Does this make sense?

So Im growing for me and my father in law. One tent is in my basement and one is in his garage. We have the same lights, fans, and water/nutes. But his plants are about double the height of mine. His are around 6" and mine are 3-4" Could the fresh air from opening and closing the garage door a few times a day make that much of a difference? I have the central air/heat fan in the basement so air is being sucked into the basement everyday as well.

This is the only thing that makes sense to me. I think Im going to run a vent pipe into my tent to suck in the outside air. I always wondered why I havent done that great and the answer seems to be stale air now.

Any thoughts?

did you grow from seed or clone?? if from seed, maybe simply one is a male and one is a female...males grow taller...if clone, like most other responses it literally could be a hundred unforseen and miniscule environment factors...
Funny how the same clone can be grown by ten different growers, and turn out ten different ways....
@Invisighost @Flash63 All are from feminized seed. I could see one growing at a much faster pace but he has 6 and I have 4 and all 6 of his are way bigger than my 4.

I wish it was a simple answer so that I could make the adjustment. Ill keep a picture log when I put the fresh air vent in.