Doing it ...super soil for autos

shit i been drooling over the short spartan style sword from zombie tools .... all there blades are crazy balanced ... and some kinda tough ass spring steel

1060 spring steel ....that is replacing the damascus steel with nano tubes ( of course no one has made real dam steel in years)

it is the design of the sword ......curved blades are better for slashing .......the long strait blades are more of stabbing and blunt/slice

as for a spartan style u need a shield with it....... it is a short stabbing weapon works best with a company of ppl to form the shield wall then they move into the meat grinder stab swords poke with spears (as long as the wall holds they are nearly unstoppable)

the sword i linked yah was from the Egyptian (back when most armors were leather ) the blade is made for slashing tho that with a spear point on the tip to pierce it and the hooked back to allow u to control their movement

so if zombies are just ppl no armor or anything other then animal reaction ...slashing is your best choice over the rest since the energy is not fully lost with a slash when it makes contact the right move u can keep that energy going and drop more before u tire ..........the other thing is with it curved like that u can use it in a car or horse back with out worry of breaking your arm (if u try that with a strait blade odds are u are breaking your forearm from the hit unless the blade is beyond razor (but with it the angle like that it will dull quickly )
1060 spring steel ....that is replacing the damascus steel with nano tubes ( of course no one has made real dam steel in years)

it is the design of the sword ......curved blades are better for slashing .......the long strait blades are more of stabbing and blunt/slice

as for a spartan style u need a shield with it....... it is a short stabbing weapon works best with a company of ppl to form the shield wall then they move into the meat grinder stab swords poke with spears (as long as the wall holds they are nearly unstoppable)

the sword i linked yah was from the Egyptian (back when most armors were leather ) the blade is made for slashing tho that with a spear point on the tip to pierce it and the hooked back to allow u to control their movement

so if zombies are just ppl no armor or anything other then animal reaction ...slashing is your best choice over the rest since the energy is not fully lost with a slash when it makes contact the right move u can keep that energy going and drop more before u tire ..........the other thing is with it curved like that u can use it in a car or horse back with out worry of breaking your arm (if u try that with a strait blade odds are u are breaking your forearm from the hit unless the blade is beyond razor (but with it the angle like that it will dull quickly )
but what if the zombies have military issued body armor >.>
I've only seen a couple of ZT's pieces in person but both even in the 3 lb range were crazy balance even in one hand
Kinda off subject .... but have you been watching whats going on with the dollar right now ???
It's got to the point that pretty much that if china dumps the backing that they have the bottom is gonna fall out of our economy .... china is holding most the gold ..... we have a dollar backed by gold and not enough gold to back whats in circulation
Kinda off subject .... but have you been watching whats going on with the dollar right now ???
It's got to the point that pretty much that if china dumps the backing that they have the bottom is gonna fall out of our economy .... china is holding most the gold ..... we have a dollar backed by gold and not enough gold to back whats in circulation

dollar has been off the gold standard since ww2 .......technically the usa dollar is back by nothing but our word it is good (there is not enough silver gold or other metals to cover the amount of money going around the world at the current time)....with it dropping USA credit rating from AAA to AA

greenspan himself came out and said we are in deep shit ...SS funds are not there is is a huge scam of the ppl thinking the funds are there

and if the zombies are in body armor u are fucked unless u know how to make things go boom ....or fire ....or a pit trap ....or logs on a rope set up to crush .........u see something with body armor get the chainsawl (that would be one of the rare times the use of gas is justified)
dollar has been off the gold standard since ww2 .......technically the usa dollar is back by nothing but our word it is good (there is not enough silver gold or other metals to cover the amount of money going around the world at the current time)....with it dropping USA credit rating from AAA to AA

greenspan himself came out and said we are in deep shit ...SS funds are not there is is a huge scam of the ppl thinking the funds are there

and if the zombies are in body armor u are fucked unless u know how to make things go boom ....or fire ....or a pit trap ....or logs on a rope set up to crush .........u see something with body armor get the chainsawl (that would be one of the rare times the use of gas is justified)
5.56 /.223 by design is armor piercing ..... now back to the subject ....... how them plants doing ?
If one would to be preparing for a revolution .... the gov. has reason to raid and take you stock pile ...... you can prepare for " zombies " all day and your just a crazy fucker
If one would to be preparing for a revolution .... the gov. has reason to raid and take you stock pile ...... you can prepare for " zombies " all day and your just a crazy fucker

seeds are starting in the jiffy green house now
narcotic kush
berry bomb

the soil in the cans are cooking away i looked in on them this after noon (hot and steamy )

i should have 2/3 days before they pop out of the plugs and are ready to move to the 6 gallon soil bags

