Does this clone look okay?

Damn...that sucks man.
This early in, you could set off a pyrethrum fogger, then another 3 days later...then neem the plant and you should be able to get rid of the mites. Either that, or scrap all the clones, nuke your grow room and start from seed. Considering the cash you got into the clones, whats another $35-$40 in pyrethrum foggers and neem? If you dont got a remedy, let me know and I can hook you up with some more details on how to rid yourself of bugs, mold and powdery mildew.
Damn...that sucks man.
This early in, you could set off a pyrethrum fogger, then another 3 days later...then neem the plant and you should be able to get rid of the mites. Either that, or scrap all the clones, nuke your grow room and start from seed. Considering the cash you got into the clones, whats another $35-$40 in pyrethrum foggers and neem? If you dont got a remedy, let me know and I can hook you up with some more details on how to rid yourself of bugs, mold and powdery mildew.
The guy at the hydro store said it looks like mold. I'm gunna spray with h2o2 now
I thought it looked like some eggs on a web
If you introduced them to your room with other plants without quarantining them or neem dipping them, then likely yes they are on your other plants.
I wouldnt hold my breath on a refund. I would however go on whatever forum you found him on and let others know what kind of shit bag he is and that he sells bug infested shit clones. Provide lots of pics so people can see what they will get if they buy from him.
If you introduced them to your room with other plants without quarantining them or neem dipping them, then likely yes they are on your other plants.
I wouldnt hold my breath on a refund. I would however go on whatever forum you found him on and let others know what kind of shit bag he is and that he sells bug infested shit clones. Provide lots of pics so people can see what they will get if they buy from him.
I am banned from the forum because I got ripped off and would post a new comment everytime mine got deleted. It's a bad forum, I was desperate for clones. If someone else wants to make a review on my behalf I can link you to the forum.

I have some plants with like 3 weeks left. In the closet of the room I put these in. What do I do? Do spider mites ruin plants after harvest? If this guy ruins my closet he's fucked
They want living plants. The clones arent in the same room as the other plants then? Keep in mind you can spread them from your clothes, or touching the clones then going and messing with your flowering plants in the other room. It only takes 2 mites to f#ck your spot up. If this were my situation, I'd take the loss on the clones and toss everything bought from dude, along with any bags/cups or anything else that dude had. I wouldnt ruin my clean flower room with flowering plants weeks away from harvest over $180 in poor quality cuts infested with mites. Just my .02 though.
They want living plants. The clones arent in the same room as the other plants then? Keep in mind you can spread them from your clothes, or touching the clones then going and messing with your flowering plants in the other room. It only takes 2 mites to f#ck your spot up. If this were my situation, I'd take the loss on the clones and toss everything bought from dude, along with any bags/cups or anything else that dude had. I wouldnt ruin my clean flower room with flowering plants weeks away from harvest over $180 in poor quality cuts infested with mites. Just my .02 though.
Not the same room. The clones were in my bed room and these flower room is my closet. I put everything in trash bags.
I have a plant that is potentially ready. I was gunna wait a few days, it has a lot on it I would hate to lose it after I could have potentially harvested. What do you think? Should I be fine or should I harvest that one. I was gunna let it go for like 5 more days. It has mostly cloudy trichs
All I can do is offer up what I would do in that scenario.
I wouldnt keep them personally, and wouldnt jeopardize my almost ready to harvest plant or the integrity of my room and its cleanliness. This also affects future grows if you catch a total infestation. Wouldn't be worth it to me to try to keep em. Matter of fact, I went through this about a year ago and tossed out some solid ass mommas in my veg room to do a total nuke down to ensure my entire grow stays clean and bug free. I threw out some unreplaceable genetics/phenos.
All I can do is offer up what I would do in that scenario.
I wouldnt keep them personally, and wouldnt jeopardize my almost ready to harvest plant or the integrity of my room and its cleanliness. This also affects future grows if you catch a total infestation. Wouldn't be worth it to me to try to keep em. Matter of fact, I went through this about a year ago and tossed out some solid ass mommas in my veg room to do a total nuke down to ensure my entire grow stays clean and bug free. I threw out some unreplaceable genetics/phenos.
How would I kill/get rid of what's in the room? Do u have any products u recommend. And vacuum obviously. Don't they sell like smoke bombs that kill bugs at Home Depot or something
They have foggers they sell that contain Pyrethrum. If you want to try to keep the clones, you should get some neem oil.
Mix 2oz concentrated neem oil into 1 gallon luke warm water.
Add 3-4 drops of dish soap per gal.
The neem oil wil break down in the water since it will be luke warm and the dish soap helps with dispersion as well.
Spray your clones from top to bottom, undersides of leaves -everything- until it is saturated and completely dripping wet.
You will need 2 pyrethrum foggers to finish getting rid of the mites and larvae.
The following day you do the neem spraydown, set off your first pyrethrum fogger.
After 3 days, set off fogger number 2.
After you have done the 2nd fogger, you should continue with the neem treatments every 7 days after this until its time to flip into flower.
Spider mites can build an immunity to chemicals so you gotta do like I suggest above and hit em hard with a double whammy or they can come back even stronger and harder to get rid of.
I'm gonna dig up a thread I did a while back that has worked well in eradicating russet mites (which are 10 times harder to get rid of) and keeping my rooms pest,mold and PM free.
They have foggers they sell that contain Pyrethrum. If you want to try to keep the clones, you should get some neem oil.
Mix 2oz concentrated neem oil into 1 gallon luke warm water.
Add 3-4 drops of dish soap per gal.
The neem oil wil break down in the water since it will be luke warm and the dish soap helps with dispersion as well.
Spray your clones from top to bottom, undersides of leaves -everything- until it is saturated and completely dripping wet.
You will need 2 pyrethrum foggers to finish getting rid of the mites and larvae.
The following day you do the neem spraydown, set off your first pyrethrum fogger.
After 3 days, set off fogger number 2.
After you have done the 2nd fogger, you should continue with the neem treatments every 7 days after this until its time to flip into flower.
Spider mites can build an immunity to chemicals so you gotta do like I suggest above and hit em hard with a double whammy or they can come back even stronger and harder to get rid of.
I'm gonna dig up a thread I did a while back that has worked well in eradicating russet mites (which are 10 times harder to get rid of) and keeping my rooms pest,mold and PM free.
Can the foggers be used near plants? What do I do about the flower room?
I heard about mighty wash is need oil better?
Yeah I went back and forth with him and then he was like. "Oh you must have not taken it"
WTF is the guy leaving out bud for in the first place so he can accuse anyone of ripping him . sec. on gp. he should have gave you the zip to take those raggedy things off his hands.... shit if they dont work for ya . and you got a card . ill donate you a few. same strain im a lil heavy with them . thinking of just urban guerrilla growing these. haha
This is the neem oil I use:

This is the Pyrethrum foggers I use:

which are better than Doktor Doom foggers because Pyrethrum TR contains 4.0% pyrethrum
and Doktor Doom only contains like 0.4% pyrethrum.
wanted to start off by thanking you for all the help.
Doofus got back to me. "I thought I got rid of them, blah blah blah"
No refund
I found a friend to take them.
Just neem wash them and they will be good? I'm gunna fog my house