Your banned from posting in my threads you a-holerub it in some moar.. our SUMMER is 2 months... july and august thats IT... and we get up to about a maximum of +30 celsius... our summer is absolutely beautiful but its ONLY two months.... the rest is snow and cold
Lol enjoy it, our days are starting to hit 100 degrees, luckily its nice and cool overnight... till about jan, then its 24 hour hell till march.
oh hey I live near youBut look up where had the most snow in Ontario last week and you'll know where I am105 cm ( that's like 40 inches) of snow in 2 days.
I was born in Ontario, I am all too familiar with the crazy weather. Were you in toronto in the 90's?? like around '96 when they had the HUGE ice storm that rolling blacked out the whole city and downed powerlines all over everyones houses? I couldn't even leave my house because I had live power transmission wires all over my front and back door, across my driveway... Good times... I miss the 90's
I live in Alberta by the way, Edmonton specifically.
yes, yes we doPlus stoners love chocolates!