1) I would love to see a third party fully established.
2) I hate the GOP (particularly neoconservative ideals) and I consider Ron Paul to be as much if not more of a threat to the GOP than BO.
3) Aside from these two facts, I remain committed to liberal politics. I am not a "brainwashed liberal". I am willing to vote for a republican if he is better than the democrat.
4) If voting FOR someone seems pointless, vote AGAINST someone. In this case, I vote against Romney. He is the "worst of both worlds" as I see not only his fiscal policies, but also his social policies. I also am committed to vigorous defense of truth. I think that comes from my atheist fervor. Nobody is perfect.
We vote every four years and usually we get a dud. I have no hope for the problems being solved, let's face it, the president will always be blamed for everything. I just think that one of these elections, we have to get a guy that will at least, end cannabis prohibition. Why not this go around? Every four years we see all the nonconformists express opinions and the media monger fear about why people should vote for what. The world isn't going to end. Cannabis prohibition should end.