Does the Northern Lights #5 from the 90’s still exist?

quote from the 1990 The Seed Bank Catalogue intro:

“We are proud to announce that after 8 generations of selective breeding we are now able to reproduce our Northern Lights #5 from seed. This is the breakthrough indoor and outdoor growers have been waiting for for a long time. This current outdoor season will be devoted to mass-producing Northern Lights #5 seeds for the 1991 season. As a breeder I consider this to be my greatest achievement yet. Look out for this one, it will change the world.”

I wonder if they ever made those seeds?
AFAIK the 1990 was their last catalogue.
In that catalogue they did however offer this version of “Northern lights” “5x2”:

“Northern Lights 5x2 F-1 hybrid
This F-1 hybrid between the resin champ NL#5 and the wonderful NL #2 has made many indoor growers very happy. The plants are short, stocky. vigorous and high-yielding, truly one of the best all-around indoor plants in our collection. It has a nice juniper berry taste along with abundant resin and a great high. “

Is this the version that went on to become the classic version from the 90s?
Apparently when The Seed Bank changed to Sensi Seeds their original offerings were just called “Nothern Lights” and dropped the numbers.
This juniper berry version sounds amazing tho, I wonder if there’s any versions today that have a juniper berry flavor.
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quote from the 1990 The Seed Bank Catalogue intro:

“We are proud to announce that after 8 generations of selective breeding we are now able to reproduce our Northern Lights #5 from seed. This is the breakthrough indoor and outdoor growers have been waiting for for a long time. This current outdoor season will be devoted to mass-producing Northern Lights #5 seeds for the 1991 season. As a breeder I consider this to be my greatest achievement yet. Look out for this one, it will change the world.”

I wonder if they ever made those seeds?
AFAIK the 1990 was their last catalogue.
In that catalogue they did however offer this version of “Northern lights” “5x2”:

“Northern Lights 5x2 F-1 hybrid
This F-1 hybrid between the resin champ NL#5 and the wonderful NL #2 has made many indoor growers very happy. The plants are short, stocky. vigorous and high-yielding, truly one of the best all-around indoor plants in our collection. It has a nice juniper berry taste along with abundant resin and a great high. “

Is this the version that went on to become the classic version from the 90s?
Apparently when The Seed Bank changed to Sensi Seeds their original offerings were just called “Nothern Lights” and dropped the numbers.
This juniper berry version sounds amazing tho, I wonder if there’s any versions today that have a juniper berry flavor.
Yes cos seedstockers among a few other seed companies sell the nl5 x2nl i got a pile of em too

And i think the version after the numbers is nl 1x2x5 made by breeder steve for sensi
I admittedly didn't read every comment so this may have been mentioned, but AK Bean Brains is usually a good breeder to check for old school strains. JBC Seeds has his NL5 x NL1 right now but not the straight NL5. If you want his email address shoot me a PM and I'll give it to you. He has a way bigger selection for direct sales than on the seedbanks, just gotta ask him for the price list.
I admittedly didn't read every comment so this may have been mentioned, but AK Bean Brains is usually a good breeder to check for old school strains. JBC Seeds has his NL5 x NL1 right now but not the straight NL5. If you want his email address shoot me a PM and I'll give it to you. He has a way bigger selection for direct sales than on the seedbanks, just gotta ask him for the price list.
Yeah i heard good things about his stuff just a shame he ships to usa only tho
I admittedly didn't read every comment so this may have been mentioned, but AK Bean Brains is usually a good breeder to check for old school strains. JBC Seeds has his NL5 x NL1 right now but not the straight NL5. If you want his email address shoot me a PM and I'll give it to you. He has a way bigger selection for direct sales than on the seedbanks, just gotta ask him for the price list.

Yea someone else had mentioned AKBBs I checked out JBC and they’ve got a bunch of different NL crosses it’s hard to pick! They also got NL#1 plus another retro cut of NL 5 from Alaska apparently and some 89 NL crosses, and Super Skunk crosses, all from old Seed Bank stock apparently.