Unfortunately I just read this whole thread. i think some of the confusion came from someone saying it was stress not STRESSED.I already mentioned the poor trim job. You mentioned stress. The buds were telling they were stressed. Do tell.
My guess is 16 to 20g, if your in tbe states and have a Harbour freight go there and get a digital scale 10 bucks.
I meant stress, as in a stress sack..lower mid grade. As was mentioned before I guess it's a regional term. Ive bought weed that looked worse than that back in the day so it wasnt any personal slam. The weed looks like it was grown under poor conditions or wasnt tended to closely (Id assume with about as much attention to detail as the trim job). It has a dull brown look,like someone was running really high ppms and didnt know when to back off and development was stunted. It looks old too, like dry and crusty..lightweight with no moisture. It has nothing to do with being a weed whisperer,just having experience..relax. And Ill attach a pic of my bud, I dont know if it is denser but it is pretty denseWhat about the items in the photos reveals stress to you? Nothing? That's what I thought. Please detail any stress revealed by the photographs. You must be a fucking bud whisperer, and not just the kind who has to hold them, the kind who can look at a photo and speak for them. Those look great. Something signals stress to you in those? I call bullshit. Show me one of your buds denser than one of those in the photo.