Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
Typically when you commit a crime, even a small one the next crime is easier to commit. When someone migrates to the U.S illegally that is committing a crime. The funny thing about crimes is that they are still wrong no matter what the reason is for you committing them. Now we have someone that is proposing to build a wall, it's a start.
Illegally entering the USA is a civil offense and a misdemeanor. The same as a traffic ticket.
Ever received a traffic ticket?


Well-Known Member
Illegally entering the USA is a civil offense and a misdemeanor. The same as a traffic ticket.
Ever received a traffic ticket?

Ever fight a traffic ticket ?, are at the mercy of one State Trooper, that`s it, what he says goes. I`ve had them go both ways for me. Apply that to illegal entry.

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
It looked like the mexican woman loved him to me.
You're 100% correct there was 1 woman who supported him, I conceded that fact. In fact there are plenty of others who support Trump there are at least 22% - 25% of Hispanics that do support him, but those numbers are worst than Romney who had 27% support how can any politician expect to win the White House with poor support from the largest growing demographic in this country? Didn't the pukes have a so called "autopsy" after the 2012 elections to see how they could repair relations with Hispanics? Naw that's too difficult. Since they can't win threw merit they will try and find a way to cheat their way to a victory


Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
saying that mexicans and asians are one of the hardest working ethic groups is racist. Although I do agree. What gets me is a comment is only racist when it is talking about the negative aspects of a race.
Sorry but I won't get into a racist debate, I just won't, that's not who I am.

I made my comment based on fact, that's not racist. I'm Hispanic my wife is Chinese we wont think twice about working 2-3 jobs putting in 15 hour days. Not me anylonger I'm retired but I do alot of volenteering. My wife's a Nurse during the day and a caretaker at night for a elderly lady.



Well-Known Member
That`s the Hispanic culture ?? Blame all of a Party for one`s comments,....Really ? How will they react to an independent ? Don`t research, just vote democrat because it`s the right thing to do ? That`s lame.

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
That`s the Hispanic culture ?? Blame all of a Party for one`s comments,....Really ? How will they react to an independent ? Don`t research, just vote democrat because it`s the right thing to do ? That`s lame.
When one party shows hostility towards a culture they will gravitate to the party that welcomes them, be honest, if you were in those shoes what would you do?


nitro harley

Well-Known Member
You're 100% correct there was 1 woman who supported him, I conceded that fact. In fact there are plenty of others who support Trump there are at least 22% - 25% of Hispanics that do support him, but those numbers are worst than Romney who had 27% support how can any politician expect to win the White House with poor support from the largest growing demographic in this country? Didn't the pukes have a so called "autopsy" after the 2012 elections to see how they could repair relations with Hispanics? Naw that's too difficult. Since they can't win threw merit they will try and find a way to cheat their way to a victory

Trump could end up being the best thing that ever happened to Mexicans, but they just don't know it yet. imo

If I was to vote today I would go with Trump but lets just enjoy the entertainment for now. We have some good entertainment coming up with the Dem debate and then Boot in the ass day for hillary on Oct 22and. This is a big month for the Dems so get your popcorn ready and enjoy.


Well-Known Member
When one party shows hostility towards a culture they will gravitate to the party that welcomes them, be honest, if you were in those shoes what would you do?


I`m one to single out the guilty and not hold all accountable. I am not a follower. Your statement can be misunderstood to be that Hispanics are to dumb to lead and following is the right recourse.. I know what you mean but it can be taken out of context.


Well-Known Member
You don`t have to look long to see that Democrats are two faced, Our Democratic president ok`d orders to stand his troops down while troops fighting side by side with them rape young boys as part of their culture. They owe so much to them and I wonder why. That`s no way to raise a family, let alone your Country.


Well-Known Member
Chelsea has her looks because Hillary`s womb merged two faces........, Sorry, that was wrong to say.....Bad Odd, bad OddBall1st, ...............


Well-Known Member
You don`t have to look long to see that Democrats are two faced, Our Democratic president ok`d orders to stand his troops down while troops fighting side by side with them rape young boys as part of their culture. They owe so much to them and I wonder why. That`s no way to raise a family, let alone your Country.
Yep, everything they criticized and complained about under Bush, they doubled down on under Obama but some how they justify it under Obama and even support it.

Always makes me think about that video last election of the two idiot liberal girls that were asked a bunch of questions about Romney plans, and after all their horrified and aghast reactions explained to them it was really Obama policies already in place. They started backtracking and justifying everything Obama did that they were ready to hang Romney for.


Well-Known Member
She opposed Gay marriage until she needed supporters votes,...Two faced.
All you have to do is look at her voting records and you will see she votes Republican much more often than she votes Democratic and her own policies are mostly Republican in nature. But all she has to do is put a (D) next to her name and the idiots start casting votes for her.


Well-Known Member
Yep, everything they criticized and complained about under Bush, they doubled down on under Obama but some how they justify it under Obama and even support it.

Always makes me think about that video last election of the two idiot liberal girls that were asked a bunch of questions about Romney plans, and after all their horrified and aghast reactions explained to them it was really Obama policies already in place. They started backtracking and justifying everything Obama did that they were ready to hang Romney for.

The ACA is a carbon copy of Romney`s Mass Health Plan.


Well-Known Member
If Trump is elected, the Republicans will fall apart and become extinct,...that leave this country with one phrase for the Democrats.............


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