Your bud looks depressed. It's telling me that it's very sad. See, I'm a bud whisperer too.
Your bud looks depressed. It's telling me that it's very sad. See, I'm a bud whisperer too.
Op buds look funny in color'and from the leaf left on i wouldnt be surprised if they hate mite damage.
Id b sad too if i wee cut down and trimmed on. Come on now'show'je'your awesome not the best grower around but youre just being dishonest if youre saying my bud looks like shit...dispensaries call'and ask for my herb on a weekly basis.
ncle its my phone ca,era 13 megapixel makes em look funny. No mites'but i did have an aphid issue in veg.
it was just that first pic, some speckling on the leaves threw me off.
got a clearer look at the leaves on the second set, clean bill of health on those nugs. well done.
Clone version blue dream in that pic. I camt take credit...its an awesome strain...all i did was feed it. The leaf is so sugary i really dont trim much off and no one bitches
Thanks though ive seen your work and youre a pro.
Good idea man
Very good idea
It's kine bud lol... kine is hawaiian for excellent.That kind puts the kind in kind.
haha fuckin bud whisperer... i'm a pussy whisperer; I make them talk.You must be a fucking bud whisperer