fuck it. Take a Mexican, Asian, and Caucasian from there place of origin. All of them being the same age. Naturally they will be eating differently because of what part of the world they are from. Put them in a room and have them go at it to the death with bare hands. I think race would play a card in the outcome.

Ya, Bruce lee would fuck us up.
half of all illegals come here legally. and ladders exist.

so much for a stupid fucking wall to satisfy your racism.

You`re onto something Buck, fart smeller you are,...tell you what you go put your ladder up and start climbing, I`ll plug in the wall, We`ll show `em.
Let's talk about a super ticket. Since Trump and Carson have nearly half of the support from Republican voters in the polls. If they were to team up, would they be unstoppable?
You`re onto something Buck, fart smeller you are,...tell you what you go put your ladder up and start climbing, I`ll plug in the wall, We`ll show `em.
Let's talk about a super ticket. Since Trump and Carson have nearly half of the support from Republican voters in the polls. If they were to team up, would they be unstoppable?
Let's talk about a super ticket. Since Trump and Carson have nearly half of the support from Republican voters in the polls. If they were to team up, would they be unstoppable?

Carson, maybe, he still needs polishing but doable. Trump is a killer of unity forget him. There is a better chance with Carly & Carson that ticket is more appealing, Trump is an entertainer.

Carson, maybe, he still needs polishing but doable. Trump is a killer of unity forget him. There is a better chance with Carly & Carson that ticket is more appealing, Trump is an entertainer.

Carson needs polishing sure, but polishing charisma into a personality is very hard to do.
Other than that he's a great candidate. Would like to see him as president, vice president, or at the very least head of HHS.
I wouldn't say Trump kills unity. You may be surprised how many non republicans like him. Especially after he released his tax plan. Stating that Trump is an entertainer is a huge understatement. He is also a business negotiator, and real estate mogul. We live in a media age. Television presence can be important. How well a person does in front of the cameras, keeping voters energized, and drawing in large crowds makes a big difference.
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Carson, maybe, he still needs polishing but doable. Trump is a killer of unity forget him. There is a better chance with Carly & Carson that ticket is more appealing, Trump is an entertainer.


If it comes down to a Trump/Carson ticket Hillary would be toast, imo. Carly / Carson just wouldn't do it for the win, imo.

And Trump will never be forgotten because the Mexicans will love him forever. They just don't no it yet, imo.
Carson, maybe, he still needs polishing but doable. Trump is a killer of unity forget him. There is a better chance with Carly & Carson that ticket is more appealing, Trump is an entertainer.


Trump is the beginning of the end of a two Party system that picks and chooses for the people. That is fatal as a voter because you can be left to vote for the lesser of two evils or just someone you don`t like and wont vote. that`s part of the two party system that is for sale.
Anything more than a two Party system, and puppeteers cannot see what to spend or what they are getting. The very first thing the GOP did was find out if they are doomed . that proves my point. Imagine if there were actually five people to vote for ? The RNC and DNC fool people into believing there`s only two selections, You don`t get a televised Convention if you are a threat.

I don`t think Donald`s Party needs a Convention.
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