Does Ron Paul have Altzheimer's?

If by GOP you mean the voters (and that's all it can mean), then you're right.

No, I think he means the GOP. You do understand the difference between the primaries and the general election, right?

As far as the voters in the general election are concerned, according to polls Ron Paul is about even with Obama, so it seems possible RP could beat Obama.
If by GOP you mean the voters (and that's all it can mean), then you're right.

Actually GOP (Grand Old Party) refers directly to the party we call Republican. I'm sure that includes voters, but it doesn't mean the same as "the voters". It means Republican party. Do you know what partisan politics are? Do you understand the phrases "left wing" and right wing"?
No, I think he means the GOP. You do understand the difference between the primaries and the general election, right?

As far as the voters in the general election are concerned, according to polls Ron Paul is about even with Obama, so it seems possible RP could beat Obama.
I think you got it sir .... Ron will not be selected as the Repukes pick.. Most of you are to young to even know or remember what he did back in 1988 to the party... and an elephant never forgets, so it is a no-go for Ron P... the GOP will just continue to ignore him
Actually GOP (Grand Old Party) refers directly to the party we call Republican. I'm sure that includes voters, but it doesn't mean the same as "the voters". It means Republican party. Do you know what partisan politics are? Do you understand the phrases "left wing" and right wing"?

again this is right
again this is right

No. When you say the party won't "give him the nod," it sounds like the party bosses in the smoke filled rooms. But that's not who is saying no to Paul. It's the republican rank and file voters. They don't want him as their nominee. His support doesn't even come from republicans. As this forum demonstrates, many Ron Paul supporters are liberals and will vote for Obama. Why should republicans give a crap what they think? Answer - we don't.
No. When you say the party won't "give him the nod," it sounds like the party bosses in the smoke filled rooms. But that's not who is saying no to Paul. It's the republican rank and file voters. They don't want him as their nominee. His support doesn't even come from republicans. As this forum demonstrates, many Ron Paul supporters are liberals and will vote for Obama. Why should republicans give a crap what they think? Answer - we don't.

RP has been in the top three of all the R primaries so far. He is third in SC, I think. He seems to be doing fairly well with rand and file Repubs.

How can "Ron Paul supporters" vote for Obama? Isn't that self contradictory?
No. When you say the party won't "give him the nod," it sounds like the party bosses in the smoke filled rooms. But that's not who is saying no to Paul. It's the republican rank and file voters. They don't want him as their nominee. His support doesn't even come from republicans. As this forum demonstrates, many Ron Paul supporters are liberals and will vote for Obama. Why should republicans give a crap what they think? Answer - we don't.
No...most Ron Paul voters are Ron Paul voters and will vote Repuke if he is not around.
RP has been in the top three of all the R primaries so far. He is third in SC, I think. He seems to be doing fairly well with rand and file Repubs.

How can "Ron Paul supporters" vote for Obama? Isn't that self contradictory?

Now the question that will get you somewhere. Some liberals tend to care about PERSONAL LIBERTY. You know, freedom. Unlike what more GOPers want which is more laws, cops, prisons, war and so on. We like Ron Paul because he doesn't bear the GOP standard up-ass-head.
Now the question that will get you somewhere. Some liberals tend to care about PERSONAL LIBERTY. You know, freedom. Unlike what more GOPers want which is more laws, cops, prisons, war and so on. We like Ron Paul because he doesn't bear the GOP standard up-ass-head.

But you won't vote for RP, you just like his position on liberty, you will instead for Obama?

Isn't it ironic that RP, a Republican (i.e. not a Democrat), is the only one in either of the two parties who actually believes in civil liberties and adheres to the constitution?

From what I have seen of Liberals (unless you are speaking of classical liberals, who are more akin to Libertarians), they have no more respect for personal liberties than conservatives.
But you won't vote for RP, you just like his position on liberty, you will instead for Obama?

Isn't it ironic that RP, a Republican (i.e. not a Democrat), is the only one in either of the two parties who actually believes in civil liberties and adheres to the constitution?

From what I have seen of Liberals (unless you are speaking of classical liberals, who are more akin to Libertarians), they have no more respect for personal liberties than conservatives.

I am planning to vote for RP. I vigorously defend truth.
As am I, if given the chance, otherwise Gary Johnson.

1) I would love to see a third party fully established.

2) I hate the GOP (particularly neoconservative ideals) and I consider Ron Paul to be as much if not more of a threat to the GOP than BO.

3) Aside from these two facts, I remain committed to liberal politics. I am not a "brainwashed liberal". I am willing to vote for a republican if he is better than the democrat.

4) If voting FOR someone seems pointless, vote AGAINST someone. In this case, I vote against Romney. He is the "worst of both worlds" as I see not only his fiscal policies, but also his social policies. I also am committed to vigorous defense of truth. I think that comes from my atheist fervor. Nobody is perfect.

We vote every four years and usually we get a dud. I have no hope for the problems being solved, let's face it, the president will always be blamed for everything. I just think that one of these elections, we have to get a guy that will at least, end cannabis prohibition. Why not this go around? Every four years we see all the nonconformists express opinions and the media monger fear about why people should vote for what. The world isn't going to end. Cannabis prohibition should end.
I dunno, has he released his medical records yet?

Or like his tax return, is it unimportant to the impeachable forever living one?
1) I would love to see a third party fully established.

2) I hate the GOP (particularly neoconservative ideals) and I consider Ron Paul to be as much if not more of a threat to the GOP than BO.

3) Aside from these two facts, I remain committed to liberal politics. I am not a "brainwashed liberal". I am willing to vote for a republican if he is better than the democrat.

4) If voting FOR someone seems pointless, vote AGAINST someone. In this case, I vote against Romney. He is the "worst of both worlds" as I see not only his fiscal policies, but also his social policies. I also am committed to vigorous defense of truth. I think that comes from my atheist fervor. Nobody is perfect.

We vote every four years and usually we get a dud. I have no hope for the problems being solved, let's face it, the president will always be blamed for everything. I just think that one of these elections, we have to get a guy that will at least, end cannabis prohibition. Why not this go around? Every four years we see all the nonconformists express opinions and the media monger fear about why people should vote for what. The world isn't going to end. Cannabis prohibition should end.

A 3rd or 4th party would just end up like the 2 party system. You are taking the same people and dividing them into more categories.

I havent really heard of a government using more than a 2 party system that is significantly less corrupt or incompetent as our own.
A 3rd or 4th party would just end up like the 2 party system. You are taking the same people and dividing them into more categories.

I havent really heard of a government using more than a 2 party system that is significantly less corrupt or incompetent as our own.

Ever heard of Canada? You know, that country up north that is sick of dealing with our incompetent asses?