Well-Known Member
Anyone a strong believer in karma? I am. What goes around - DEFINITELY comes around ten fold.
Does anyone else like to do nice things for strangers, even if a simple thank you is all you get in return?
No word of a lie, I was just on my way home from washing my car and I was stopped at a red light waiting to turn left... and I saw this poor woman in a wheelchair trying to go down the sidewalk, but it was like a little inclined sidewalk probably about 10 degrees.... and its really icy and snowy here so she COULD NOT get up the sidewalk... I kept seeing her roll back... and PEDESTRIANS actually walked past her and kept walking.. I was literally like what the fuck.... so as soon as the light turned green I made my left turn and immediately parked on the side of the road and thru my flashers on.... shut my car off and ran up behind her and said "excuse me do you need a hand?" at first she politely said "no I got it, it's only a couple blocks down the road" but she was STUCK in the rut and was there for 3-4 minutes (while the light was red) so I told her that I saw her stuck and I pulled my car over to help her... and she immediately lit up and let me help her.... I pushed her the remaining like SIX fucking blocks down the icy sidewalk through her icy parking lot all the way to her apartment ramp... and she turned and very politely said thank you very much, and told me to have a wonderful christmas...
No she never gave me any money, no I'm not a local hero... but damn I feel good knowing that I was the only one out of at least a few hundred people who saw her stuck have the decency to pull over and give her a hand.
Does anyone else like to do nice things for strangers, even if a simple thank you is all you get in return?
No word of a lie, I was just on my way home from washing my car and I was stopped at a red light waiting to turn left... and I saw this poor woman in a wheelchair trying to go down the sidewalk, but it was like a little inclined sidewalk probably about 10 degrees.... and its really icy and snowy here so she COULD NOT get up the sidewalk... I kept seeing her roll back... and PEDESTRIANS actually walked past her and kept walking.. I was literally like what the fuck.... so as soon as the light turned green I made my left turn and immediately parked on the side of the road and thru my flashers on.... shut my car off and ran up behind her and said "excuse me do you need a hand?" at first she politely said "no I got it, it's only a couple blocks down the road" but she was STUCK in the rut and was there for 3-4 minutes (while the light was red) so I told her that I saw her stuck and I pulled my car over to help her... and she immediately lit up and let me help her.... I pushed her the remaining like SIX fucking blocks down the icy sidewalk through her icy parking lot all the way to her apartment ramp... and she turned and very politely said thank you very much, and told me to have a wonderful christmas...
No she never gave me any money, no I'm not a local hero... but damn I feel good knowing that I was the only one out of at least a few hundred people who saw her stuck have the decency to pull over and give her a hand.