Doing it ...super soil for autos

so supersoil is not ideal for autos as far as what we can tell from your experiment with it? or was it something else?

it can work but the mix i tried is not it grows a big plant alot of sites but it can not keep up with it
....for awhile i thought it was the NPK was off i know N was fine P was fine i thought and K was lacking so i tried using a feed high in that to replace what is missing but that was not the issuse it wanted more P

as u see from the 3rd posting i was heavy on P it still wanted more was like the roots wanted to take in 2 3 times what they could
it can work but the mix i tried is not it grows a big plant alot of sites but it can not keep up with it
....for awhile i thought it was the NPK was off i know N was fine P was fine i thought and K was lacking so i tried using a feed high in that to replace what is missing but that was not the issuse it wanted more P

as u see from the 3rd posting i was heavy on P it still wanted more was like the roots wanted to take in 2 3 times what they could
you have to transplant it into a larger container with a tad hotter mix in it right before flower .... 3 gal veg ... 5 gal flower would be my suggestion
i had them in 7 gallon bags .....figure 6 and half gallon they could use
ya but it grows to fit the container so all the soil it touches is depleted .... the roots keep growing until mid flower from what ive noticed .... so a preflower transplant would give new roots some new soil to chew on at the point youre starting to have issues
it can work but the mix i tried is not it grows a big plant alot of sites but it can not keep up with it
....for awhile i thought it was the NPK was off i know N was fine P was fine i thought and K was lacking so i tried using a feed high in that to replace what is missing but that was not the issuse it wanted more P

as u see from the 3rd posting i was heavy on P it still wanted more was like the roots wanted to take in 2 3 times what they could

have you considered layering?
have you considered layering?
those first 2 were strait
the next ones up i did that a 50 50 mix and a 33/66 cut and a 66/33 cut
cut it with promix the good stuff (but has no real NPK)

the 50/50- mix is tall abnormally tall for that strain .....the same thing with the 66/33 mix
the 33/66 gave me a shorter plant with a thick stalk alot of good sites

they are only 8 days in flowering
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i got 2 33/66 made up they just got the seedling the other night had a failure on the 3rd one did not sprout so i got 1 50/50 mix

and that kills all the soil i had made up leaving me with 2/3 can of promix (55 gallon trash can)
ya but it grows to fit the container so all the soil it touches is depleted .... the roots keep growing until mid flower from what ive noticed .... so a preflower transplant would give new roots some new soil to chew on at the point youre starting to have issues

i thought transplanting them are a NO NO with the fast rate of growth feed plans call me to stop rooting feeds 1 week into flowering

i have done it once before but when i did the root ball only grow down not down and out to the sides (the roots at the bottom of the bag were very fine nothing like the ones i get when i keep in one planter)
i thought transplanting them are a NO NO with the fast rate of growth feed plans call me to stop rooting feeds 1 week into flowering

i have done it once before but when i did the root ball only grow down not down and out to the sides (the roots at the bottom of the bag were very fine nothing like the ones i get when i keep in one planter)
the fine roots are what take the majority of nutrients ... as long as its fairly stress free they dont have any problems with transplanting .... people just say not to do it so the newbie's dont wreck their first grows :D
Round 2

2 bags of soil.....dr earth POTting soil
15 lbs Worm Castings 1/0/0
2.5 lbs Fish Bone Meal 3/18/0
2.2 lbs Indo Bat Guano 0/7/0
1.2 lbs Blood Meal 12/0/0
2.4 Rock Phosphate 0/3/0
1/2 cup Lime and other trace elements
1/4 cup Humic Acid
1/2 cup Epson Salt
1 1/2 cup Mykos
1 cup Elemental..........more cal and some sulfer and extra important trase e
1/2 cup Azomite Rock Dust.....for good measure for mag in the soil

the use is
1/3 super sol on the bottom then 1/3 dr earth soil .....on top of that i added one scoop of super soil then finsihed off with the dr earths

the results are good .....the soil is strong i mean superman on crack lighting his pipe off the sun strong
pics are of 3 plants (different strains same soil mix/layering/watering/feeding )
15 days old (since the first leaf showed up)
the only thing they have had is rapid start rooting and some b-52 in the watering (every 2/3 days quart of water) they just moved to half gallon each

as u can see there is some shock to the plant ....1 strain took it badly but has adapted to it the growth seems right now on the new leaves forming
the over all stalk size has increased too compared to other plants ....the over all height of them i can not predict as they are 3 new strains (to really test i needed something i did not know how to feed correctly so 3 new strains in untested soil ) if the soil mix is right it should do great no matter what

i am going to keep using the rooting for at least 4 weeks more then i am going to use something i want to see if it increase the overall terepenes amounts it makes (autos are lower then photos i want to see if can get it closer )

that is what has been going on .....i did some test of dr earth soil on feeding plans .......i can increase the THC count of the plant with some stackers that is confirmed and to get the best out of a auto it is a mix of chemical feed with mostly organics to really pack on the weight push the plant beyond time predictions


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round 2 was great for THC content but the bulk building was not there

it needed more Nitrogen

round 3 batch materials are in comming ........the soil from the last 2 test has changed using the new roots organic greenfeild blend ( as several more augments already in the soil)

will write a break down of the new batch once i have everything here and i work out what i want to try

older known strains the THC increased nearly 7% off the last run but the bio diesel mass suffered a fluffy run not sure if was from the missing watering times (was out of town for 2 weeks they got 3 waterings verus the 6 to 7 they normally would of had in that time period)

newer strains are testing higher then what the breeders rated them for 4 to 5% .......the weights of them have been a steady 3 to 5 oz except on the mistaken strains with lower yields but those thc and denseness have been exceptional given they are first time run strains

side note
this feed was able to get hues in plants naturally with very little temp flux did require running 10 days longer with a modify watering/feed plan (all in house normal stuff ) crystal meth from fast buds and blackberry

over all run .............good the super soil on crack theory is correct but the power needs to be more ...........increasing the amount of the augments in the soil or to increase the amount of soil the planters have to use is the ? ( currently all test run on 7 gallon plants with 6 and half actual soil )

increase the soil augments altering the base soil mix ........increasing the micros in soil ......... 2 week quick cook for round 3 test batch one......... 6 week cook for batch 2 (possible standard soil test run as new base to get a baseline on what it does by self with modified feeding plan 4 thinking black sugar rose for testing strain)