2 seeds came up with in the time i planned for ....the 3rd i will look in a day see if a dud

Narcotic kush.....i sawl the tap root

i put the soil in the 7 gallon bags ( i leave 2 inches so the sides can act as wind guard ) ....the first few inches were fine but once i got into it holy crap it was stinky (hope i mixed well enough)

they are under the light now(t5 2 foot 8 bulb) .........once was in soil i gave a quart of water mixed with high power rooting and weak grow 2 days it gets water with just some micros in it maybe 1/2 rooting
side note
transfer all the remaining super soil into 1 55 gallon can ....the 2nd 55 gallon can has the promix bx stuff

if the berry comes out in the next day or 2 i will try a 50/50 mix of the super soil and promix
the stink the best way i can tell u it u need to be a farm boy/girl it the smell of soil mixed with cow shit and lye
note into system

the stink smell has lessened when i walk in i am hit with smell of the 4 flowering plants 1 is on dark 3 are still building the buds

i looked in on the plant not seeing any bad reactions pics every sunday to show
theses are the 2 that came up on time
IMG_20150628_162814979[1].jpgIMG_20150628_162819824[1].jpg 2 days since sprout showed
this one popped at the same time but it got caught under the mesh of the plug i dug it out and redid .......and this soil is about 60/40% mix of super soil and promix bx
IMG_20150628_162946825[1].jpg 20 hours since i corrected the mistake
theses are the 2 that came up on time
View attachment 3450059View attachment 3450060 2 days since sprout showed
this one popped at the same time but it got caught under the mesh of the plug i dug it out and redid .......and this soil is about 60/40% mix of super soil and promix bx
View attachment 3450061 20 hours since i corrected the mistake
have you heard of using gatorade for a sweetener / finisher ? you should punch it in the google machine ;)
have you heard of using gatorade for a sweetener / finisher ? you should punch it in the google machine ;)

not sure about doing that u know gatoraid is loaded with salts to replace the ones sweated out

i thought sweeter they liked stuff with complex sugars ......if that is the case jolly ranchers would be a better choice
not sure about doing that u know gatoraid is loaded with salts to replace the ones sweated out

i thought sweeter they liked stuff with complex sugars ......if that is the case jolly ranchers would be a better choice
i has carbs and glucose ,salt is minimal and mostly potassium salts .... you should google it
its been tested on another forum and is comparable to alot of other sweetners .... like couldnt tell the difference between em ..... i was dabbed out when i read it but im sure google would find it
lemon lime is what most were using since it has less of a color to it .... nothing to do with flavor just less additives
killing off the Berry bomb

looks like the root chocked out the plant is tiny .....more so then should be not wasting the soil on something like that so dies tonight

replace it with a green crack or biodiesel mass
look at propel water gatoraid but minus flavors

Update sunday pics
this is the stinky one (the soil) under a 2 300w generic LEDs
this is the other one .......little smaller then first but on track

going to add 75% power grow to this weeks feeding plus 100% rooting ..........might add in little cold pressed seaweed (branching)
for those that are using this for info

i went and checked on the trash can with the super soil in it ........baking adding in those leaves from clipping seems to helped it (soil is in the upper 80s low 90s hot)
as for the can with pro-mix .......i added 2 gallons of water to it seems to have started them up not as hot as super soil but high 70 low 80s

plants are looking good splitting a gallon of water between them
feed mix ....every watering ...2 day then wait 3 day then 2 days then wait 3 days is my watering pattern
2 mls of grow
1 ml of rooting
1 ml of rapid start rooting
2.5 ml of cold pressed seaweed
now and then 1 ml of Floralicious Plus (has carbon ) maybe 2 times a week

playing with leaf feeding (flower kiss from fox farms ) 15 pumps of sprayer when the lights come on at 4 pm