Does the Northern Lights #5 from the 90’s still exist?

Do you know if their 89 NL can still be found / is it regulary re-released?

Im pretty sure if you deal straight from Dave the 89 NL is still on his seed list.

Email him at [email protected] and ask for a complete seed list. He carries way more strains than what the seed banks have. And he also gives more free seeds than most seed banks. I usually ask him for more free seeds of what I already ordered.
quote from the 1990 The Seed Bank Catalogue intro:

“We are proud to announce that after 8 generations of selective breeding we are now able to reproduce our Northern Lights #5 from seed. This is the breakthrough indoor and outdoor growers have been waiting for for a long time. This current outdoor season will be devoted to mass-producing Northern Lights #5 seeds for the 1991 season. As a breeder I consider this to be my greatest achievement yet. Look out for this one, it will change the world.”

I wonder if they ever made those seeds?
AFAIK the 1990 was their last catalogue.
In that catalogue they did however offer this version of “Northern lights” “5x2”:

“Northern Lights 5x2 F-1 hybrid
This F-1 hybrid between the resin champ NL#5 and the wonderful NL #2 has made many indoor growers very happy. The plants are short, stocky. vigorous and high-yielding, truly one of the best all-around indoor plants in our collection. It has a nice juniper berry taste along with abundant resin and a great high. “

Is this the version that went on to become the classic version from the 90s?
Apparently when The Seed Bank changed to Sensi Seeds their original offerings were just called “Nothern Lights” and dropped the numbers.
This juniper berry version sounds amazing tho, I wonder if there’s any versions today that have a juniper berry flavor.

Nevil sold all of his seed stock, mother plants, and males to Ben Dronkers/Sensi Seeds when he got busted, and he carried on with Nevils genetics. Much of the original stock was lost ove4r the years. Like the NL they have now, is no longer advertised as NL5. Its advertised simply as NL, but still have the Cup in the ad, which to me is misleading.

On June 24, 1990, Nevil Schoenmakers, who legally operated the Seed Bank in Holland, was arrested by the Australian authorities at the behest of the US government while visiting family in Perth. A 44-count indictment was lodged in New Orleans, charging him with the sale of marijuana seeds to undercover agents and indoor growers in the New Orleans area in 1989. After years of legal battles, the charges were ultimately dropped. He could not be extradited from Holland as his activities were legal under Dutch law. In 1991 The Seed Bank was bought by Ben Dronkers, the founder of Sensi Seeds.
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Nevil sold all of his seed stock, mother plants, and males to Ben Dronkers/Sensi Seeds when he got busted, and he carried on with Nevils genetics. Much of the original stock was lost ove4r the years. Like the NL they have now, is no longer advertised as NL5. Its advertised simply as NL, but still have the Cup in the ad, which to me is misleading.

On June 24, 1990, Nevil Schoenmakers, who legally operated the Seed Bank in Holland, was arrested by the Australian authorities at the behest of the US government while visiting family in Perth. A 44-count indictment was lodged in New Orleans, charging him with the sale of marijuana seeds to undercover agents and indoor growers in the New Orleans area in 1989. After years of legal battles, the charges were ultimately dropped. He could not be extradited from Holland as his activities were legal under Dutch law. In 1991 The Seed Bank was bought by Ben Dronkers, the founder of Sensi Seeds.
Sensi never sold nl5 people always make this mistake sensi nl was the 5 x 2 not the straight nl5 the seed bank pre sensi now they sold straight nl5 sure and sensis one now is a hybrid of the nl1xnl2xnl5 so yes the 2x 5 was the best sensi offered back in the day
Sure, ask away.
First of all how do you feel about the deep Ellum NL#2 Line?

Since I also thanks to you worked out that NL#2 is Steves Afghani x Indians Kush I am quite confused how Deep Ellum found Thai in it and breed towards that.

Do you know anything about how Nevil started his NL#2 Seedline? If it’s based on a bx1 do you know what was used for the outcross? [Deep Ellum Said Kush4 was used but I figured that must be bullshit, due to the BX then being a male bx]
First of all how do you feel about the deep Ellum NL#2 Line?

Since I also thanks to you worked out that NL#2 is Steves Afghani x Indians Kush I am quite confused how Deep Ellum found Thai in it and breed towards that.

Do you know anything about how Nevil started his NL#2 Seedline? If it’s based on a bx1 do you know what was used for the outcross? [Deep Ellum Said Kush4 was used but I figured that must be bullshit, due to the BX then being a male bx]
Jim ortega or jorge cervantes proly the only two guys that can maybe awnser that last question as they involved in sourcing it among others was them he got alot of stuff through and kush 4 is Jims stuff for sure
First of all how do you feel about the deep Ellum NL#2 Line?

