dog poop for fertilizer


Well-Known Member
So I have a couple dogs and this summer my boy had been taking a dump under my Labrador plant.Next to it was a chemdog.There were a few times I didn't get to the poo pile in a few days and since I was on drip sometimes for weeks.So one day I come out and I look over and see the Labrador had grown 4 times the size and sitting next to the chemdog which was at her normal fat growth I had to scratch my head,and after a little looking around I noticed a few dog poo piles at the base of the Labrador which was ginormous in size and also thicker and more dense buds than all the others I looks over and there's ol Jackie sitting there smiling up at me with a guilty smile.......I tellm 'good dog you did good boy'!!!woohoo 007.JPG