Yup, Oregon here, my wife has lime and I am constantly searching for a way to help her, the CDC is doing nothing to help lyme and other syndromes, ( sorry i dont really do politics),, but since its DC that has weed and its med side in schedule 1 , blah blah,, there is very little data, and nobody or few are trying things to help with lime and other health issues, I have the backing of some people here in oregon to make a go of CBD or other oils to see if it helps with my wifes lime,,
man that sucks bad,i hope u find something that helps.lyme is rampant up here in maine I no of 5 people that have it not one has beat it yet that I no,u cant go any where with out tick climbing on ya. peaceI have seen a couple of videos on youtube with people saying that MJ helped them get healthy again after being sick with Lyme. I'd be interested to see if anyone here has had success with it. I have morgellons disease, which is caused by the same BB Spirochette that causes Lyme. I sure hope it does because I want to start using it when I move to Oregon.
yes,, right on,, they say 60 percent of people have no recolection of being bite and none of them ever remember the bulls eye,, on top of that,, there are no reliable testings for it,, my wife did finally test positive from the Igenex lab down in california,Lyme's is a tricky issue. A lot of people of no idea they have been bit by a Lyme's infected tick. It leaves a classic "bulls eye" mark from the bite but if they tick bite is between your butt cheeks or in another area where you can't see it you would have ZERO idea you have been bit by an infected tick. Some of these bites can be very small too and too small to even notice sometimes. Some people don't even know what the "bulls eye" mark even is, thus they go years having no idea why they are sick and then it just gets worse and worse after that. Yes, I have Lyme's too. I do you MMJ and dabs is how I medicate but I really feel my case is not really all that bad. Some knee swelling and joint pain in the lower legs are my main issues right now.
I hear ya,, my wife has done 6 months if bicilian injections intermuscluar,, and those very powerful antibiotics was consting us 800 to 1000 per month out of pocket, ,insurance doesnt cover any of this lime shit,, ( a whole nother discussion),, then she has done tinchers,, and now high dose pulsing of 2 oral antibiotics, and this is doing very little to help her,, we also started taking ozone treatments,, there is talk of superoxygenating the blood kills parasites?,,, well we are trying that too,, the whole set up cost around 1000 bucks,, she is sititng in the ozone sauna right nowman that sucks bad,i hope u find something that helps.lyme is rampant up here in maine I no of 5 people that have it not one has beat it yet that I no,u cant go any where with out tick climbing on ya. peace
I hear ya,, my wife has done 6 months if bicilian injections intermuscluar,, and those very powerful antibiotics was consting us 800 to 1000 per month out of pocket, ,insurance doesnt cover any of this lime shit,, ( a whole nother discussion),, then she has done tinchers,, and now high dose pulsing of 2 oral antibiotics, and this is doing very little to help her,, we also started taking ozone treatments,, there is talk of superoxygenating the blood kills parasites?,,, well we are trying that too,, the whole set up cost around 1000 bucks,, she is sititng in the ozone sauna right now
i am sure hoping cannabis oil or edibles can help,,,
yes,, right on,, they say 60 percent of people have no recolection of being bite and none of them ever remember the bulls eye,, on top of that,, there are no reliable testings for it,, my wife did finally test positive from the Igenex lab down in california,
how did the silver work for you,, are you symptom free now?I also continued on the colloidal silver for several months after that.
thanks,, I am going to try making some oil,, been watching videos on making hash oil and more,, I want to try the same oils that people are using to help thier cancer
Lyme's is a tricky issue. A lot of people of no idea they have been bit by a Lyme's infected tick. It leaves a classic "bulls eye" mark from the bite but if they tick bite is between your butt cheeks or in another area where you can't see it you would have ZERO idea you have been bit by an infected tick. Some of these bites can be very small too and too small to even notice sometimes. Some people don't even know what the "bulls eye" mark even is, thus they go years having no idea why they are sick and then it just gets worse and worse after that. Yes, I have Lyme's too. I do you MMJ and dabs is how I medicate but I really feel my case is not really all that bad. Some knee swelling and joint pain in the lower legs are my main issues right now.
I hear ya,, my wife has done 6 months if bicilian injections intermuscluar,, and those very powerful antibiotics was consting us 800 to 1000 per month out of pocket, ,insurance doesnt cover any of this lime shit,, ( a whole nother discussion),, then she has done tinchers,, and now high dose pulsing of 2 oral antibiotics, and this is doing very little to help her,, we also started taking ozone treatments,, there is talk of superoxygenating the blood kills parasites?,,, well we are trying that too,, the whole set up cost around 1000 bucks,, she is sititng in the ozone sauna right now
i am sure hoping cannabis oil or edibles can help,,,
she tried the Buhner protocol,, he has a book all about tinchers and plants for healing lime,, the problem is finding quality tinchers,, the stuff I was getting from ebay or amazon, i really felt were watered down not good,,Which tinctures is your wife trying? I am doing Samento and Banderol. Both have been shown to kill the BB Spirochete in lab tests. The tinctures stopped my symptoms. Morgellon's symptoms manifest outward - causing skin sores, biting sensations, black specks popping out of the skin, and crawling sensations like there are 1000s of bugs on your skin. I've been on them for about 9 months and so far so good - no symptoms.
I hope your wife finds relief, if not a cure.