Since I also thanks to you worked out that NL#2 is Steves Afghani x Indians Kush I am quite confused how Deep Ellum found Thai in it and breed towards that.

Do you know anything about how Nevil started his NL#2 Seedline? If it’s based on a bx1 do you know what was used for the outcross? [Deep Ellum Said Kush4 was used but I figured that must be bullshit, due to the BX then being a male bx]
NL2 = Steve's Afghani x Don's Hybrid (Hindu Kush x Thai)

So yes it's possible to breed it back towards the narrow leaf side.

Nevil received the original NL2 not a Bx or a 2 hybrid.

Rob/Deep Ellum NL2 is from from Nevil's NL2 F3 release, it's not a hybrid nor a BX either.

Nevil never got the chance to backcross the Kush x Kush (aka Kush4 x NL2) to NL2 so their was never an NL2 Bx.
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NL2 = Steve's Afghani x Don's Hybrid (Hindu Kush x Thai)
Thank you so much, I thought it was just Dons Kush, but that explains the Thai that Deep Ellum breed towards.
Nevil received the original NL2 not a Bx or a 2 hybrid.
I know that, but Deep Ellum said Nevil started his line via a NL2 BX that Nevil did himself. He said this BX was then taken to F3 by Nevil.
Rob/Deep Ellum NL2 is from from Nevil's NL2 F3 release, it's not a hybrid nor a BX either.
You have no idea how happy I am that it is the real deal. i think he believes that its a (BX1)F3.
(aka Kush4 x NL2)
Aka Hindu Kush, right?

Thank you so much, now I can finally grab a pack of NL2 from Deep Ellum (I wasn't sure and did not want to "waste" money) and get Bodhis DLA9 and look for a Kush4 Pheno.
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Sensi never sold nl5 people always make this mistake sensi nl was the 5 x 2 not the straight nl5 the seed bank pre sensi now they sold straight nl5 sure and sensis one now is a hybrid of the nl1xnl2xnl5 so yes the 2x 5 was the best sensi offered back in the day

People were talking about the NL5 that was mistakenly labeled as NL5 in the 90s. Pure NL5 was never available to the public until about 2 years ago when Authentic genetics released.

Its true that what people recognize as NL5 from the 90s was not the pure variety. But what the massess knew as NL5 was what Sensi was selling in the 90s and into the 2000s. And what Sensi is selling now, is not the same as it was about 10 years ago. Originally they labeled it as NL5, and now, they only label it as NL.

Nevil never sold the pure NL5 either. Nevil sold all of his geneics to Ben Dronkers/Sensi Seeds, and what Dronkers was originally selling, was the same genetics Nevil was selling, because he got the genetics from Nevil.

I also read thatt Nevil said his cross was better than the original.
People were talking about the NL5 that was mistakenly labeled as NL5 in the 90s. Pure NL5 was never available to the public until about 2 years ago when Authentic genetics released.

Its true that what people recognize as NL5 from the 90s was not the pure variety. But what the massess knew as NL5 was what Sensi was selling in the 90s and into the 2000s. And what Sensi is selling now, is not the same as it was about 10 years ago. Originally they labeled it as NL5, and now, they only label it as NL.

Nevil never sold the pure NL5 either. Nevil sold all of his geneics to Ben Dronkers/Sensi Seeds, and what Dronkers was originally selling, was the same genetics Nevil was selling, because he got the genetics from Nevil.

I also read thatt Nevil said his cross was better than the original.
AG "NL5" is as legit as a 3 dollar bill,
The NL2 isn't even a pure 2 and the Purest Indica looks more like Nevil's NL1 than the real Murphy Afghani.

NL Greg has been lying about shit for well over a decade now, people can believe what they want but the plants speak for themselves.
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I thought Nevil was arrested while working on his NL5 BX8, and that there never actually was pure Dutch NL5 available in Seedform?

Yes definitely is, as is the original maple leaf right (not the seedline)? I really want that Bodhi DLA9 for a Kush4 like plant.
The 89NL5 is the Bx8 Nevil was working on, you can smell the zesty/piney/coffee NL1 in the line. NL2 doesn't have those traits so it isn't an NL5X2.
Seedsman has an explination about what happed ed to the original NL phenos if its any help

SEEDSMAN!??!?!! These guys are claiming they have a Northern Lights which ends up totally purple and isn't NL at all. Seedsman uses hired, bulk-bred seed growers and calls their strains whatever they want.

PeakSeedsBC had the NL in Canada. Now they don't sell to the public.