Does this look done?


Well-Known Member
Still a way off from those pics. I've taken plants at that point, but you should really let them go longer.


Well-Known Member
No possible way to tell from that pictures. Even if the pictures were better at most all we could do is take a wild shot in the dark guess.
Go get a scope and check the crystals. That is the only way to know for 100% sure where your plant is.
Yeahh but I'm on disability. Cant afford anything on my budget this month and I don't want to miss the window for harvest bc i really need it atm.

Here's today. I did find a small magnify glass and i think most are cloudy and some are turning amber. Ignore the cat hair in the last picture :P


Well-Known Member
I'll just reaffirm what others have said. You need to check out the resin glands. Take a piece of the popcorn bud off, wrap it up in a baggie and head to your local public library. In almost all libraries they have a periodical and back issue section where you can read old newspapers. Almost all of them will have a magnifying glass you can use. Just take it to the bathroom and take a look.
Harvesting too early will mean you won't reap the full benefit of your crop, and the THC potential won't be at its highest. Harvesting too late will give a harsher element to your smoke. Really you're at the most important time. You certainly want the best out of your crop don't you?!?
Hope its everything you've dreamed about, mate!