Does this look ready?


Well-Known Member
the first pic makes me think shes ready

but the pistils in the second pic are still very white

the trics are a better judge of ripeness so id say shes ready to come down


Well-Known Member
The second pic look further out to harvest than mine and I'm a good three weeks...Are both pics on your post of the same plant?

Green Please

Active Member
they are both the same plant because its the furthest one along that I have. what should i do it seems like it isn't as frosty as it used to be.
You should be in flushing period now. I would recommend waiting two more weeks. I would say 3 just to be safe. Do you have a magnifier to check the trichomes without Hps lighting? The hps light will make them look amber when they are actually clear.

Green Please

Active Member
Its so hard!! I don't have any weed besides the ones that are still growing! Every night when the house fan is on the odor comes in the door and makes my mouth water.