Well-Known Member
shit i been drooling over the short spartan style sword from zombie tools .... all there blades are crazy balanced ... and some kinda tough ass spring steel
1060 spring steel ....that is replacing the damascus steel with nano tubes ( of course no one has made real dam steel in years)
it is the design of the sword ......curved blades are better for slashing .......the long strait blades are more of stabbing and blunt/slice
as for a spartan style u need a shield with it....... it is a short stabbing weapon ........it works best with a company of ppl to form the shield wall then they move into the meat grinder stab swords poke with spears (as long as the wall holds they are nearly unstoppable)
the sword i linked yah was from the Egyptian (back when most armors were leather ) the blade is made for slashing tho that with a spear point on the tip to pierce it and the hooked back to allow u to control their movement
so if zombies are just ppl no armor or anything other then animal reaction ...slashing is your best choice over the rest since the energy is not fully lost with a slash when it makes contact the right move u can keep that energy going and drop more before u tire ..........the other thing is with it curved like that u can use it in a car or horse back with out worry of breaking your arm (if u try that with a strait blade odds are u are breaking your forearm from the hit unless the blade is beyond razor (but with it the angle like that it will dull quickly )